Dec 172017
SNAP! version 5.0 makes documenting X-Base programs a snap. SNAP! is designed to produce technical documentation for an entire X-Base system.
File SNAP502.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
SNAP! version 5.0 makes documenting X-Base programs a snap. SNAP! is designed to produce technical documentation for an entire X-Base system.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARTFUL.KEY 4049 1443 deflated
BLINKER.KEY 3782 879 deflated
BREEZE.KEY 1127 361 deflated
CFTS102.KEY 4343 1086 deflated
CLIP501.KEY 2746 1124 deflated
CLIPPER.KEY 1427 570 deflated
CLIPPER5.KEY 1233 586 deflated
CLIPTOOL.KEY 5305 1591 deflated
CLIRMA.KEY 1999 578 deflated
CLPTOOL2.KEY 9054 2581 deflated
DB2WORDS.SNP 1039 482 deflated
DB3WORDS.SNP 6543 2685 deflated
DB4WORDS.SNP 4641 2026 deflated
DGE.KEY 4159 1074 deflated
ESCAPE.KEY 3915 953 deflated
FLEXFILE.KEY 4270 1050 deflated
FOXPRO.KEY 2253 1020 deflated
FUNCKY.KEY 8025 2289 deflated
GETIT.KEY 3756 950 deflated
GRUMP.KEY 3954 1139 deflated
NETLIB.KEY 5240 1343 deflated
NT250.KEY 6484 2054 deflated
PERSONAL.KEY 52 38 deflated
PROCLIP.KEY 6136 1665 deflated
QSILVER.KEY 3075 869 deflated
RETTIG.KEY 4258 1177 deflated
SMARTMEM.KEY 1151 364 deflated
SNAP.DOC 179622 45342 deflated
SNAP.EXE 85456 37528 deflated
SNAP.HLP 56578 20921 deflated
SNAP.MSG 29231 7806 deflated
SNAP.OVR 323119 121844 deflated
SNAPPRT.SNP 1900 388 deflated
STRALEY.KEY 6409 2179 deflated
SWASYNC.KEY 1565 518 deflated
SYNC.COM 1536 1010 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 1954 894 deflated

Download File SNAP502.ZIP Here

Contents of the SNAP.DOC file

Version 5.0
Documentation and Development System
for FoxPro, dBASE, Clipper,
and Other X-Base Systems

Written by Walter J. Kennamer 74025,514

Association of
o Professionals



Copyright (c) 1991 Walter J. Kennamer. All Rights Reserved.

You are free to use, copy and distribute SNAP! providing that:




This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose.

dBASE II, dBASE III, dBASE IV are trademarks of Ashton-Tate. Clipper is a
trademark of Nantucket Software. FoxBASE, FoxBASE+ and FoxPro are
trademarks of Fox Holdings, Inc. UNIX is a trademark of AT&T. Other
trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.

Table of Contents

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
X-Base Dialects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Registration Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Basic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
A Tour of the SNAP! Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Author and Copyright Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Saving and Restoring Default Choices . . . . . . . . . . 9
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Status Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Searching the Program Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
dBASE Version? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ignoring Drive Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Printing SNAP! Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Using a Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

SNAP! Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Indirect References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
SNAPCODE--Fake Program Statements . . . . . . . . . . 16
Multiple Program and Data Directories . . . . . . . . 17
Program Narratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Other SNAP! Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Source Code Formatting Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
File Headings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Indentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Key Word Expansion and Compression . . . . . . . . . . 22
Suppressing Blank Lines and Comments . . . . . . . . . 22
Key Words File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Reports and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Controlling the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tree Structure Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
File List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Database Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Index File Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Format File Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Report Form Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Label Form Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Procedure File Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Other Summary Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Variable Cross-Reference Report . . . . . . . . . . . 32
LNK and MAKE files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Batch Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Action Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Source Code Printout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Printing Without Documenting (Reprinting) . . . . . . 42

Using SNAP! in a Batch Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Random Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Program Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Legal Coding that is Prohibited by SNAP! . . . . . . . 45
Hyphens in Filenames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Multiple Procedure Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Suppressing Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Change History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Administrative Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Version Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Updates and New Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
How to Get Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Association of Shareware Professionals . . . . . . . . 52

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Appendix A -- Sample Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78



(A short note to the faithful: those of you who have used SNAP! before may
wish to turn directly to the Change History where new features in version
5.0 are summarized.)

SNAP! makes documenting X-Base programs a snap. SNAP! is designed to
produce technical documentation for an entire X-Base system. Its reports

Formatted source code listings
System summary showing lines of code, file statistics, etc.
Variable cross-reference report
Tree structure of the system. The tree optionally can also show
databases, index files, etc. used by each program.
List of all files in the system, plus a source reprint file
Database summary
Index file summary (including multiple index files)
Format file summary
Label form summary
Report form summary
Procedure/function file summary
BIN file summary
Memory file summary
Other files summary
Action diagrams
Batch files to back up programs, databases, etc.
Batch file to move SNAP! output files back to the source subdirectory
For FoxPro 2.0 applications:
Screen file summary
Menu file summary
For Clipper applications:
Link files (PLINK86, TLINK, MS-LINK)
Make files

In addition, on each program file, SNAP! can write a heading showing:

Program name
System name
Author and copyright notice
Which programs, procedures and functions call this program
Which programs, procedures and functions this program calls
Databases used
Index files used
Formats used
Report forms used
BIN files called or loaded
Memory files used


Other files used (text files, misc. files, and the like)
Date and time last modified

If you wish, all source code headings can also be echoed to a separate
file. Additionally, SNAP! can indent your source code and capitalize key
words to make your code easier to read, understand and maintain.

Unlike many other X-Base documentation systems, SNAP! documentation is
system-wide. In other words, not only can it tell you where variable X was
used in a particular program, it can cross-reference all occurrences of
variable X anywhere in the program system you are documenting. You merely
enter the "top" program file name, and SNAP! does the rest. Of course, you
may also document a single program if you wish.

X-Base Dialects

SNAP! fully supports the following dialects of the X-Base language:
dBASE IV 1.0

FoxBASE+ 2.1
FoxPro 1.0
FoxPro 2.0

Clipper (releases through Summer '87)

SNAP! provides limited support for Clipper 5.01. Unfortunately, Clipper
has diverged too much from other X-Base dialects to make full support
practical. My goal was to make SNAP! work as well as possible with Clipper
5.0 applications, and at least not break anything. The following are
STATIC functions (e.g., STATIC FUNCTION foo).
In-line function declarations (e.g., FUNCTION foo(params...) ).
Clipper 5.0 key words.
// comment marks.
/* */ comments, so long as they are at the beginning of a line, or
both the comment begin (/*) and comment end (*/) are on the same
#include and #define directives (basically, #define is treated like a
SNAP! macro substitution. Mixed case is recognized and

There are some Clipper 5.x features that are not supported. These are
mainly areas where Clipper departs from the X-Base standard in some way
that was impossible to deal with in SNAP!. Among the unsupported features
1) Code blocks.


2) Preprocessor directives other than #include and #define. These
are ignored.
3) Multiple commands per line, which can confuse SNAP! if the first
one is a control structure. For example, something like the
following will trigger control structure errors:
DO CASE;CASE foo=bar;? "Hello";CASE baz=plugh;? "Goodbye";ENDCASE
SNAP! sees the first "DO CASE" and cannot find a terminating
"ENDCASE." The action diagrams will also be messed up.
4) There are almost certainly others as well.

In addition, SNAP! generally handles Force, dbXL, Quicksilver and VP-INFO
programs pretty well. However, I do not guarantee that it fully supports
all features of these products.

Registration Fee

There isn't one. SNAP! can be copied and distributed freely, as long as it
is unchanged and you include this document file unmodified. I encourage
you to give copies to your friends and co-workers, to upload them to
bulletin boards, and to leave them in bus stations.


Getting Started

First, make a backup copy of your program files. I have tried to test
SNAP! on a variety of hardware and software combinations, and there
shouldn't be any danger, but I would feel awful if anyone lost program
files due to some curious combination of resident programs, unusual
equipment and sunspot activity, not to mention (gasp!) "features." SNAP!
has been around for several years now and nobody has reported that SNAP!
has ever corrupted source code, but I would hate for you to be the first.

Basic Operation

SNAP! is very easy to use. If you accept the program's default options,
you only have to enter the following information on the TopFile screen:

"Top" file name
System name
Author and copyright information
Paths for program, data, output and SNAP! files

If you are happy with the defaults, just enter the information on the first
screen (the System screen), press F10 to see the main menu, then press 'B'
to begin documenting your system.

The term "Top File" (spelled and punctuated in a variety of ways) is used
throughout this documentation to mean the first file in a system--the one
first invoked.

You can press F10 to see the main menu. Its choices largely correspond to
various option screens. For example, you set report options on the Reports
Screen and there is a "Reports" choice on the main menu.

If you don't want to use the menu, you can save a keystroke or two by using
the Alt key in combination with the menu choice you want. For example,
without pressing F10 to pop up the menu, you can press Alt-R to see the
Reports Screen, Alt-B to Begin Documenting, Alt-Q to quit and so forth.
Also, the Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn keys take you to the preceding and
succeeding screens respectively.

The line at the bottom of the screen tells you which function keys are
active. You can access these functions by pressing the function key or by
pointing at the description on the bottom of the screen with a mouse. At
any point, you can press the F1 key to receive context-sensitive help.
Help is available for each field.

