Dec 092017
AutoChek v.2.0. Latest version of utility that will automate your disk maintenance activities. Easy to use and flexible.
File AC20.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category HD Utilities
AutoChek v.2.0. Latest version of utility that will automate your disk maintenance activities. Easy to use and flexible.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AUTOCHEK.DOC 8425 3272 deflated
AUTOCHEK.EXE 57410 37944 deflated
AUTOCHEK.REG 1285 411 deflated
CONFIGUR.EXE 73986 40608 deflated
SAMPLE.CFG 706 102 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File AC20.ZIP Here

Contents of the AUTOCHEK.DOC file

AutoChek v.2.0 06/02/93

Copyright (C) 1993 Michael L. Torok. All Rights Reserved.

Michael L. Torok
10101 Highway 9, #5
Ben Lomond, CA 95005 U.S.A.
408-336-8625 8AM-9PM PST

FIDO: Mike Torok 1:216/506
Internet: [email protected]
VirtualNET: Mike Torok #5 @1408017


AutoChek is easy to use. I wrote this utility because I found myself
running my virus scanning program all too infrequently. To take care
of this problem, I developed AutoChek to automatically run the scanning
program every seven days when I booted up. Since originally developed,
AutoChek has expanded its duties to now handle ALL of my routine disk
maintenance automatically!

Because I run my virus scanning program from a:\, AutoChek waits for you
to insert a disk into the floppy drive if either the "a" or "b" drive is
detected in the path. For other specified drives, AutoChek is completely
automated. Autochek does pause for 10 seconds before executing the next
program statement, which allows the user time to break out of the
sequence if desired. This pause also allows the user to print up to a
three line custom message along with the annoying credits that I just had
to include.

You can include AutoChek in your boot sequence, or you can incorporate it
into batch files running other applications. You may contact me by phone
during the hours listed above for help with any installation, or other,
questions. I do not assume that everyone out there is (or should be) a
DOS expert, because I certainly am not! So please, don't be shy. Give me
a call if you have any questions or problems setting up or running
AutoChek. If I am not home to receive your call, the answering machine is
always on, and I WILL return your call.

As I hate writing documentation almost as much as most people hate reading
it, I will make this file as SHORT as possible!


The following 5 files should have been included in your package:

AUTOCHEK.EXE The main program file.
SAMPLE.CFG A sample configuration file.
CONFIGUR.EXE A utility to create and edit the configuration file.
AUTOCHEK.REG Registration form for AutoChek v.2.0.


Here is a quick example of how to include AutoChek in your boot sequence.
First, you will need to find the file "autoexec.bat" in your root
directory (usually "c:\"). You may use a text editor such as MS-DOS
"" to edit "autoexec.bat". An example "autoexec.bat" file might
look like this:

echo off
prompt $p$g

To include AutoChek in your boot sequence, add the following lines:

cd c:\autochek

This assumes that you have AutoChek in a directory called "autochek" on
the "c:\" drive. You should have AutoChek load and run AFTER your system
has loaded crucial information and any device drivers, but BEFORE it
loads any menu. The reasons for this are simple, you don't want AutoChek
to allocate any memory blocks for its own use that something like DOS is
going to need, and if AutoChek is to run automatically it needs to be
loaded before your menuing system.


You can use this method if you want AutoChek to be run at times other
than during the boot sequence. This option would be preferable if you
never turned your computer off. Here is an example of a batch file
commands that would run AutoChek:

echo off
cd c:\autochek


The sample AutoChek configuration file "SAMPLE.CFG" is included for your
perusal using any text editor. Any "real" AutoChek configuration file
will have the name "AUTOCHEK.CFG". The configuration file contains all
the instructions, or "parameters", that AutoChek will use for each
program you want it to run in the "cheklist". The sample configuration
file includes parameters for two programs. The registered version of
AutoChek v.2.0 is capable of handling up to 10 sets of program

Each program has 6 lines of information in the following order:

Line 1 -- This line contains that last date AutoChek was run for each
program. If you are running AutoChek for the first time, this
line should contain the current date.

Line 2 -- This line contains the interval (in days) at which you want
AutoChek to run each program in the "cheklist". In the example,
I have set the AutoChek to run program1.exe every 7 days, and
program2.exe every 3 days.

Lines 3-5 -- These are the lines available to load a custom message. If
you choose not to include a message on any line, that line
should still have a set of quotation mark ("") to serve as
place holders.

Line 6 -- This line contains the complete path to the program you want
to run enclosed in a set of quotation marks. The called program
may have and extension of .COM, .EXE, or .BAT. If you do not
include the extension of the program being called, AutoChek will
look for a file with any of the above extensions in the order
listed. You may include any command line options the called
program will accept.

An example path and file name would be:

^file name and extension
^directory name
^drive name


During the operation of AUTOCHEK.EXE you are provided with the ability
to use the ESC key to exit before an AutoChek cycle is initiated. This
key WILL NOT function as designed if the NumLock, CapsLock, or ScrollLock
keys are on. The NumLock key seems to be particularly troublesome. For
this reason, AutoChek turns the NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock keys
off and you will not be able to use your numeric key pad ("10 key") and
simultaneously have access to the ESC function.

A called batch file may not include any SUB or GOTO statements, as this
confuses AutoChek. This is a limitation of running child processes under
Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5. In addition, AutoChek will not function in its
current form after the year 2099, as this version of QuickBASIC cannot
recognize dates after that time. I know, this is a weird thing to include,
but otherwise SOMEONE would complain they hadn't been warned!


This utility is provided to the user "as is". Any damages resulting from
the use of this program are entirely the responsibility of the user.
The author, Michael L. Torok, assumes no responsibility for any damages
or problems resulting from the use of AUTOCHEK.EXE, CONFIGUR.EXE, or any
of the associated files in this package.

Problems or suggestions may be directed by mail at any of the addresses
listed above, or by phone during the specified hours.

AutoChek v.2.0 and its associated programs are protected by copyright
with all rights reserved by Michael L. Torok. Neither AutoChek v.2.0,
nor any of its associated programs, may be altered in any fashion.

This copyright entitles you to use these programs on one computer, and
to make as many back up copies as you like. Site licenses are available
upon request. See AUTOCHEK.REG for more registration details.

This copyright requires you to provide proper credit to Michael L. Torok
in any applications you create which involve the use of AutoChek v.2.0
or any of its associated files.

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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