Dec 052017
SEESAT is a public domain tracking program for visual observation of earth satellites that uses NORAD's SGP4 orbital model. Includes complete C source code.
File SEESAT2X.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
SEESAT is a public domain tracking program for visual observation of earth satellites that uses NORAD’s SGP4 orbital model. Includes complete C source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ASTRO.C 15639 5717 deflated
DRIVE1.C 5570 2313 deflated
DRIVE2.C 8656 3192 deflated
READ.ME 360 226 deflated
READEL.C 7904 3089 deflated
SEESAT.C 37 37 stored
SEESAT.DOC 13952 5715 deflated
SEESAT.EXE 43418 24862 deflated
SEESAT.H 14128 5191 deflated
SGP4.C 8430 3184 deflated

Download File SEESAT2X.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Here's my modified SEESAT source and the executable. You'll find the modulo 24
changes I spoke of at the front of dmstim(). The only other changes I made
were in the calls to include files (put them all in one universal include
file, just my style).

Hope you find this and PKZIP102 useful.
-Adams Douglas

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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