Dec 052017
Combines mouse movements with paint options to produce a graphics screen. Turbo Pascal code is then generated that will draw the screen.
File AUTOGR.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Pascal Source Code
Combines mouse movements with paint options to produce a graphics screen. Turbo Pascal code is then generated that will draw the screen.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AG.EXE 83232 34005 deflated
CGA.BGI 6253 4305 deflated
EGAVGA.BGI 5363 3878 deflated
HERC.BGI 6125 4292 deflated
LASEROFF.EXE 9456 6322 deflated
LASERON.EXE 11328 6576 deflated
LITT.CHR 2138 955 deflated
PENGUIN.PAS 2562 830 deflated
README.AG 13615 5024 deflated

Download File AUTOGR.ZIP Here

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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