The SNAP! system is composed of the following files:
SNAP.EXE -- main program file
SNAP.HLP -- help file
SNAP.DOC -- this documentation file
DB2WORDS.SNP -- key word file for dBASE II/FoxBASE


DB3WORDS.SNP -- key word file for
dBASE III/Clipper/FoxBASE+
DB4WORDS.SNP -- key word file for dBASE IV/FoxPro
SNAPPRT.SNP -- printer definitions
filename.KEY -- key word files for third-party libraries

All of these files must be in the same subdirectory, which may be different
than the subdirectory in which your dBASE source code files are stored.

A Tour of the SNAP! Screens

SNAP! has seven main screens on which you can select various combinations
of options:
System: Contains system-level information (system name, author, top
file name, etc.).
Report: Determines which documentation reports will be generated.
Format: Determines source code formatting and action diagram options
in effect.
Xref: Determines what kinds of words will be in the cross-
Headings: Determines what goes in a program heading.
Tree: Determines what kinds of files will be shown on the tree
Print: Determines source code printing parameters.
Other: Other options.

The next sections highlight a few of the fields that may have hidden

Author and Copyright Holder

Enter the author and copyright holder in these fields. This information is
used only in the program headings, and may be omitted if you choose not to
write program headings (you make that choice on the Format screen). If you
enter either author or holder, but not both, SNAP! assumes that they are
the same. The copyright date field is large enough to hold dates like


The TopFile menu screen has four fields for path information--the path to
the source code, data, output and SNAP! files. Your response should be a
valid MS-DOS path, with or without drive designation. It doesn't matter if
you omit the final backslash (e.g., C:\SNAP is valid, as is C:\SNAP\ or

If the TopFile you specify cannot be found, or if the SNAP! files are not
where you say they are, SNAP! complains and will not let you begin


documentation. If the output directory does not exist, SNAP! will create
it. If this is a FoxPro 2.0 system, TopFile can be a project.

If your input and output paths are different, SNAP! will not modify your
original source code files in any way. Only the output files will contain
capitalized key words, indents, headings and so on.

On the other hand, if the source code and output paths are the same, SNAP!
adds .BAK extensions to your original input files and creates modified
output files with the original names. For example, if one of your input
programs was named EDIT.PRG, after running SNAP! it will be called EDIT.BAK
and a new, modified EDIT.PRG will be in the directory. This scheme works
fine as long as all your input files have unique names (not counting the
extension). Otherwise, all but the last non-unique input file will be lost
(though the modified output files will still be there). The best idea is
never to direct output to the input directory if the first eight characters
of all of your program files are not unique.

See the section below on "Multiple Directories" for information about how
to define more than one data and program directory to SNAP!. Note that
SNAP! pays no attention to "SET PATH TO" statements. SNAP! also cannot
handle macro substitutions for drives or paths.

SNAP! never modifies database, index, report form, label form, memory files
or binary files.

When SNAP! decides you are about to do something particularly dangerous, it
may require you to direct output files to a different directory than the
input files are in. Some "dangerous" options include expanding or
compressing key words and eliminating comments from source code.

Saving and Restoring Default Choices

As you use SNAP!, you may wish to modify the default values for certain
fields. For example, you may want to set the SNAP! path to \SNAP, or the
author and copyright holder to your name. Press F5 to save the current
values of each field. SNAP! will prompt you for a filename to use for the
configuration file.

When you start SNAP!, you can specify the file to use for default values by
using the /F switch on the command line. For example, the command:
SNAP /fc:\foo\bar.baz (note: no space between '/f' and the filename).
tells SNAP! to look for a configuration file named 'bar.baz' in the '\foo'
subdirectory on drive c:. If it cannot find it, SNAP! will start with
default values. When you save the configuration, SNAP! uses the name you
specified. If you do not specify a file, SNAP! looks for one called
CONFIG.SNP in the current directory. If the file you specify does not have
an extension, SNAP! assumes the extension is '.SNP'. So the order for
establishing defaults is:
1. A configuration file you specify on the command line
2. CONFIG.SNP in the current subdirectory


3. SNAP! factory default values

I ordinarily save a separate configuration file for each system I use in
the same subdirectory with the system. This is a big help for running
SNAP! in batch mode (see below) and for keeping subdirectories, filenames,
etc. straight.

You can also press F6 to retrieve saved specifications. Invoking SNAP!
with the /F command-line parameter is equivalent to entering the program,
pressing F6 at the System screen and entering a filename.


In general, SNAP! is pretty good about recognizing valid X-Base
abbreviations. For example, it will properly detect that
initiates a DO loop. Version 3.00 also removed the earlier restriction on
abbreviating INDEX ('SET INDE TO foo' is fine now).

Also, if you use X-Base key words as variable names, SNAP! can sometimes
become confused. For example, if you use 'PROC' as a variable name within
a procedure file and put the statement 'PROC = FOO' within the file, SNAP!
will see the 'PROC' and think that it is initiating a new procedure.
Common sense will ordinarily avoid this problem. As always, it is a good
idea not to use key words in a way other than that intended by the
language, especially if you plan to compile the code; compilers tend to be
more picky about this restriction than interpreters.

Status Reports

As SNAP! documents your programs, it updates a status screen that tells you
how much progress it has made. The screen shows the file that SNAP! is
currently documenting and the number of lines in the file. SNAP! makes two
passes through each file--one to determine which files use or call which
other files, and one for cross-referencing variables, formatting source
code and preparing action diagrams.

In addition, if you choose any option that modifies source code (headings,
indentation, key word capitalization, compression or expansion, etc.), or
if you choose to display the cross-reference report, SNAP! will display a
more elaborate screen indicating how many programs (actually, programs,
procedures, functions, etc.), databases, indexes, format files, report
forms and variables it has found, along with the total number of program
lines documented so far, and the amount of free memory available. This
screen also shows the elapsed time since you began documentation.

Note: some people have reported that the elapsed time is occasionally
negative. This is normal. It means that your computer is actually running
faster than light. It is nothing to be concerned about unless you have an
8087 chip, which sometimes overheats when moving backwards in time.


If SNAP! identifies any errors during its run, it will print a brief error
message in a separate window in the upper right corner of the screen. All
error messages are also echoed to the ERROR.DOC file.

Searching the Program Tree

SNAP! assumes that you want to document not only the TopFile, but all
programs it calls, all programs called by programs that Top calls, and so
on. In fact, SNAP! will search the program tree for all programs,
databases, index files, report forms, format files, label forms, memory
files, etc. as it prepares system documentation. You never need to specify
more than the top program file name.

If you choose not to search the tree (you can make this choice on the Other
Options Screen), only the specific file you enter will be documented.
Thus, you can limit documentation to a particular file or a branch of the
program tree by varying either the file you input as Top or the search tree

Note that SNAP! does not track "SET DEFAULT TO x" statements, but always
expects to see files with no drive designations on the default drive and in
the source file subdirectory.

dBASE Version?

On the Other Options screen, SNAP! asks which version of X-Base you are
using. You should answer "4" if this is a dBASE IV or FoxPro system, or
"3" if this is dBASE III or a dBASE III "compatible" -- specifically
Clipper, FoxBASE+, or QuickSilver. Answer "2" for dBASE II or FoxBASE
(original, dBASE II variety).

SNAP! needs this information since different versions of X-Base use
different internal format for database and index files, as well as
different key words. SNAP! reads Clipper index files, and handles Clipper
source code and databases without difficulty. If a specified dBASE III
index file is not found, SNAP! automatically searches for the corresponding
Clipper index file (with an NTX extension). SNAP! will also automatically
detect FoxBASE and FoxPro index files (IDX or CDX extensions) and document
them properly.

Further, if you say that your system is a dBASE IV-type system, SNAP!
assumes that report form files are in dBASE IV or FoxPro format. If they
are not, the system can hang when SNAP! bravely tries to read data that
isn't there.

Ignoring Drive Designations

Sometimes you may want SNAP! to disregard explicit drive and path
designations when searching for data files. A choice on the Other Options


screen instructs SNAP! to drop any drive or path designations before
attempting to find a file. As an example, you may have written a backup
routine to copy a database to B:BACKUP.DBF. If you would like SNAP! not to
try to find that file on the B: drive, choose the option to ignore drive
designations. This option has no effect on SNAP!'s search for program

Printing SNAP! Documentation

SNAP! often produces a lot of documentation--perhaps more than you will
care to print. It is not uncommon for SNAP! to produce several hundred
pages of documentation for a X-Base system of modest size. It could take
days to print it all out on anything but a laser printer.

You can print SNAP! documentation directly from SNAP!, with full control
over page margins, printer codes and so forth. Set up your printer options
on the print options screen. Hint: Press F2 while you are there and see if
a set of default options for your printer already exists.

By default, SNAP! sends its printed output to LPT1:. This is usually where
your printer is, but if it isn't, or if you would like to send the printed
output to a file, use the -P command line switch, like this:
SNAP -p\foo\bar\output.txt
If you use the optional "NET" keyword:
you can tell SNAP! that your printer port (LPT2 in this example) is talking
to a network printer and that SNAP! should be a little more forgiving about
timeout warnings.

Having said all that, I practically never print the documentation, but
review it on the screen instead. However, if you decide to print the SNAP!
documentation files, you have several options. First, you can simply copy
them to the printer like this:

A second option is to add the documentation files to the REPRINT.DOC file
(you have to add them with an editor--SNAP! doesn't do it automatically)
and use the "immediate print" capabilities of SNAP! (Press "F9--Print Now"
from the Print Options Screen) to print them.

Alternatively, you can use a program such as the LP program in Norton
Utilities to print the files. LP (it may be called LINEPRNT on your
system) prints the files with nice headings and page numbers.

