Dec 092017
Econd extended file system tools, these are the version 0.3c tools with improved fsck, mke2fs, systme tuning, and more. A "must" have for users of this file system.

Full Description of File

for Linux: New release of the second
extended file system support programs
version 3c, e2fsck etc. (Oct. 1993)

File EFSUTL3C.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Linux Files
Econd extended file system tools, these are the version 0.3c tools with improved fsck, mke2fs, systme tuning, and more. A “must” have for users of this file system.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EFSUTL3C.TAR 71680 66065 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 114 104 deflated
README 1153 622 deflated

Download File EFSUTL3C.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

for Linux: New release of the second
extended file system support programs
version 3c, e2fsck etc. (Oct. 1993)
From: [email protected] (Remy CARD)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Organization: None
Reply-To: [email protected] (Remy CARD)

Hi all,

The new release of the second extended file system support programs is
now available for anonymous ftp on in the directory
/pub/linux/BETA/ext2fs. It should appear soon on in the
same directory. I have also uploaded it to and it should
soon be moved to /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/ext2.

The files are :
- e2fsprogs-0.3c.tar.gz : source files,
- e2fsprogs-0.3c.lsm : LSM entry for the ext2 fs programs.

The changes from the last release (0.3b) are :
- mke2fs is now able to deal with partition of any size. This means
that the message "Unable to find a block for ..." should not appear
any more,
- there was a bug in e2fsck when removing a file, it has been fixed
by Chip Salzenberg,
- the printf formats used in the source files have been changed, by
Chip Salzenberg too, to make the gcc 2.5 pre-release happy.


Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: [email protected]

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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