Dec 062017
Programmer's Journal Volume 9 Number 5 - Sep/Oct 1991.
File PJ95.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Programmer’s Journal Volume 9 Number 5 – Sep/Oct 1991.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALARM.BAS 3563 1364 deflated
ALARM.EXE 17770 13300 deflated
B_LAST.C 288 181 deflated
DRAWICON.ASM 10055 2052 deflated
DVAWARE.ASM 2245 843 deflated
DVAWARE.OBJ 228 222 deflated
EDIT.C 31431 7207 deflated
EDITOR.H 3259 1079 deflated
HUNDSECS.ASM 1659 628 deflated
HUNDSECS.OBJ 159 153 deflated
ICONDEMO.C 3807 1316 deflated
ICONDEMO.EXE 3293 2043 deflated
IODAT.INC 4553 1112 deflated
IODISP.C 1888 704 deflated
IODISP.EXE 7581 4865 deflated
IOEQU.INC 1544 560 deflated
IOINIT.ASM 19855 3713 deflated
IOISR.ASM 18884 3701 deflated
IOM.LNK 35 27 deflated
IOMAC.INC 1112 258 deflated
IOMON.EXE 16702 1609 deflated
IOMON.MAK 294 182 deflated
IOSTRUC.INC 3834 721 deflated
NUMERICS.ASM 947 334 deflated
OX.SYS 479 409 deflated
PJREADME.95 6204 2479 deflated
TESTDPMI.C 3605 1156 deflated
TESTDPMI.EXE 6645 4444 deflated
WALLOC.C 4101 1709 deflated
WALLOC.DEF 726 443 deflated
WALLOC.DLG 816 375 deflated
WALLOC.EXE 14064 7472 deflated
WALLOC.H 1504 753 deflated
WALLOC.ICO 766 240 deflated
WALLOC.MAK 771 364 deflated
WALLOC.RC 651 361 deflated
WALLOCMM.C 5883 1959 deflated
WALLOCNT.C 3638 1445 deflated
WINDOW.C 5202 1486 deflated
WINDOW.H 3384 1059 deflated
WINTEST.C 1537 575 deflated

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 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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