If you have a laser printer, I recommend that you take a look at a
Shareware program from Korenthal Associates called 4PRINT. It prints four
pages of text on each physical piece of paper and can greatly reduce the
volume of printed SNAP! documentation.


I have gotten permission from Korenthal Associates to distribute 4PRINT on
the SNAP! distribution disk. If you have an HP laser printer, I encourage
you to try 4PRINT. If you use it and like it, please register it directly
to Korenthal Associates at 230 West 13th Street, New York, New York 10011.
Telephone: (212) 242-1790. It is also available on many bulletin board
systems. The registration fee for the full package with printed
documentation is about $40. Highly recommended. When you register, please
jot a note on the form or tell them on the phone that you heard about it
through SNAP!.

You can also run SNAP!, create documentation and formatted source code
files, then later restart SNAP! and print the source code. Whenever you
choose to create a list of files used in the system (FILELIST.DOC), SNAP!
also creates the REPRINT.DOC file that can be used to reprint all SNAP!
source code and action diagram files. Using the "F9--Print Now" function
on the print options screen, you can tell SNAP! to print everything listed
in REPRINT.DOC. Should you decide to print any files in addition to source
code and action diagrams, you can add their names to REPRINT.DOC.

In addition to REPRINT.DOC, which holds the names of source code files,
SNAP! creates DOCLIST.DOC, which holds the names of documentation files.
Should you wish to, you can use the "F9--Print Now" option to print SNAP!
documentation files. Even so, I recommend 4PRINT instead (see above).

Using a Mouse

SNAP! is mouse friendly. You can use the mouse to position the cursor in
data entry fields, select function keys and navigate the help system. To
select one of the function keys with the mouse, point at the function key
definition on the bottom of the screen.

In general, pressing the left button is like pressing the enter key and
pressing the right button is like pressing escape. For example, pressing
the right button from a data entry screen calls the main menu, just as if
you had pressed escape.

There are a couple of wrinkles to using the mouse inside the help system.
Press the right mouse button to exit help. If there is more than one
screen of help, you can click on the arrow on the right side to scroll the
page. While help is active, you cannot move the mouse pointer outside the
help window.


SNAP! Commands

SNAP! supports several commands that you can insert in your source code
files. These commands will look like comments to X-Base systems, but will
have a special meaning for SNAP!. The commands allow you to define macros,
insert imaginary program statements into your system, turn SNAP! features
on and off for particular parts of your system, and so forth.


SNAP! has a limited ability to do macro substitutions. To define a macro,
place the following line in your source code:

*# SNAPMACRO source target1 target2 . . .

Alternatively, or in conjunction with this method, you can also define
macro substitutions in a separate file. Specify the /mfilename switch on
the command line to tell SNAP! which file the substitution strings are in.
For example, the following command will start SNAP! and read macro
definitions from the file FOO.MAC:


If you do not specify a filename with the /m switch, SNAP! will try to find
MACRO.SNP. You must use the full "*# SNAPMACRO" command verb on each line
of the file. Macro substitutions defined in source code files take
precedence over those defined in a separate macro file.

The /O switch on the SNAP! command line disables all macro processing, both
from SNAPMACRO statements in source code and in a named macro file.

Note that the SNAPMACRO statement begins with an asterisk and a pound sign.
SNAP! uses this sequence of characters to designate a SNAP! command (see
the /T command line switch for information on how to change these
characters). 'Source' must be a single word, delimited by spaces or tabs.
"Target" means the rest of the line. Everything on the line--both source
and target--will be converted to upper case.

Note that the source string does not include the ampersand (&) symbol for
the macro (e.g., use SOURCE instead of &SOURCE). The rest of the line
(minus leading and trailing blanks) will be used as a substitution string.
The target can be a single word or several words.

You cannot use && comments on a SNAPMACRO line since SNAP! will think they
are part of the target. If you want to document the purpose of the
SNAPMACRO statement, put a comment on the line above it.

The SNAPMACRO statement can appear anywhere, as long as SNAP! sees it
before encountering the macro that you want to replace. If the target will
have the same value throughout the system (e.g., FOO will always be
replaced by BAR), it is a good idea to put all of the macros in one place,
perhaps at the top of the TopFile or in a separate macro file.


If you would like SNAP! to use different macro values during documentation,
you may want to place the SNAPMACRO statement immediately before the
specific location of each macro substitution. If you have multiple
definitions for a single macro, only the last one SNAP! sees will be
effective. For example, if the following series of statements are in your

*# SNAPMACRO s_ddndx target1
*# SNAPMACRO s_ddndx target2
*# SNAPMACRO s_ddndx target3

only 'target3' will be effective and will be substituted for each
occurrence of &s_ddndx. See also the discussion of SNAPCODE statements
below for an alternative approach.

SNAP! will try to remove macros that look like drive or path designations.
For example, if the following statement is in one of your programs:


SNAP! will detect the macro and remove it before trying to find
DATABASE.DBF. One consequence of this limit is that you cannot use macros
to refer to program files in different directories. All source code program
files (programs, format files, memory files, etc.) must reside in the
single program directory you specify in the System screen. Databases and
indexes can be in either the program or data directories you specify.

SNAP! will not substitute the macro in the code itself, but will use the
substitution value everywhere else. For example, assume your program uses
a database whose name is contained in a macro variable named 'dataname'.
Assume further that you have included the following line in your code:


If your code has this line in it:

USE &dataname

the source code will be unchanged after running SNAP!, but the program
headings and all other SNAP! reports will show this program using the
ABC.DBF database.

See also the section below "Fake Program Statements--SNAPCODE" for other
ideas on how to document macros.

Indirect References

In many circumstances, FoxPro and Clipper allow you to specify filenames
and other strings as indirect references. For example, the following code
is valid in Clipper Summer 87:
foo = 'FILENAME'


bar = '.TXT'
SET PRINTER TO (foo+bar)
This is equivalent to the statement:
SET PRINTER TO filename.txt

SNAP! partially supports indirect references. When SNAP! sees one, it
tries to apply macro substitution to the indirect reference. Therefore,
the following code will document properly:
*# SNAPMACRO foo dbfname
USE (foo)
SNAP! will pick up the reference to the "dbfname" database. However, more
complicated indirect references will usually not be picked up correctly.
For example, SNAP! will not be able to figure out what is going on in the
following code:
dirname = 'CLIPPER'
USE ('C:\'+ALLTRIM(dirname)+'\filename')
When SNAP! encounters such an indirect reference, it does not include it in
the documentation. This limitation only applies to FoxPro and Clipper
systems, and only when you use indirect references. You can use SNAPCODE
(see below) to force this database to be documented.

SNAPCODE--Fake Program Statements

Sometimes you may want to enter fake program source code statements --
statements that SNAP! treats as real but which do not actually interfere
with your program when it executes. A good example is a macro that calls
one of a number of programs, depending on the value it has at run time
(e.g., DO &program). The macro substitution discussed in the section above
provides a way for you to specify one value for 'program'. But suppose you
wanted SNAP! to assume that 'program' had several values and to document
each one in turn? The *# SNAPCODE directive provides a way.

The *# SNAPCODE directive causes SNAP! to treat any text on the line as if
it were a program source code statement. In the example above, you could
enter the following lines where the macro was called:

DO &program <---- in original program *# SNAPCODE
DO foo
*# SNAPCODE DO brlfq

SNAP! acts as if these were perfectly straightforward calls to 'foo', 'bar'
and 'brlfq', and documents them accordingly. dBASE and related systems
ignore the statements.

Note that SNAP! does not know that these SNAPCODE statements have anything
to do with the DO statement above. SNAP! does not associate 'foo' with
'program'. The next time SNAP! sees 'DO &program' it will not assume that
'program' has the value 'foo'. If you want SNAP! to associate values with
macros, use the SNAPMACRO directive.


As a side benefit, SNAPCODE statements help document your code by
specifying the permissible values that particular macros can take.

Multiple Program and Data Directories

SNAP! prompts you for a program and a data directory on the system screen,
but you can define additional directories with special directives, as
*# SNAP PRGPATH \foo\bar1
*# SNAP PRGPATH \foo\bar2
... and so forth
*# SNAP DATAPATH \foo\bar3

When SNAP! looks for a file, it first searches the current directory, then
all the program directories (for a program-type file) or the data
directories (for a data-type file).

Program-type files include: programs, procedure files, format files, report
forms, label forms, FoxPro 2.0 files (queries, screens and menu files),
memory files and binary files.

Data-type files include databases, indexes, and multiple indexes.

Program Narratives

An important part of a well-documented system is a narrative explanation of
the purpose of each program module. Unfortunately, SNAP! can't figure this
out on its on. However, it does allow you to describe your programs, and
it provides a way for your descriptions to be echoed to the HEADINGS.DOC
file. Any comments that start with "*)" will be interpreted as program
narratives and will be sent to HEADINGS.DOC. Naturally, these comments
will also be left alone in the source code. Normally you will want to put
these narratives immediately below the SNAP! headings, but SNAP! will
recognize them wherever they are.

Other SNAP! Directives

Other SNAP! commands, or directives, allow you to turn cross- referencing
and program formatting on or off for particular programs. For example, you
may have "boilerplate" code that you have thoroughly debugged and formatted
which you insert into many other systems. It would be unnecessarily
time-consuming to reformat this code every time you ran SNAP!. SNAP!
provides other commands to temporarily suspend cross-referencing and
formatting-- XREF, FORMAT, INDENT, CAPITAL, and EXPAND. Each of these
commands accepts three settings--ON, OFF and SUSPEND. The ON and OFF
commands are effective until SNAP! sees another directive, while SUSPEND is
in effect only until the end of the current program or procedure. For
example, if you insert this line in your code:


no tokens will be cross-referenced until this line is encountered:
On the other hand,
suspends cross-referencing only for the current file. It starts up again
when the next program or procedure is documented.

