Dec 232017
TP5.0 Logitech mouse utility.
File TP5TDMNU.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Pascal Source Code
TP5.0 Logitech mouse utility.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MENUS.DOC 2603 1048 deflated
TD.DEF 376 227 deflated
TD.MNU 82 63 deflated
TURBO.DEF 3224 1172 deflated
TURBO.MNU 1599 808 deflated

Download File TP5TDMNU.ZIP Here

Contents of the MENUS.DOC file


menus.doc : Logitech mouse menus for the 3 button mouse.

These menus, td.mnu and turbo.mnu, are for Borland's Turbo Pascal version 5.0 and Debugger version 1.0. Invoke them according to the following rules.

td.mnu : Turbo Debugger Menu.
A simple mouse-oriented means of 1) moving the cursor and
2) calling the debugger's built-in menus.

Left Button: Invokes main menu. Use to highlight main menu
function. Also serves as an "F10" button.
Middle Button: Use to "pulldown" menu and select operation.
Also serves as a "return" button.
Right Button: Use to move from pane to pane. Also serves as
a "tab" button.
Any Chord: Cancels any operation. Also serves as an
"escape" button.

turbo.mnu: Turbo Pascal Menu
A combination of a simple mouse-oriented means of 1) moving
the cursor, 2) calling the integrated environment's built-in
menus and 3) calling a Logitech Mouse Menu to invoke all of
the editor's keystroke commands (eg: find text, mark text,
insert, delete...).

Left Button: Invokes main menu. Use to highlight main menu
function. Also serves as an "F10" button.
Middle Button: Use to "pulldown" menu and select operation.
Also serves as a "return" button.
Right Button: Use to invoke Logitech Mouse Menu.
Any Chord: Cancels any operation. Also serves as an
"escape" button.

Please note: because of the number of functions available
with the Mouse Menu, it is necessary for you to experiment
with it to determine it's functions. Hint: try all the
buttons under all conditions. You may be pleasantly

Please refer to the Logitech manual for customization of the files:
td.def and turbo.def.
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 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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