Dec 242017
Pop-up periodic table, very useful for chemistry students.
File PERIOD.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Pop-up periodic table, very useful for chemistry students.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PERIODIC.EXE 76956 40743 deflated
PERIODIC.SCR 122097 41354 deflated
PERIODIC.TXT 3750 1565 deflated

Download File PERIOD.ZIP Here

Contents of the PERIODIC.TXT file

|A |6Brainware |A ^1Periodic Table of the Elements^0 |A |6Brainware |A
^CDan Harrison

In the 19th Century Dmitri Mendeleev proposed that chemical elements be
grouped by their atomic weight. His subsequent "periodic table" revolutionized
current day knowledge of chemistry. Today, we know that the periodic nature of
the elements is more accurately organized when they are listed by atomic
number. This Periodic Law, the principle that the physical and chemical
properties of the elements recur periodically when they are arranged in
increasing order of their atomic numbers, is the basis upon which the ^1Periodic
^1Table of Elements^0 is built.

^1Selecting an Element^0

You can either type the chemical symbol, use the cursor keys, or use a mouse
to highlight a specific element. If you type the chemical symbol, you have
two seconds from the time you type the first letter to input the second (use a
space for the second character on single letter symbols.) Once you are
positioned on the correct element, press either the key or the left
mouse button to display detailed information about that element. To exit the
program from the main Periodic Table screen, press the key or the right
mouse button.

^1Selecting Element Detail Information^0

Once an element is selected, the display will change to the element detail
screen. This is a screen that contains information about the selected element.
Again, you can use the cursor keys or mouse to highlight a category to view and
press the key or left mouse button. Press the key or the center
mouse button (on a three button mouse) to display a help screen. Selecting any
key except , , or a cursor key will return to the main periodic
table screen (this means any key - including the , , or

^1Detailed Categories^0

Selecting a category from the element detail screen displays the detailed
categories screen. Pressing any key or mouse button returns to the element
detail screen. Details are available for the following categories:

Group Physical Structure

Atomic Number Chemical Reactions

Atomic Weight Discovery

Number of Protons Electronegativity

Number of Neutrons Oxidation States

Nuclear Reaction

^1Technical Notes^0

Both the PERIODIC.EXE and PERIODIC.SCR files must be in the same directory.
The program automatically compensates for the monitor type, only the opening
screen is different with different monitors (EGA monitors have a graphics
opening screen.) A Composite monitor may try to display some of the colors in
a manner which makes the text impossible to read. If this occurs, use the `M'
parameter. If the mouse causes problems (some older Tandy machines), use the
`N' parameter. To force an EGA monitor for a monitor not detected by
PERIODIC, start the program with the `E' paramater. Any combination of these
switches (in any case) can be used:

PERIODIC M N or PERIODIC nM (case is not important)

To run this program outside Big Blue Disk, type ^1Periodic^0.


** The primary sources of information for the opening paragraph are:

^C^1World Book Encyclopedia^0

^C^1Websters Unabridged Dictionary^0

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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