I suspend cross-referencing for commonly-used subroutines in my code. For
example, since Clipper does not have a BROWSE command, I often include a
public-domain BROWSE program in my systems. This is a standalone module
that really has nothing to do with the rest of my system, and I don't want
its variables cluttering up my cross-reference report. So, I say:
at the top of the file and SNAP! leaves it alone.

SNAP FORMAT works in the same way. If format is off, no indenting or
capitalization will be done. When SNAP! sees a SNAP FORMAT statement, it
affects the internal codes that determine whether indenting, capitalization
and key word expansion (or contraction) take place. The three commands
(INDENT, CAPITAL and EXPAND) turn specific features on or off. Thus, the
following sequence suspends indenting and capitalization, but enables key
word expansion:
Thus, FORMAT is a shorthand way of referring to CAPITAL, INDENT and EXPAND
all at once.

If *# is an inconvenient sequence for you (e.g, it may cause confusion with
the British pound sign), you can change it with the /T switch on the
command line. For example, if you invoke SNAP! with the switch "/T*$",
SNAP! will use *$ to designate SNAPMACRO, SNAPCODE and other SNAP!
directives. You must start this sequence with an asterisk (so that dBASE
knows it is a comment) and it cannot be more than three characters long.


Source Code Formatting Options

File Headings

One of the most useful SNAP! features is a heading written to each file in
the system. Each heading indicates:

Program name
System name
Copyright notice
Procedures defined within this file
Which programs this program calls
Which programs call this program
Databases, index files, report forms, format files, label forms,
memory files, etc. used by this program
Date and time documented.

A sample heading is included in the Appendix. The sample heading
indicates that TODOINP.PRG is called by TODOMENU, calls TIME and TESTDATE,
uses a file whose name is contained in S_TDFILE with index TODO (macro
substitution was not used for this example), and also uses the TODOINP
format file. The heading also indicates the system name, author, copyright
and date documented. You may want to add more information to the header,
such as a brief narrative description of the program's purpose.

If you choose to write headings on your source code files (or if you choose
any other option that modifies the source code file), it is a good idea to
send the output files to a different directory than the input files so that
your original source code remains unchanged.

If you choose to send output files to the input directory, your original
source code file will be renamed with a .BAK extension. If you use
extensions to distinguish between program files, some of your original
source code files could be destroyed. For example, if your system uses the
following program file names:


and so on, the output files containing the headings will retain these
names. Each of the input files, however, will have been renamed to a file
called SYSTEM.BAK, and only the last one will still exist when SNAP!
completes. Therefore, you should always send output files to a separate
subdirectory if you use this naming convention.

As always, you should make regular backups, and you should be especially
careful to make a full backup of all your files before running SNAP!.


By default, SNAP! leaves the date and time of last update unchanged for
each of your files. You can instruct SNAP! to update the date and time
last changed on the source code format screen. The headings written to
each program file show the date and time SNAP! was run.


SNAP! can also help format your source code to make it easier to read.
SNAP! can recognize dBASE control structures and indent the program
statements underneath them. By default, indentation is three spaces. If
you choose tabs, however, should you choose to use SNAP!'s source code
printing routines you can select the number of spaces to be inserted for
each tab as the code prints.

However, if you would like to use spaces rather than tab characters for
indenting, you can select this option from the Format options screen. For
example, you can instruct SNAP! to use three spaces for each indentation
level. This option has no effect if you do not choose to indent source
code. It is different from the option in the source code printing facility
that also allows you to expand tabs. If you choose to use spaces to indent
your source code files, the source code will not contain tabs, so the
source code printing tab-expansion feature will have no effect.

If you choose to indent source code or create action diagrams, SNAP! will
also scan your code for mismatched control structure terminators. For
example, if your code has the following sequence:

DO WHILE T statements
IF X = Y
ENDIF <---- incorrect

SNAP! will detect that the final statement should have been an ENDDO
instead of an ENDIF and will display an appropriate error message. SNAP!
will accept 'END' as a valid abbreviation of ENDDO, ENDIF or ENDCASE.

SNAP! does not track control structures across program or procedure
boundaries. Normally, this is not a problem since you cannot start a DO
WHILE loop in one program and finish it in another. BREAK statements,
however, can exit from a BEGIN/END SEQUENCE control structure that is
defined in another program. If SNAP! encounters a BREAK statement but
cannot find the BEGIN/END SEQUENCE structure, it reports an error. Just
ignore it if you know that the BREAK is valid.


The format options screen allows you to add an extra level of indenting
underneath procedures and functions. By default, SNAP! indents procedures
and functions like this:
PROCEDURE something
foo = bar
? 'Hello, sailor'

If you choose to indent procedures and functions, your source will appear
like this:
PROCEDURE something
foo = bar
? 'Hello, sailor'

Most people indent CASE statements in the following way, as God intended:

CASE foo = bar
CASE xyzzy = plugh

Certain stubborn users, however, insist on indenting CASE statements like

CASE foo = bar
CASE xyzzy = plugh

If you invoke SNAP! with the -A command line switch, you too can use this
wretched technique.


SNAP! will also capitalize dBASE key words found in your source code. Key
words are stored in a file called DBxWORDS.SNP where x is a 2, 3 or 4
depending on the version of dBASE you are using (you can also specify
another file). SNAP! does not attempt to parse code statements to
determine how a word is used, so if you use key words as variable or field
names, they will also be capitalized. Should you wish not to capitalize a
particular key word, you can either delete it from the DBxWORDS.SNP file,
or "comment it out" by putting an asterisk before it in the file (e.g.,

The preceding paragraph assumes you prefer "standard" capitalization--key
words are capitalized, functions have an initial capital letter, and
everything else is in lower case. If not, you can change it on the Format
screen. You can select upper case, lower case, initial caps, or none
(leave it alone) for both tokens and for key words. Thus, if you were so


inclined, you could capitalize tokens (variables, etc.) and lowercase key

Key Word Expansion and Compression

SNAP! will allow you to expand abbreviated key words to their full length,
or to abbreviate the key words to four characters. Compilers don't care
about any of this, but the dBASE interpreter runs programs slightly,
usually very slightly, faster if the key words are abbreviated to their
first four characters. An option on the Format screen controls how
expansion or compression is done. The default is no expansion or
compression--SNAP! leaves your code alone. However, you can select
expansion, or compression to any number of characters between 4 and 9.

Please be careful with this option, especially if you are not very careful
about how you name variables. The only thing SNAP! knows about key words
are that they are in the key words file. If one of your variables is a key
word (or a valid abbreviation of a key word), SNAP! will cheerfully expand
or contract it along with everything else. SNAP! cannot tell how whether a
particular word is being used as a command or as a variable. Normally,
this will not be a big problem--if you named a variable "title" and
compressed key words, it will now be called "titl". Problems could arise,
however, if two variables are valid abbreviations of the same key word
(e.g., "other" and "otherw", both of which are valid abbreviations of
OTHERWISE). If you compress key words and have such variable names, both
variables will be compressed to OTHE, and there is no way to separate them
again. Also, if you are using a dialect of X-Base that supports
user-defined functions (UDFs), and if one of the UDFs has the same name as
a key word (Tom Rettig's BLANK() function, for example), the UDF name will
be compressed (assuming the UDF name was in the key words file). If you
compress keywords in this case, nothing desirable will happen.

Because of the irrevocable changes that this option can make, SNAP! will
not allow you to exercise it if the source and output directories are the
same. In other words, SNAP! will refuse to overwrite your original source
code files if you select this option. Big brother is looking out for you.

If you use the compression option, please run the compressed code and
ensure that it works before you delete the backups that SNAP! made.

Key words that are identified in the key words file as functions (they have
() after their name--see below) are never affected by key word compression
or expansion.

Suppressing Blank Lines and Comments

You can suppress blank lines and/or comments from the output files by
selecting the appropriate options on the Format screen. I do not recommend
this, but it does make interpreted X-Base applications run slightly faster.
Please be doubly sure to make backups before doing this. SNAP!'s default


options are to leave both blank lines and comments in the output file, so
you have to take special action yourself before they will be dropped.

Clipper "/* */" and "//" comments are not removed even if you elect to
eliminate comments.

As with key word expansion and compression, you cannot select this option
if the source and output subdirectories are the same.

If you know how to design an effective counterpart to this feature--how to
put the comments back in--please contact me about a potentially lucrative
commercial venture.

Key Words File

Capitalization, cross-referencing and key word expansion and compression
are controlled by the words in the key words file. The key word file should
contain one key word per line. Capitalization and order do not matter,
except that if two identical key words have different flags (see below),
the last one takes precedence.

By inserting the correct characters in the key word file, you can cause
certain key words or variables to be handled differently than normal. The
following characters have a special meaning in the key word file when
inserted immediately before a word:

* Comments out the word. SNAP! acts as if it were not in the key
word file at all.

! Capitalize, but do no cross-reference even when the option to
cross-reference key words is in effect. You may want to use this
character for often-used but uninteresting key words such as TO
or, perhaps, SAY.

