Dec 132017
CAT-MED is a database of common feline symptoms and ailments. It allows you to quickly determine what a particular symptom might mean, and also to see what symptoms may be associated with a given ailment.
File CATMED.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
CAT-MED is a database of common feline symptoms and ailments. It allows you to quickly determine what a particular symptom might mean, and also to see what symptoms may be associated with a given ailment.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADESC.NTX 5120 1264 deflated
ADVERT.DOC 1826 628 deflated
AILMENTS.DBF 2178 631 deflated
ANO.NTX 2048 495 deflated
CATMED.BIN 4000 156 deflated
CATMED.CGA 5470 2696 deflated
CATMED.DOC 10671 3064 deflated
CATMED.EXE 285877 121986 deflated
CONFIG.DBF 461 139 deflated
HELPTEXT.DBF 2310 362 deflated
HELPTEXT.DBT 7903 1987 deflated
HELPTEXT.NTX 2048 559 deflated
ORDER.DOC 2420 883 deflated
SDESC.NTX 4096 1606 deflated
SNO.NTX 2048 719 deflated
SUMMARY.DOC 602 358 deflated
SYMPTOMS.DBF 1254 472 deflated
UPDATE.DOC 80 68 deflated
XAO.NTX 7168 1857 deflated
XREF.DBF 2303 665 deflated
XSO.NTX 7168 1936 deflated

Download File CATMED.ZIP Here

Contents of the ADVERT.DOC file

Other programs available from the author:

XREF - a documentation tool for Dbase and Clipper databases
that allows you view and print database structures,
index expressions, and cross references between them.
You can add and edit descriptions for each database
field to provide more extensive documentation.

HDBCALC - a programmer's Hex/Decimal/Binary calculator.

You can order an Evaluation Disk with shareware versions of both these
programs for $3.50 (Overseas please add $3.00 shipping and handling).

To order an evaluation disk, simply complete the order form below,
and return it with your payment to:

Jim Lynch
P.O. Box 140192
Staten Island, NY 10314

*************************** PLEASE PRINT *****************************

CHECK ONE: [ ] 3.5 inch disk [ ] 5.25 inch disk






Where did you obtain CAT_MED v1.00 ? (Please check one)

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 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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