Dec 132017
Astro, version 2.02. Micro-planetarium program written to support a university course called "Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics". It has both text-menu and graphical interface, supports math coprocessor & mouse.
File ASTRO202.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Astro, version 2.02. Micro-planetarium program written to support a university course called “Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics”. It has both text-menu and graphical interface, supports math coprocessor & mouse.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ASTRO.DOC 79121 21991 deflated
ASTRO.EXE 118952 55001 deflated
README 1309 726 deflated
YALE.BIN 12624 8793 deflated

Download File ASTRO202.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

ASTRO Version 2.02 Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium

ASTRO is yet another planetarium program. It is written for MS-DOS and
supports CGA, ATT, EGA, VGA graphics in 2 or 16 colors. Star maps can
be saved as GIF files. IBM/Epson, HPCL and Postscript hardcopy files
are supported. ASTRO will compute the proper motions of the 526 stars
in the database YALE.BIN.

Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----
79121 Implode 25225 69% 07-21-92 11:14 2bef20b7 --w ASTRO.DOC
118952 Implode 60686 49% 07-21-92 11:34 4ae7a88a --w ASTRO.EXE
12624 Implode 9382 26% 07-09-92 14:06 013954c6 --w YALE.BIN
1309 Implode 890 33% 07-21-92 13:18 2bda1efe --w README
------ ------ --- -------
212006 96183 55% 4

Extract all files into a single directory. Type "ASTRO"

For simulations of star motions: YALE.BIN must be in the logged-in directory.
YALE.BIN is explicitly read from ASTRO menus. If the file is missing an error
message appears.

[email protected]

RELEASE DATE: 21 July 1992.

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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