@ Capitalize and always cross-reference this word, even when the
option to cross-reference key words is not in effect. You might
want to use this for especially important key words such REPLACE,

% Neither capitalize nor cross-reference, regardless of whether the
options to capitalize or cross-reference key words are in effect.
You may want to use this character for variables that you use
frequently, but that you are not interested in
cross-referencing--perhaps "i", "choice", "action", or "lineno".
This will keep them from cluttering up the cross-reference
report. Such words are not affected by key word expansion or

() If the *last* two characters in a key word are (), the key word
will ordinarily have an initial capital letter in the formatted
output. The DB3WORDS.SNP file that comes with SNAP! uses this


notation to designate the Tom Rettig key words (Tom Rettig is the
author of a popular set of functions for dBASE III and Clipper)
and the keywords in the PROCLIP3 library. Functions are never
affected by key word expansion or contraction.

The following examples illustrate how to use these special characters:


There are two ways to tell SNAP! about key words. First, the Format screen
allows you to specify the main key words file, which will usually be
DB4WORDS.SNP for FoxPro or dBASE IV systems, DB3WORDS.SNP for Clipper,
dBASE III and FoxBASE+, and DB2WORDS.SNP for any wretches still using dBASE
II. In addition, SNAP! will look for a file called PERSONAL.KEY in the
SNAP! subdirectory (the subdirectory where you put SNAP!--it doesn't
actually have to be named "SNAP!"). Anything found in PERSONAL.KEY will be
treated just as if it were in, say, DB4WORDS.SNP. Therefore, you can
customize your key words list without messing up the factory-installed

SNAP! is distributed with key words files for a variety of third-party
function libraries. Naturally, different programmers will use different
libraries. If you use one of the supported libraries, just include its key
words into the main SNAP! key words file (e.g., DB4WORDS.SNP) or into your
PERSONAL.KEY file. The best way to add a library's key words is to put "*#
INCLUDE" statements like this in your PERSONAL.KEY file or into
*# INCLUDE rettig.key
*# INCLUDE proclip.key
SNAP! will then recognize all the key words in RETTIG.KEY. These "*#
INCLUDE statements" can be nested, but they have to be in either the main
key words file or in PERSONAL.KEY. A "*# INCLUDE" statement in a source
code file is ignored. In addition to using "*# INCLUDE" statements, you
can use a word processor or program editor to move the words into

"Support" for third-party libraries is really just a list of key words.
You can easily add key words from any other library that I didn't include--
SNAP! itself doesn't have to be modified.

SNAP! provides enough space for a maximum of 1,500 key words. This is far
more than is required for all dialects of X-Base put together, but is not
enough for all of the third-party libraries also. Therefore, you should
just update the main key words file for the libraries you actually use.
Any key words past the limit will be ignored.

SNAP! does not try to detect duplicate key words. They don't cause any
harm, but they all count against the limit. If you have duplicate key


words with different control characters (see above), the control character
set that will be used by SNAP! is deterministic but unpredictable.


Reports and Outputs

SNAP! can produce any combination of several reports. Each report is
optional and can be selected or suppressed on the Options Screen. However,
some reports (e.g. Database summary, Index summary) require you to search
the tree rather than document a single program.

Normally, SNAP! tells you that it is producing a particular report, but
does not display the report on the screen. However, each report other than
a file heading, may be displayed on the screen as it is echoed to a file.
You can enable screen echoing by invoking SNAP! with the /S command line
parameter. I like to see the reports being generated but some people
prefer to silence the screen to improve SNAP!'s speed. Note that the /S
switch only affects the screen display of reports and has no effect on the
status screens that are displayed as SNAP! scans source code files.

The program contains default filenames (e.g., XREF.DOC for the
cross-reference report), but you can change them if you wish.

Controlling the Printer

SNAP! allows you to specify a number of parameters for controlling your
printer. These parameters include margins, setup strings, and so forth.
In addition to entering them directly, you can also press F2 and select
some standard printer configurations from a scrollable list. These printer
definitions are stored in the SNAPPRT.SNP file, an ASCII file which you can
edit yourself to add more printer definitions. SNAP! supports up to 10
printer definitions.

System Summary

This report shows the following information:
System name
Current date and time
Lines of code
Number of programs, procedures, procedure files, indexes, and so forth
Names of databases, indexes, report forms, label forms and memory

The system summary would ordinarily be the first page in the documentation.
It, together with the tree diagram, provides a basic overview of the entire
system. See Appendix A for an example.

Tree Structure Diagram

If you choose the default option of documenting all programs in the tree,
SNAP! will produce a chart showing which programs call which other programs
and which programs use which databases. The tree diagram, like other SNAP!


reports, appears on the screen and is echoed to a file (default name of

Any procedures or databases in the tree will be designated like this:
Gee (procedure in procedure.file)
Whiz (database ALIAS baz)

SNAP! by default includes programs, procedures, functions, format files and
databases in the tree. The Tree Screen includes options that allow you to
put indexes, report forms, label forms and memory files in the tree also,
or to suppress any of the default file types except program files.

Note that the databases (and other non-program files) are shown underneath
the programs that actually call them. If a database is opened in one
program and remains open in another program, SNAP! will show the database
as called only by the first program file.

SNAP! has some code to detect certain types of recursion and prevent the
tree from marching off the right side of the page and eventually off the
end of the world. SNAP! catches programs that call themselves and programs
that call another program that calls the original program again. If the
recursion is more subtle than that, SNAP! will eventually give up when
recursion reaches 25 levels. You will have become bored watching the
display by that point.

SNAP! detects calls to other programs, procedures and functions when they
are in one of the following formats:
DO something
SET KEY 300 TO something
ON KEY 300 DO something
ON KEY=300 DO something
ON KEY DO something
ON KEY LABEL keylabel DO something
ON ESCAPE [or ERROR] DO something
ON SELECTION PAD ... DO something
ON PAGE x AT LINE y DO something
foo = something() <---SNAP! detects other UDF calls also
CHAIN something
SWITCH something
SET FORMAT TO something

Further, SNAP! detects calls to user defined functions in certain Clipper

SNAP! searches through procedure files to generate a complete list of
procedures and functions. It identifies procedure files in the following
EXTERNAL procfile
SET UDF TO procfile


Also, SNAP! will detect any procedures that are tacked on to the bottom of
a PRG file, a coding style that Clipper allows.

There are other "things" that sometimes act like programs. For example,
dBASE IV creates an FRG file whenever you use its report writer. In
reality, this file is a procedure file that contains code to produce the
report. SNAP! detects that an FRG file exists and shows it begin called
from the program that initiates the report--the one that contains the
REPORT FORM ... TO ... statement. Similarly, label LBG files are also
detected and documented.

The tree report is illustrated in the Appendix.

File List

SNAP! can write a simple list of all files used in the system, including
programs, databases, index files, and so on. This report can be useful for
identifying which files in a directory are associated with an application.
The file list can also be fed into the source code printing routines at a
later point, so that the program files can be printed without going through
a time-consuming complete documentation run again.

Database Summary

The database summary report contains two parts: 1) the database structure
for each database in the system and a list of programs which use it; and 2)
a listing of each data field in the system and the databases that contain

SNAP! tries to figure out which indexes, report forms and label forms are
associated with each database. It tracks the following statements:
USE dbfname
SELECT A (or B, C, etc. up through J)
SELECT aliasname
SNAP! knows how to account for macros in each of these constructions,
assuming you have defined the macro. For example, USE &temp will be
interpreted to mean USE abcfile if you have previously defined &temp to
mean abcfile (see section on SNAPMACRO statements for more details).

SNAP! is reasonably good, but certainly not perfect, at figuring out which
database is active at a particular spot in the code. There are, however,
some limitations you should be aware of. First, SNAP! does not track
databases or areas across program files or procedures. Whenever SNAP!
begins documenting a file, it assumes that no databases are in use and that
area A is active. Also, SNAP! does not try to interpret conditional
structures. For example, consider the following code:
IF .T.
USE foo


USE bar

SNAP! looks at this code one line at a time. The last USE statement it
sees is 'USE bar'. That statement will never actually be executed (because
of the IF test), but SNAP! doesn't know that. You may need to use SNAPCODE
statements to help SNAP! figure out what is happening in cases such as this

SNAP! identifies databases in these ways:

1) USE statements, but only those followed by a database name;
2) COPY TO statements, including COPY TO ... SDF. If the command
copies to an SDF file that does not have an explicit extension,
SNAP! supplies .TXT. Otherwise SNAP! assumes databases to have
.DBF extensions.
4) CREATE foo FROM bar (SNAP! picks up both foo and bar)
5) CREATE foo
6) COPY FILE foo.dbf TO bar.dbf
8) SORT ON keyname TO foo

A statement that tests for the existence of a database (e.g. IF
FILE("xyz")) will not by itself be identified as a database reference.
Currently, SNAP! imposes an overall limit of 1,024 fields in the entire
system. If you exceed that number, SNAP! complains and does not include
the excess fields in the database summary.

A sample database summary report is included in appendix A.

Index File Summary

The index file summary lists each index file referenced in the system and
attempts to show the fields it is indexed on and the files that use it. It
also shows multiple index files and their tags in a separate section of the

SNAP! first checks for an index file with the default extension you
specified on the "Other Options" screen. If it cannot find a file with that
extension, it tries to find one with an extension of NDX (the usual
extension of dBASE II, dBASE III index files). If it cannot find this
file, it tries to find the same file name with an NTX extension (the usual
extension of Clipper index files). Failing that, it tries FoxBASE+/FoxPro
IDX extensions. If SNAP! cannot find one of those either, it gives up and
reports that the NDX file could not be found. If, however, it could find
the Clipper or FoxBASE+/FoxPro file, it documents it appropriately.


SNAP! also shows the database associated with each index, if it could
figure it out. The database summary section of this documentation
discusses the assumptions that SNAP! makes about which database is active.

