Dec 282017
This is an interesting 'variation' on the game of "Life". You decide the makeup of a universe that consists of sharks and fish.
File WATOR.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
This is an interesting ‘variation’ on the game of “Life”. You decide the makeup of a universe that consists of sharks and fish.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
WATOR.DOC 382 232 deflated
WATORCOL.COM 15435 10073 deflated
WATORCOL.PAS 10857 2802 deflated
WATORMON.COM 15435 10073 deflated
WATORMON.PAS 10857 2800 deflated

Download File WATOR.ZIP Here

Contents of the WATOR.DOC file

Files on the disk are as follows:
WATORCOL.PAS:Fish & sharks engage in battle for survival. Source for color card.
WATORMON.PAS: Source code, Turbo Pascal, for monochrome card.
WATORCOL.COM: Object code for color card.
WATORMON.COM: Object code for mono card.
In the interest of speed, the program addresses screen memory
directly, so the appropriate version must be used.

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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