Dec 062017
Menu is a memory resident menu program that is to be used in conjunction with any Novell network. Its major feature is the use of text files to drive the menu command options.
File NOVMENU.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Network Files
Menu is a memory resident menu program that is to be used in conjunction with any Novell network. Its major feature is the use of text files to drive the menu command options.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CMENUCOM.TXT 253 141 deflated
CRONTAB.DAT 570 146 deflated
MENU.COM 18607 10675 deflated
MENU.DOC 3181 1448 deflated
MENU.TXT 539 213 deflated
MENUCOM.TXT 253 141 deflated

Download File NOVMENU.ZIP Here

Contents of the CMENUCOM.TXT file

editor |
pcntl1 |
cd y:\bin\dbiii |dbase |
cd tag |cd w:alt:\rex |cd x:alt:\rex\source |cd y:\bin\df |editor |
help |
pchose |
cd alt:\acct\accdat |cd y:\bin\df |cd w:alt:\acct\accbin |df |
command |
mail |
tlk |
prent |
spcntl |
logout |

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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