SNAP! identifies indexes in five ways:

1) INDEX ON xyz TO indexfile
2) USE xyz INDEX indexfile1,indexfile2,indexfile3 ...
3) SET INDEX TO indexfile1,indexfile2,indexfile3 ...
5) COPY FILE foo.ndx TO bar.ndx

In cases 2 and 3, each index file will be separately identified and

A statement that tests for the existence of an index (e.g. IF
FILE("xyz.NDX")) will not by itself be identified as an index reference.

SNAP! identifies multiple index files (MDX files) in the following ways:
1) INDEX ON bar TAG foo OF xyz
2) USE xyz (when XYZ.MDX exists)
4) COPY TAG foo OF xyz TO ndxname

A sample index file summary in shown in the Appendix.

Format File Summary

SNAP! also produces a report showing each format file used in the system
and the programs that call it. A sample report is in the Appendix.

SNAP! identifies format files in two ways:


In case 1, if this is a dBASE II system, SET FORMAT TO SCREEN and SET
FORMAT TO PRINT are not flagged as references to format files.

A statement that tests for the existence of an format (e.g. IF
FILE("xyz.FMT")) will not by itself be identified as an format reference.

Report Form Summary

SNAP! also produces a report showing each report form used in the system,
the report parameters, and the programs that call it. For dBASE III,
FoxBASE+ and Clipper systems, SNAP! shows a mock- up of each report and the
expressions that go into each column. It also indicates which database is
associated with the report form.


Documentation for dBASE IV and FoxPro report formats is simpler and does
not include a mock-up of the report. Documentation for both dBASE IV and
FoxPro shows the fields or expressions that comprise the detail records.
Since both systems contain very sophisticated and elaborate report
generators, it is not practical to summarize how the report looks, so SNAP!
focuses on its contents. You may wish to take a screen print of the report
generator as additional documentation. Also, apart from the documentation
that SNAP! automatically produces, you may wish to retain a sample report
printout. Such a sample is probably a better indication of what the report
does than the SNAP! documentation.

A sample dBASE III report is in the Appendix.

SNAP! identifies report forms in two ways:

1) REPORT FORM xyz ...

A statement that tests for the existence of an form (e.g. IF
FILE("xyz.FRM")) will not by itself be identified as an report form

Label Form Summary

The label form summary shows the parameters of each label form in the
system. It also indicates which database is associated with each label
form. A sample report is in the Appendix.

Procedure File Summary

SNAP! allows you to prepare a summary of files that contain procedures (see
example in appendix A). This summary shows the procedures in each
procedure file and the programs and procedures that each one calls and is
called by. The report shows each procedure and function in the TopFile
system. SNAP! also reports the parameters expected by any procedures or
functions that accept parameters. Note that this report covers both
procedure files and ordinary program files that also contain procedures (as
Clipper allows).

Other Summary Reports

SNAP! also produces summary reports for the following additional file
1) Memory files
2) Binary (LOAD/CALL) files
3) Other files

Other files are generally text files that are specified in the following


3) COPY MEMO to xyz
5) COPY FILE xyz TO abc <-- when SNAP! doesn't recognize the file
6) TYPE xyz

The other files summary report lists these files and shows which programs
or procedures made a reference to the file. I don't guarantee that the
report will pick up every possible "other" file, but it seems to catch all
of them in the sample code I use to test it.

Variable Cross-Reference Report

Another useful report available through SNAP! is a variable cross-reference
listing, showing line numbers for each program that references a particular
variable. 'Variable' in this context includes field names, file names and
anything else that isn't a key word, numeric constant, punctuation mark or
quoted string.

If you elect to display the variable cross-reference report (by responding
'Y' to the question on the options menu), you can view the Cross-reference
Options Screen. The Cross-reference Options Screen allows you to select
the type of "things" that will included on the cross-reference report. You
will have the option to include only PUBLIC variables (this option has no
meaning if this is a dBASE II system). You also get the following choices:

Include other variables and tokens
Include key words
Include numeric constants

Your responses to these prompts (and your use of special characters in the
key words file--see below) determine which words will appear on the
cross-reference report.

The cross-reference report adds certain codes to the end of a line number
reference when the reference is particularly interesting. SNAP! looks for
the following statements to tell if a variable or field name (assume its
name is 'abc') is interesting:

Reference Type Report Flag
abc = 4 *
STORE 4 TO abc *
WAIT to abc *
@ 1,1 GET abc PICTURE "blah, blah" G
ACCEPT "something" TO abc G
REPLACE abc WITH something R


&abc &
DECLARE abc[100] A
DIMENSION abc(100,200) A
USE abc [INDEX ...] [ALIAS ...] U
DO foo WITH @abc @

As the following sample excerpt from the cross reference report
illustrates, you can tell at a glance what is happening to the variables
you are using:

TODO.PRG 30P 41 42 43G 44 45* 46G
TDINPUT.PRG 123V 234* 235 237
SETFILT.PRG 16 24 28 32
TDEDIT.PRG 107* 133 134 135 136 138x

This report shows that variable 'abc' was used in four programs (TODO,
TDINPUT, SETFILT and TDEDIT). Within TODO, it was declared a PUBLIC
variable on line 30; referenced but not changed on lines 41, 42 and 44;
used in a GET statement on lines 43 and 46; modified in line 45; and
released on line 72. TDINPUT declared it to be PRIVATE (line 123),
assigned it a value in line 234, then referred to it in lines 235 and 237.

A legend to explain all these flags is printed at the top of each
cross-reference report, so you do not need to remember what they all mean.

SNAP! will not flag a 'RELEASE ALL' statement as a reference, nor will it
figure out that a 'RESTORE FROM xyz.mem' may overwrite other variables.
Neither of these statements will generate a cross-reference listing for any
variables (though xyz.mem will be referenced). Of course, you can have
SNAP! cross-reference the RELEASE and RESTORE statements themselves.

By default, references to a database field prefaced by the alias (e.g.,
foo->bar) will be shown as one token in the cross reference file. If you
do not like this convention, the /C command line option turns it off, so
that foo and bar will be referenced separately.

At the bottom of the report, SNAP! produces a list of public variables, a
list of macros and a list of arrays. The macro list is subdivided into
macros that you defined to SNAP! and those you didn't. If you defined a
macro, its definition is also shown.

A new option introduced in SNAP! 5.0 is the local cross reference report,
so called because it is "local" to a particular program or procedure file--
all variables and references in that a file are stored together in the
local cross reference report, and are not merged together with all such
references throughout the program system as is usual. This report is
generally less useful than the default global cross reference (which is
what you are used to if you've been using SNAP! in the past). It does have


the singular benefit of using almost no memory, however, so you can
document much larger systems if you elect to create a local cross
reference. The local cross reference report and the global cross reference
are mutually exclusive. You chose to create a local cross reference on the
cross reference options screen.

Another technique for documenting a large system is to split your system
into several smaller parts and document them separately. Should you choose
to do so, you might want to explore a program written by Charles S.
Galloway called SNAP! XRef Merger that merges multiple cross references
reports into a single consolidated report. It is a nice piece of work. It
is available directly from Mr. Galloway at 3211 Burns Place, Raleigh, NC
27609. He will send you a copy if you send him a stamped mailer and a
formatted diskette.

The cross-reference report interacts closely with the key word file.
Specifically, the key word file is how SNAP! can tell what is a key word
and what is not. Additionally, by inserting the correct characters in the
key word file, you can cause certain key words or variables to be handled
differently than usual. The following characters have a special meaning in
the key word file when inserted immediately before a word:

* Comments out the word. SNAP! acts as if it were not in the key
word file at all.

! Capitalize, but do no cross-reference even when the option to
cross-reference key words is in effect. You may want to use this
character for often-used but uninteresting key words such as TO
or, perhaps, SAY.

@ Capitalize and always cross-reference this word, even when the
option to cross-reference key words is not in effect. You might
want to use this for especially important key words such REPLACE,

% Neither capitalize nor cross-reference, regardless of whether the
options to capitalize or cross-reference key words are in effect.
You may want to use this character to designate variables that
you use frequently, but that you are not interested in
cross-referencing--perhaps "i", "choice", "action", or "lineno".

() If the *last* two characters in a key word are (), the key word
will ordinarily have an initial capital letter in the formatted
output. The DB3WORDS.SNP file that comes with SNAP! uses this
notation to designate the Tom Rettig key words (Tom Rettig is the
author of a popular set of functions for dBASE III and Clipper).

The following examples illustrate how to use these special characters:

*note -- This word will be ignored.
!SAY -- Capitalize, but do not cross-reference, SAY.
@REPLACE -- Include REPLACE in the cross-reference report.


%CHOICE -- Do not capitalize or cross-reference this word.
Alltrim() -- This word is a function. The first letter will be

If this is a dBASE III or dBASE IV system, SNAP! allows you to restrict the
cross-referencing to PUBLIC variables. If you select this option, SNAP!
only puts public variables on the report. However, SNAP! does not look for
PRIVATE statements that redefine the variable, so if a variable is declared
PUBLIC anywhere in the system, SNAP! documents all subsequent occurrences
of it. Note that SNAP! does not "backtrack" to see if the variable was
referenced before it was defined as PUBLIC.

I have done my best to identify key words used in dBASE, FoxBASE, FoxPro
and Clipper, but I may have missed some. Fortunately, the DBxWORDS.SNP
file is a standard ASCII file that you can edit with most any word
processor. So, if I have omitted one of your favorite key words, it is a
simple matter to add it to the file. Function names from other third-party
libraries are also included, but you may also want to add function names
from other development tools.

