Dec 202017
GNU Gawk version 2.13 enhanced Awk programming/text processing language, source code for many systems: Unix, Linux, Dos, OS/2, VMS, Tos, etc. Includes comprehensive test suite to validate build. Freeware from Free Software

Full Description of File

GNU Gawk, enhanced awk programming language.
Source code for Unix, VMS, DOS, OS/2, and
many other operating systems. Includes
comprehensive test suite to validate build.
Free Software Foundation, Vers. 2.13

File GK2132BS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
GNU Gawk version 2.13 enhanced Awk programming/text processing language, source code for many systems: Unix, Linux, Dos, OS/2, VMS, Tos, etc. Includes comprehensive test suite to validate build. Freeware from Free Software
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 211 168 deflated
GK2132BS.TAR 2058240 447988 deflated
MANIFEST.LST 54668 5932 deflated
README 487 287 deflated

Download File GK2132BS.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

GNU Gawk, enhanced awk programming language.
Source code for Unix, VMS, DOS, OS/2, and
many other operating systems. Includes
comprehensive test suite to validate build.
Free Software Foundation, Vers. 2.13The enclosed tar archive contains the source code for version 2.13
of GNU Gawk, an enhanced version of Awk for many computers and
operating systems. Extracting the archives requires a version of
tar for your computer. There is a version of GNU tar for DOS and
OS/2 circulating in the file GTAK100.ZIP, available on many BBS.
To extract the the files from this archive, obtain a working
copy of tar and enter this command at the command line:

tar xvf gk2132bs.tar

 December 20, 2017  Add comments

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