Dec 252017
Computer Language Magazine December 1988.
File CL-DEC88.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Computer Language Magazine December 1988.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
—DEC88.— 3 3 stored
ABOUT.DEC 1345 767 deflated
C-EXAMP.BAS 2180 913 deflated
LIST1.TXT 640 339 deflated
LIST2.TXT 256 165 deflated
LIST3.TXT 768 358 deflated
LIST4.TXT 384 232 deflated
M-EXAMP.BAS 2186 933 deflated
STRSRCH.APL 230 157 deflated
STRSRCH.C 2397 876 deflated
STRSRCH.OBJ 675 537 deflated
STRTEST.C 798 367 deflated
STRTEST.EXE 6400 3351 deflated
STRTEST.OBJ 557 465 deflated
ZELLER 16384 4921 deflated

Download File CL-DEC88.ZIP Here

Contents of the LIST1.TXT file

Pseudocode Listing 1

Set learning constant, b (0 < b < 1, usually b 0.5 or so)
For each training pattern
apply input pattern to adaline inputs and note expected output
compute weighted sum of input vector components
if weighted sum > 0
output = +1
output = 1
compare output to expected output for this pattern
if actual output expected output
compute error in output (E = expected actual)
adjust weights using Delta Rule until output changes
end if
do next pattern
end if

Listing 1: The adaline training algorithm.

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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