A sample cross-reference report is included in the Appendix.

LNK and MAKE files

These options will be useful only to developers of Clipper-compiled
applications. If you are using interpretive dBASE III, dBASE IV or FoxPro
you can ignore this section.

Link Files. SNAP! can produce a link file for PLINK86 (which comes with
Clipper), TLINK (part of the Borland Turbo C package), and the Microsoft
LINK utility. If you are a serious Clipper programmer, the TLINK linker
justifies the cost of the Turbo C package (less than $100)--it is that
fast. I have seen some informal benchmarks that show it linking
applications as much as eight times faster than PLINK86.

PLINK86 will accept "commands" from a LNK file. This file typically
contains a series of commands for the linker, telling the linker such
things as which libraries to search and in what order. SNAP! will produce
a LNK file if you select the appropriate option. This LNK file will
contain a list of all the files in your system.

If you have a file named LINK.SNP in your source directory, SNAP! will put
it at the top of the LNK file. For example, you might put a list of
libraries in this file. You can also use a name other than 'LINK.SNP' by
specifying /Lfilename on the command line.

Make Files. SNAP! can produce the files for the Clipper MAKE utility
(Summer 87 version only) and for the Shareware NDMAKE program.

MAKE is a standard UNIX (tm) utility, versions of which are now also
available for MS-DOS. MAKE allows you to define which files "depend" on


other files and only compile files that have changed. For example, in a
Clipper application using MAKE, you would typically have one OBJ file for
each PRG file. Each OBJ file "depends" on the corresponding PRG file since
the OBJ file needs to be remade when the PRG file changes. In other words,
when a change is made to a program file, it needs to be recompiled to
create a new object file. Similarly, the EXE file "depends" on all of the
object files that are linked together to create it.

MAKE allows you to specify these dependencies and perform the fewest
recompiles to completely update your system for all program changes. It can
save an enormous amount of time on the edit-compile-link-run cycle for a
large system development.

NDMAKE use three files--the MAKE.EXE file itself, a MAKE.INI file that
specifies certain defaults, and a file named MAKEFILE that contains the
dependencies for your system. SNAP! can create the MAKEFILE. It is up to
you to deal with MAKE.INI. In particular, you will need to add a default
rule to your MAKE.INI file to tell MAKE how to compile a PRG file into an
OBJ file. Its syntax is:

# To produce a `.obj' file from a `.prg' file using Clipper.
.prg.obj:; clipper $< -m

This definition should work with most versions of MAKE. If you use a
different MAKE utility, you may need to use slightly different syntax here.
Check your documentation to be sure.

The SNAP! MAKE option works hand-in-hand with the LNK option. If you ask
SNAP! to create a LNK file, SNAP! will use the same file name when it
create MAKEFILE.

The net effect of all of this is that you can issue the command:

MAKE filename (where filename is the name of your TopFile)

and MAKE will figure out what needs to be recompiled and linked to create
your system.

Sample LNK and MAKEFILE listings are included in appendix A.

Batch Files

SNAP! also produces DOS batch files to do useful things. One file, named
UPDATE.BAT, will copy all program files from the SNAP! output directory to
the original source directory. You could use it to copy the new
(documented) versions of your source files over the original (undocumented)
source files. The syntax for UPDATE is:



where d: is a drive or directory name. If it is omitted, the original
source directory is assumed. Be careful with this file since it overwrites
the original source code files. You should backup your original files and
review the new output files before executing UPDATE. No kidding. This is

BACKPRG backs up the programs, format files and report forms in your
system. Its syntax is:


d: is a drive or directory name and is required. If you do not specify a
target drive or directory, the batch file will complain and stop.

BACKDBF backs up the databases, index files and memory files in your
system. Its syntax is:


d: is a drive or directory name and is required. If you do not specify a
target drive or directory, the batch file will complain and stop.

Macros are suppressed from this file.

Also, SNAP! creates the PRINTDOC.BAT file to send all documentation files
(not including source code or action diagrams) to the printer. PRINTDOC
calls the DOS PRINT utility for background printing. Thus, PRINT must be
available somewhere on the path.

Action Diagrams

An action diagram documents the structure of a program by using graphical
symbols to group related statements together. By default, SNAP! uses the
IBM extended ASCII characters in the action diagrams it prepares.


A portion of a sample action diagram follows:

IF s_clipper .AND. s0_filt = 7
DO WHILE .NOT. s0_userfilt
DO WHILE .NOT. &s0_userfilt
s0_userfilt = "1=1"

IF Dusty Day In The Lake
? "Yell and Scream"
CASE lastkey() = 4
choice = "F"
CASE lastkey() = 19
choice ="B"
FOR i = 1 TO 25
DO sample1

As this example shows, different extended ASCII characters are used to
differentiate different control structures. Loops (DO WHILE, FOR, SCAN)
use the double-line vertical bar, while conditional statements (IF, DO
CASE) use a single vertical bar.

The structures are distinguished further by the horizontal symbol used to
connect the control structure key word with the vertical bar.

Note also that these diagrams allow you to identify "unusual" loop exits
such as LOOP and RETURN very easily. I can often identify subtle,
difficult-to-locate bugs by studying the action diagram for the program.

SNAP! will identify certain syntax errors (such as a LOOP statement that is
not within a DO WHILE loop) only if you choose to prepare action diagrams.
Certain error checking is only performed within this module.

The Format screen allows you to choose whether to write action diagrams or
not. It also allows you to specify the extension that action diagram files


will have. Action diagrams always have the same main file name (i.e, the
first eight characters) as the source code file from which it is drawn, but
the extension can be anything you specify except '.PRG'. You can use the
'?' character as a wildcard to match the corresponding characters in the
original file extension. Therefore, if you choose an action file extension
of'??T', and your original source file was named FOO.BAR, the action
diagram file will be named FOO.BAT (the BA is drawn from the original
filename, and the T comes from the action diagram file mask).

Action diagram files are very much like program files and have the same
capitalization as the output program files do. However, action diagram
files are not directly executable or compilable because of the additional
line-drawing characters they contain.

Some printers (most Epson models, for example) do not support the IBM
graphics characters very well. If you want to print action diagrams, you
may want to use other characters for the connections. You can choose to
prepare action diagrams using only ASCII symbols by choosing the ASCII
symbol option on the source code and action diagram options screen.

You can also choose your own action diagram symbols on the 'SourceCode and
Action Diagram Options' screen. The following chart shows how to customize
the symbols:

Default symbols: ^v<

Position: 0000000001111111111222

Position Symbol
-------- -----------------------------------------------------
1 Horizontal symbol used for IF/ELSE/ENDIF structures
2 Vertical symbol used for IF/ELSE/ENDIF structures
3 Corner for IF and BEGIN SEQUENCE (Clipper only)
4 Corner for ENDIF and END (Clipper only)
5 Join symbol for ELSE
6 Horizontal symbol used for DO WHILE/ENDDO structures
7 Vertical symbol used for DO WHILE/ENDDO structures
8 Corner for DO WHILE
9 Corner for ENDDO
10 Symbol for LOOP
11 Symbol for EXIT and BREAK (Clipper only)
12 Horizontal symbol used for DO CASE/OTHERWISE/ENDCASE
13 Vertical symbol used for DO CASE/OTHERWISE/ENDCASE
14 Corner for DO CASE
15 Corner for ENDCASE
16 Join symbol for CASE and OTHERWISE
17 Horizontal symbol used for FOR/NEXT structures
18 Vertical symbol used for FOR/NEXT structures
19 Corner for FOR


20 Corner for NEXT
21 Arrow symbol for RETURN/CANCEL/QUIT
22 Horizontal symbol used for RETURN/QUIT/LOOP/EXIT

You can replace any of these symbols with others of your choosing. If you
want to restore the default set, simply select 'G' for graphics characters,
move to another input screen, then come back again (in simpler terms,
select 'G', press Ctrl-PgDn then Ctrl-PgUp). These symbols are reset when
the 'Source Code and Action Diagrams Options' screen is presented. One
consequence is that you must answer 'O' (for Other Symbols) to be able to
change the action diagram symbols. If you answer 'G', then change the
symbols, the changes will not take effect. Like other input fields, any
user-defined symbols will be saved in the configuration file so you do not
have to enter them at each invocation of SNAP!

The SCAN/ENDSCAN control structure is documented with the same symbols as
the DO WHILE loop. The BEGIN SEQUENCE/BREAK/END control structure is
diagrammed with the same symbols as an IF/ENDIF structure.

Source Code Printout

When you have completed your program, you will probably want a listing of
the source code to accompany the rest of your documentation. SNAP!
provides a facility for formatting and printing dBASE source code files
and/or action diagrams, and gives you a great deal of control over source
code format. You can set the following parameters:

Line width
Page length
Left and right margins
Top and bottom margins
Spaces per tab
Include or suppress line numbers
Printer setup string

For example, you can set these values to leave plenty of room on the left
side of the page so that your code will fit in a 3-ring binder.

If a line of code exceeds the line width minus left and right margins,
SNAP! will wrap it on the printout without messing up the page breaks.
SNAP! also appropriately counts the wrapped line as one source code line,
so that your cross-reference report still matches the printout.

Each page of the printout contains a header showing the program name,
system name, copyright notice, page number and date/time printed. The
programs are printed in alphabetical order.

Line numbers are never added to an action diagram at print time. If you
would like action diagrams to be printed with line numbers, choose the
option on the format screen to add the line numbers directly to the action
diagram file. This is the default choice, so you ordinarily get action


diagrams (and printouts) with line numbers. The restriction on adding line
numbers at print time prevents duplicate line numbers from being printed.

