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Double Odds Craps ver 1.1 - Program Documentation

programmer : Mike Hooper
4709 Commond Dr., #230
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 750-3477

April 8, 1987

Look for future upgrades and a graphics version of DBL_ODDS.



DOUBLE ODDS is a craps simulation game for 1 to 4 players.
The "layout" is displayed using ascii extended graphics characters
so that it will run on both mono-chrome and color monitors.

The documentation is set up as follows. For those already
familiar with the game of craps, I present a summary of what can
and cannot be done in DOUBLE ODDS - I encourage all players to read
the summary. Anyone knowledgable about the game of craps should be
able to simply follow the menus. Afterwards, I will attempt to
describe the basics of casino craps.

Any improvements or suggestions will be welcome and can be
forwarded to the above address.

note: DOUBLE ODDS is a good simulation and will teach you the
basics - and more. However, there are rules of etiquette concerning
betting that don't apply in DOUBLE ODDS that will get you thrown out
of a casino if not adhered to in Las Vegas. Please note the
references at the end of this documentation for a complete treatment
of the game.

- The player whose name is highlighted bets. To bet simply select
the bet type using the arrow keys and press return select. You may
view current bets by selecting SHOW BETS at the menu. When you are
finished betting, select DONE and the next player will proceed.

- A player can bet for or against the dice but this decision is
made at the outset and is true for the entire session of play.

- Minimum bet is $2 and max bet is $500. On free odds bets up to

twice the amount of the line bet, 4 units total, is permissable -
up to 5 units total on the 6 or 8.

- Place bets require a $5 min. When betting "across", all numbers
except the point number are covered. DOUBLE ODDS will attempt to
distribute the bet (and will succeed if the proper amount is given)
to insure a proper payoff - see place bets below for details.

- Once a bet is placed it can be changed but not canceled. This is
done by selecting the bet again. The previous amount bet will be
returned and the new amount will be "put down".

- Bets are registered on the layout by displaying the player number.

- The Big 6 and big 8 are shown on the layout but are not available.
In Las Vegas the house holds a 9.09% edge on this bet and only a
fool would bet this instead of a place bet on the 6 and 8.

- Free odds bets are "off" on the come out for come numbers. They
are "on" for the don't come bettor.

- Place numbers are not working on the come out.

- Only the proposition bets shown are available. The "horn", "hop"
and the "2 or 12" are not available.

- If a player's earnings go above $32,500 or below $-500, he is
started over at $500.

- There is no "press" on bets.

Good Luck

Craps Basics

DOUBLE ODDS is a craps simulation game taylored after Las
Vegas style craps. Many if not most casinos there sponsor double
odds ( versus single odds ) craps games. Rules will vary from city
to city and from table to table but the basic game remains the same.
DOUBLE ODDS features most bets allowed on the table. All the bets
that should be made by an intelligent bettor are available as well
as many more that should never be made.

A player is said to be a "right" bettor if he is betting for
the dice. This type of bettor is most common and places his bets on
the PASS line or the COME line when appropriate. The opposite type
of player bets against the dice and concerns himself with bets on
the DON'T PASS and DON'T COME lines.

There are two states to the game. Either a point has been
established or one has not. If a point (ie., a 4,5,6,8,9 or 10 )
has not been established the next roll of the dice is said to be the
"come out" roll. Depending on which state is current, different
bets are allowed. A marker called the "puck" is used to denote
which state is active. This marker, which has two sides, either
rests inside the DON'T COME box or above the established point
number. If the next roll is the "Come Out", the puck will be in
the DON'T COME area and the side that reads "OFF" will be face
up. If a point has been established, the side of the puck that
reads "ON" is face up and the puck is resting above the point

* To make a Line Bet in DOUBLE ODDS simply select the bet on the
command line and enter the bet amount.

* All bets will be registered on the layout by displaying the
player number in the proper area.

* Once a bet is placed it can be changed but not canceled. This is
done by selecting the bet again. The previous amount bet will be
returned and the new amount will be "put down".

The Pass Line Bet

The most common bet is the pass line bet and is made only
prior to the "come out". The pass line bet is won two ways. If
the "come out" roll is a 7 or 11 the pass line is an instant
winner. If a point number is rolled, then the point number must be
repeated before a 7 is rolled by the shooter. The pass line loses
if a 2, 3 or 12 is rolled on the "come out". 2, 3 or 12 is called
craps and the shooter is said to "crap out" if he rolls craps on the
"come out". If a point number is rolled on the "come out", the puck
is moved above the correct number with the "ON" side up.

After a point has been established, the shooter must make his
point. This is done if he again rolls the point number before
rolling a seven. Any roll subsequent to the "come out" roll is
simply called a "come". The rolling of craps or an eleven after the
"come out" has no effect on the pass line bet. The pass line bet
is paid even money.

Don't Pass

Opposite of the pass line bet, this bet is made by "wrong"
bettors - Bettors that bet against the dice. If a 7 or 11 is rolled
on the "come out" this bet loses. If a 2 or 3 is rolled ( the 12 is
barred ) it is a winner. If a point number is rolled, the shooter
must roll a seven before making the point for this bet to win. It
also pays even money.

The Come Line Bet

After a point has been established, the players may bet the
COME and DON'T COME lines. These behave the same way as the pass
line bets with one small exception. Like the pass line bet, this
bet is a winner if the next roll is a 7 or 11. It is a loser if
the next roll is craps.

