Dec 302017
Bug fix for the EPSON drivers in OS/2 2.0.
File EPSON.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
Bug fix for the EPSON drivers in OS/2 2.0.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EPSON.CMD 36 32 deflated
EPSON.DOC 6177 1973 deflated
EPSON.DRV 62464 32283 deflated
EPSON.EA 4174 1318 deflated
EPSON.HLP 19402 10968 deflated
EPSONDAT.DLL 63488 23135 deflated
LICENSE 2238 954 deflated

Download File EPSON.ZIP Here

Contents of the EPSON.DOC file

OS/2 EPSON Printer Driver

HISTORY (date - version - description of changes )

08/20/92 - v13.346 - Initial posting of driver package.

a) APAR#: JR04677 and PJ03858
DESCRIPTION: Print jobs submitted in RAW format get an extra
Form Feed added at end of job or a Form Feed
added that is not desired.
RESOLUTION: Added "Form Feed Control" options to Printer
Properties for the Epson driver. This allows
for the user to select one of "None, Compulsory,
or Conditional".
b) APAR#: PJ04986
DESCRIPTION: Printer that have an automatic paper load feature
(e.g. Panosonic printers) print last few lines
on 2nd page when normally they would fit on 1 page.
RESOLUTION: The Epson driver now recognizes that this feature
is being used and will now allow the data to fit
onto 1 page avoiding a Form Feed.
c) APAR#: PJ03740
DESCRIPTION: With OfficeVision/2 Inbasket and other apps that
only print on the last few lines of a page,
Epson displays error message (PMV6011) and file
does not print.
RESOLUTION: Corrected Epson to cope with this problem.

03/30/92 - v13.342 - OS/2 2.0 GA version


Please see the 'LICENSE' text file included in this package
for licensing information.


1. Attaching Extended Attributes

The Extended Attribute file (.EA) for the driver must be attached
to the actual driver file (.DRV) so installation of the driver
will succeed. This is done by using the EAUTIL.EXE program that
is part of OS/2.

-> Use the command file provided to do this for you.
(examples: EPSON.CMD for the Epson printer driver EPSON.DRV
LASERJET.CMD for the Laserjet driver LASERJET.DRV
PSCRIPT.CMD for the PostScript driver PSCRIPT.DRV
SMGXPJET.CMD for the PaintJet driver SMGXPJET.DRV
IBM4019.CMD for the IBM 4019 driver IBM4019.DRV
IBM42XX.CMD for the IBM 42XX driver IBM42XX.DRV
IBM52XX.CMD for the IBM 52XX driver IBM45XX.DRV
IBM52012.CMD for the IBM 52012 driver IBM52012.DRV
PLOTTERS.CMD for the IBM Plotter driver PLOTTERS.DRV)

The command file must be run from the same directory where all
the driver files were unzipped to.

Once this is done successfully, you may proceed with normal
printer driver installation if you are not replacing an older
version of the same driver. If you are see step #2 below.

The installation of an OS/2 Printer Driver is documented in
OS/2 2.0's online Master Help Index under the topic 'installing'
and the subtopic 'OS/2 printer drivers'.

The installation of an OS/2 Printer Object is documented in
OS/2 2.0's online Master Help Index under the topic 'Creating'
and subtopic 'Printer Object'.

2. Replacing existing drivers

If you are replacing an existing driver with the same driver there
are a few things that need to be done before installation.

a) "Hold" every printer object (queue) that has the driver you are
replacing installed as the "Default printer Driver".

"Holding" a printer object (queue) is accomplished by:
i. Right mouse button on the printer object (queue),
a menu should appear.
ii. Left mouse button on the menu item "Change status",
a sub-menu should appear.
iii. Left mouse button on the sub-menu item "Hold"
A check mark should appear next to the "Hold" sub-menu item
on subsequent accesses of this sub-menu.

"Default printer driver" for a print object (queue) is found by:
i. Right mouse button on the printer object (queue),
a menu should appear.
ii. Left mouse button on the arrow to the left of menu item
"Open", a sub menu should appear.
iii. Left mouse button on the sub-menu item "Settings",
a notebook should appear.
iv. Left mouse button on the notebook tab labelled "Printer driver",
the notebook page should change.
v. You should see a window on this page labelled
"Default printer driver" where all printer drivers used
by this queue are shown.

b) Shut down all programs that use any printer object (queue)
for printing. Also, remember to remove any programs
that might automatically start upon booting from the
"startup" folder or startup.cmd file or other command files.
This will ensure these programs won't load the printer driver
you are trying to replace, causing installation of the new
version of the driver to fail.

d) Shut down your computer to save any changes.

c) Reboot your computer. Your system should come up fresh
with no jobs printing or programs running.

d) Directly following this reboot, install the new version
of the printer driver from the directory you unzipped it to.

The installation of an OS/2 Printer Driver is documented in
OS/2 2.0's online Master Help Index under the topic 'installing'
and the subtopic 'OS/2 printer drivers'.

The installation of an OS/2 Printer Object is documented in
OS/2 2.0's online Master Help Index under the topic 'Creating'
and subtopic 'Printer Object'.

 December 30, 2017  Add comments

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