Dec 282017
Utility that will split large ZIP, LZH or any other large files into smaller files. Includes the Pascal source.
File SPLIT20.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
Utility that will split large ZIP, LZH or any other large files into smaller files. Includes the Pascal source.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
README.DOC 459 269 deflated
SPLIT.DOC 3289 1267 deflated
SPLIT.EXE 16064 10274 deflated
SPLIT.PAS 12567 3606 deflated

Download File SPLIT20.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

April 16, 1991

This ZIP contains an updated version of SPLIT.EXE. A few bugs have been
eliminated from version 1.5. Precision and accuracy have been improved, also
a new method of splitting is added for increased in speed.

SPLIT20.ZIP - SPLIT.EXE > executable file splitter
- SPLIT.DOC > documentation for SPLIT.EXE
- SPLIT.PAS > source in Pascal for SPLIT.EXE
- README.DOC > this file

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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