If the next number is a point number (called a come number)
then the line bet is moved from the come line to the come number
rolled - it is physically moved from the line and is positioned
below the number in the place bet area. If this come number is
repeated before the shooter rolls a seven it pays even money.

Example : After a point has been established the player puts a bet
on the come line. The next come is a 5. The bet is moved from the
come line to just below the place 5. The player may now put another
bet on the come line. The next come is again a 5. The come number
5 pays even money and the 5 is re-established as a come number
because the player had a bet on the come line.

* A seven, wether on the "come out" or on a "come" loses all
established come numbers. Free odds are off on the "come out" and
thus are returned - see below.

Don't Come

Opposite of the come bet, this bet is made by "wrong" bettors.
If a 7 or 11 is rolled on the next "come", the come line bet is a
loser. If a 2 or 3 is rolled it is a winner. If a point number is
rolled, a seven must be rolled before the shooter makes the come

If a seven is rolled, the "wrong" bettor wins any come numbers
established. If a come number is rolled, that number is a loser
for the don't come bettor. This bet pays even money.

Free Odds Bet

This bet is not advertised on the layout. A free odds bet is a
bet made in conjunction with the PASS, DON'T PASS, COME and DON'T
COME bets. After a point number is rolled for these bets a free
odds wager may be taken in addition to the line bet. This bet can
be up to twice the amount of the line bet and is paid off at true
odds. The line bet is still paid at even money.

True odds for making the 4 & 10 are 2 to 1, for making the 5 &
9 are 3 to 2 and for making the 6 & 8 are 6 to 5. The house holds
no edge on the free odds bet so the maximum should always be taken.
The maximum is twice the amount of the line bet. If a player is
playing 2 units on the line, he may take 4 units in a free odds
wager. On the 6 and 8 this maximum is raised (by most casinos) to 5
units total.

Example : A player places $2 ( $1 chips - unit is $1 ) on the
pass line. The "come out" is a six. At the next round of betting,
DOUBLE ODDS prompts each player for a free odds wager. Since true
odds of making the six is 6 to 5 and casinos don't make fractional
payoffs, they allow $5 in free odds. The next come is a 6. The
pass line bet wins. The player is paid $2 - even money - on his
line bet and is paid $6 on the odds bet for a total win of $8.

The free odds bet works the same for the other line bets with
the following exception. The free odds are "off" on the "come out"
for the come numbers. If a seven is rolled on the "come out", the
odds bet is returned and the line bet is a loser. If a come number
is rolled on the "come out" the come number is a winner but the odds
bet is again returned.

* the odds bets for DON'T COME bettor are always working.

Place Bets

Place bets can be made after the "come out". The place
numbers are the 4,5,6,8,9,10 - same as the point numbers. The
bettor does not have to wait for the number to repeat. If the next
roll is a 4 and the player has a place bet on the 4 he is paid as
shown below.

4 and 10 - 9 to 5
5 and 9 - 7 to 5
6 and 8 - 7 to 6

Bets on the 6 and 8 should be made in multiples of $6 to get
the proper payoff. There are no fractional payoffs either in
DOUBLE ODDS or in Las Vegas.

If a player wishes to cover all numbers, he should select "across"
at the menu. All place numbers except the point number is covered
( the pass line bet if he has one covers the point number). The
proper amount for an "across" bet depends on what the point number
is. If the point number is a 6 or 8 then the bet should be mult-
iples of $5 for covering the 4,5,9,10 plus a multiple of $6 for
covering the 6 or 8. Bets of $26, $52, $104 would be appropiate.
If the point number is neither the 6 or 8 then bets of: $27, $54
and $108 would be proper.

* DOUBLE ODDS will distribute the bet in multiples of $5 across the
4,5,9,10 and put any remaining amount on the 6 or 8. If an uneven
amount is desired on any number simply place bets on an individual

* Place numbers are not working on the come out. They are only
winners or losers after a point has been established.

Center Bets

All center (or proposition) bets are one-roll bets except for
the "Hardway" bets. When betting the "Any 7" bet, you are wagering
that the next roll is will be a seven. The payoffs (which vary
from casino to casino) are shown on the layout.

The "Hardway" bet is a wager that the number ( 4 or 6 or 8 or
10) will be rolled as doubles instead of "easy" and before a seven
is rolled. If a player plays the Hard 8, he is betting that an 8
will be rolled as 4-4 instead of 3-5, 5-3, 2-6 or 2-6 and that a
seven will not be rolled before the 8 shows.

* Only the proposition bets shown are available. The "horn", "hop"
and the "2 or 12" are not available.

* The center bet section looks quite different on an actual Vegas
layout, but the bets are the same.

House Edge

This is the difference in odds between what a casino pays a bet
and the odds of "making" a bet (based on Las Vegas rules).

BET EDGE ( % )

Pass line 1.41
Pass line w/max odds 0.60
Dont Pass line 1.40
Dont Pass line w/max odds 0.60
Come line 1.41
Come line w/max odds 0.60
Dont Come line 1.40
Dont Come line w/max odds 0.60
Place 4 & 10 6.67
Place 5 & 9 4.00
Place 6 & 8 1.52
Field 5.50
Any 7 11.1
Any craps 14.0
three or eleven 11.0
hard 4 & 10 11.0
hard 6 & 8 10.0



"A player's Guide to Casino Games", S. Silverstone, Grosset &
Dunlap, N.Y., N.Y, 1981. Library of Congress # 80-84947.

"Playboy's Guide to Casino Gambling", Edwin Silberstang, The
Playboy Press, N.Y., N.Y., 1980.

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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