Jan 072018
Slimmer Diet Program with calorie counter & food tables. Tracks weight, calories, chol, fat, prot, carboh, sodium, potass & fiber. Graphs Mono thru VGA. UnZip, then use GO to install. Shareware.
File SLIM303.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Slimmer Diet Program with calorie counter & food tables. Tracks weight, calories, chol, fat, prot, carboh, sodium, potass & fiber. Graphs Mono thru VGA. UnZip, then use GO to install. Shareware.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
1.ZIP 112840 111414 deflated
2.ZIP 94685 94521 deflated
3.ZIP 83753 83661 deflated
4.ZIP 77148 77060 deflated
GO.EXE 50916 48059 deflated
README.TXT 3885 1616 deflated
REGISTR.TXT 852 435 deflated
RUNSLM.TXT 1491 671 deflated
SHAREWAR.TXT 863 438 deflated
WHATSNEW.TXT 1510 690 deflated

Download File SLIM303.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

* S L I M M E R R E V 3 . 0 3 *
* Copyright (c) 1988 - 1993 *
* by George D. Summers *

Release Date Oct 28, 1993

on 3-1/2" or 5-1/4" disks


Hard disk installation -

This GO installation routine will ask you to indicate which drive
holds this floppy disk, and which drive is the destination. It will
install SLIMMER to a default SLIM30 subdirectory unless you rename
it. The compressed files on the floppy disk will be expanded and
written into the SLIM30 subdirectory. If you have an existing SLIM30
subdirectory, the existing program files will be overwritten.

If you have a n$.SLM file (n$ = your name) from from a prior Rev 1 or
Rev 2 version of SLIMMER, copy it into the SLIM30 subdirectory.
SLIMMER Rev 3.03 will translate it for you. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER

NOTE - You will need in excess of 1.4 meg of free space on the hard
disk to install and run SLIMMER. Additional space will be required for
your data files as SLIMMER is run.

Running SLIMMER -

SLIMMER is started with the command S303. The program will first ask
for your name, then will ask you to verify the date. After that the
main menu will be shown. During your first session, select the first
item on the menu and fill in your personal data and goals. Next go to
the Utilities section and select your Graphics mode and Printer. If
you are a REGISTERED user, select calTab from the main menu. You need
not enter or change any data in CALTAB at this time. Simply
back to the main menu. 'Visiting' CALTAB in this way lets SLIMMER know
that you are a registered user and allows you to view the custom menu
in the Count Calories / view food tables section. Now you can enter
the Count Calories section and start entering your daily weight and
food items.

Monochrome Monitor -

If you have a monochrome monitor, start SLIMMER with the command:

S303 BW or S303 BW name

Example files -

You may view example data for "SLIM" by entering DEMO from the
DOS prompt. This starts SLIMMER without the opening screens using the
command S303 SLIM.


For those running MicroSoft Windows, a DIET.ICO and a SLIMMER.PIF
file is included. From within Windows' 3.1 Program Manager click on
FILE, then select NEW. Select PROGRAM ITEM and click OK. Type in
SLIMMER 303 on the first line. Select BROUSE. Find the SLIM30 sub-
directory and double-click on it. Find SLIMMER.PIF and double click
on it. Select CHANGE ICON, then click on OK. Select BROUSE. Find the
SLIM30 sub-directory again and double-click on it. Double-click on
DIET.ICO. Type in the working directory path for your SLIM30 sub-
directory (eg: C:\SLIM30 ). Click on OK. This places the SLIMMER
icon in the current program group. You can drag & drop the icon into
any program group, or create a new program group for SLIMMER.

NOTE: If you ever experience a lock-up while running under Windows
3.1, use to regain control, then press ENTER to
return to Windows.

To print the complete SLIMMER documentation, use the command


after installation is completed.

George D. Summers
2117 Coon Club Road
Westminster, MD 21157

 January 7, 2018  Add comments

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