The print section of SNAP! deals harshly with nonsense. For example, if the
sum of your left and right margins exceeds your line width, SNAP! will set
the line width and the margins to their default values. Similarly, SNAP!
will reject top and bottom margins greater than page length, negative
values, tab expansions greater than 12 spaces, and so on.

SNAP! prints a three-line heading on each page of the printout, showing
program name, system name, copyright holder, date, time, and page number.
The heading begins on the line immediately following the top margin you
specify. Accordingly, if you use a top margin of 8 and a bottom margin of
8, with 66-line paper only 47 lines of code will be printed on each page
(66 lines - 8 top margin - 8 bottom margin - 3 heading).

For those of you with HP LaserJet II printers, try the following
Line width: 132 Page length: 80
Top margin: 4 Bottom margin: 4
Left margin: 8 Right margin: 1

Setup string: \027E\027&l0o8D\027(10U\027(s16.6H

The \027E at the beginning of the string resets the printer. These
parameters are stored in the printer definition file (see below for more
details) and you do not have to type them in yourself.

SNAP! allows you to enter a setup string to configure the printer for SNAP!
(see above) and also a reset string to configure the printer after SNAP!
has completed printing. You would not ordinarily need to enter a reset
string, but you might enter one if you wanted SNAP! to leave the printer
configured in a particular way.

When you are in the print options screen, you can press "F2--List" to
display a scrollable list of printer defaults. If you select one of the
printers shown, the choices associated with it are used to update the print
options parameters, such as setup string, line width, page length and so
forth. This feature means that you don't have to remember complicated
control strings. You can define them in the print options file and select
them from the list.

The printer options are stored in SNAPPRT.SNP. It is an ASCII file that
you can edit to add more printer definitions. Descriptions for how to add
a printer are included at the top of SNAPPRT.SNP itself.

You can force a page break by including the *# SNAP FORMFEED directive at
the point in your source code where you would like a new page to start.
You could also just embed a CHR(12) character in the file, but SNAP! will
keep the page numbers straight if you use the "*# SNAP FORMFEED" approach.
Note that the formfeed directive itself is not printed.


By default, SNAP! prints to LPT1: You can direct output to a different
port or to a disk file by using the /P command line switch. For example,
sends output to LPT2:
SNAP /Pmyfile.txt
sends output to a file named "myfile.txt". If you are printing over a
network, you may need to relax the timing conventions that SNAP! uses to
tell that the printer is working correctly. If you see timeout or "printer
not ready" messages, try this:

Printing Without Documenting (Reprinting)

You can use the source code printing facilities of SNAP! without going
through the full time-consuming documentation process. If you press the
"F9--Print Now" key while viewing the Print screen, SNAP! will prompt you
for a filename containing the names of files to print. SNAP! searches the
file you name and prints the contents of the files listed therein. SNAP!
will not print a file with an extension of MEM, FRM, DBF, NDX, NTX, IDX,
MDX, EXE, COM and other common non-ASCII X-Base names. Also, SNAP! tries
to figure out if a particular file is not an ASCII file and warn you about
it before printing.

SNAP! will not try to print from anything that isn't a filename, so the
file you specify can contain all sorts of garbage without causing a
problem. The main effect of all this is that you can give the Print
routines the name of a SNAP! REPRINT.DOC file and it will print all the
source code in the system without going through the full SNAP!
documentation process again. Of course, you can create your own file
containing filenames to print also. You can also use this feature (and the
DOCLIST.DOC file--just like REPRINT.DOC except it holds the names of
documentation files instead of source code files) to print documentation
files in a nicely formatted way.


Using SNAP! in a Batch Environment

If you have several systems to document, you may wish to set up a batch
file to invoke SNAP! with the appropriate parameters for each system so
that you can come back in a week or two and find all your programs
beautifully documented. SNAP! supports Immediate Mode for batch
documentation through the /X switch on the command line. Used in
conjunction with named configuration and macro files, you can sequentially
document a series of dBASE systems. SNAP! will take its input from the
configuration files (or from CONFIG.SNP if no configuration file is named)
and begin documenting the system immediately. Note that you have to have
your configuration file ready before you invoke the system. If you do not
specify a configuration file, SNAP! tries to use CONFIG.SNP in the current

For example, to document three dBASE systems without pausing for user
input, set up a batch file with these lines:

SNAP /x /fsystem1.snp
SNAP /x /fsystem2.snp

SNAP! will document the first system and take input from the SYSTEM1.SNP
configuration file. Then, without prompting for further user action, it
will read SYSTEM2.SNP and begin documenting the second system. Input for
the third system is in the CONFIG.SNP (default name) file. When the batch
file is invoked, SNAP! will begin documenting and will not pause for user
input at any point in the process.

If an error occurs anywhere during the processing of these three systems,
SNAP! will display an error message and stop documenting the system that
experienced the error. The batch file, however, will continue running and
will move on to the next system to be documented.


Random Notes

These are some other thoughts that don't seem to fit anywhere else.

If you have a file named HELP.PRG in the program directory, SNAP! assumes
this must be a Clipper system, where 'HELP' is a magic name and documents
the program accordingly. SNAP! treats HELP.PRG as if it were called
directly from TopFile.


Program Limitations
and Things To Watch Out For

SNAP! had the following design limitations when this documentation was

Maximum program files: 1024 programs, procedures and functions
Maximum other files: 128 of each type (e.g.databases)
Maximum variables: 2500 throughout the system
Maximum key words: 1600 words
Maximum length of key word: 15 characters
Maximum length of a token: 20 characters
Maximum levels of program nesting: 20 levels
Maximum number of database fields: 2048 throughout the system
Maximum length of filename: 67 characters (including path)

These limitations were current when this documentation was written. You
can verify them (it would be a good idea) by viewing the program
limitations screen (Press F1 three times from the greeting screen).

SNAP! uses about 210K of memory as "overhead." This much is used as soon
as the program is invoked. It also allocates additional memory dynamically
as it is needed. It is a memory hog and will probably not be of much use
if you don't have 640K. SNAP! will put its overlay file into expanded
memory (if enough is available) to speed things up, but will not otherwise
take advantage of any memory above 640K. I hope to change this in the

SNAP! does not format FoxPro 2.0 code snippets. Use the SNIPFMT program
that accompanies FoxPro 2.0 for that. It also does not document
Clipper 5.0 code blocks.

Legal Coding that is Prohibited by SNAP!

I make no promises about what will happen if you run SNAP! against invalid
X-Base syntax, but predict that the results will not be satisfying. On the
other hand, there are some "legal" coding techniques for X-Base that cause
problems with SNAP!. I have tried to keep these to a minimum, but some yet

You cannot use the word "END" as a variable in an assignment statement of
the form:
END = foo.
SNAP! sees the 'END' (which is a valid control structure terminator in
Clipper), treats anything else on the line as a comment, and becomes
powerfully confused. Using "END" in a:
STORE foo TO end
statement is acceptable. You also cannot use PROCEDURE or FUNCTION (or a
valid abbreviation of either) as a variable name.


SNAP! does not track control structures across program or procedure
boundaries. Normally, this is not a problem since you cannot start a DO
WHILE loop in one program and finish it in another. However, a BREAK
statement can be in one program, while the loop it is breaking out of is in
another file. Thus, SNAP! does not report an error when it sees a BREAK
statement, even if it cannot tell whether there is a loop for the BREAK to
apply to.

Hyphens in Filenames

SNAP! uses treats a hyphen as a delimiter when it is scanning your source
code to prepare the cross-reference report, since the hyphen usually means
"subtract." Thus, foo = bar-baz will correctly generate three
cross-references--one for "foo", one for "bar" and one for "baz". This
technique breaks down when SNAP! sees "DO foo-bar." In this case, both
"foo" and "bar" will be cross-referenced. Note that SNAP! will find the
right file and continue documenting--it is only the cross-reference report
that is misleading.

Multiple Procedure Files

If you use multiple procedure files and if they contain procedures that
have the same name, SNAP! may document your system incorrectly. SNAP! 5.0
should be much better than previous versions about keeping these files
straight, but it is probably still possible to confuse SNAP!.

For example, assume you have two procedure files that are SET at different
points in the system. Both files contain a procedure called FOO, but FOO
is not the same in each file. When SNAP! searches for procedures, it will
always find the first FOO and assume it is the one being called. SNAP!
does not track which procedure file is currently active and cannot
distinguish between identically-named procedures in different procedure
files. This limitation has no effect on systems that use only one
procedure file, or on systems that have multiple procedure files each
containing uniquely-named procedures.

Giving different things the same name (this is my other brother Daryl) is a
bad programming habit to get into. It is a good idea to use unique names
for each procedure, function, procedure file and program.

Suppressing Color

If you do not like the colors I selected, or if they do not display
properly on your monitor, putting the "/BW" switch on the command line will
disable color.


Change History

SNAP! has undergone several major changes. The following list is not
all-inclusive, but does hit the high points.

Changes From Version 4.0 to Version 5.0

I've moved. If you need to reach me, CompuServe is still the best bet. My
user ID is 74025,514. My mailing address has changed since the past
version, however, and is shown below.

No more "line too long." SNAP! can now handle lines of arbitrary length,
so long as no single physical line exceeds 255 characters. You can combine
as many 255-character lines as you want with continuation characters.

Local Cross References and Memory Conservation. Version 5.0 allows you to
create "local" cross reference reports--cross references for each program
and procedure file. Local cross references use very little memory. If you
use local cross references, you should be able to document much larger
systems. For example, I had no trouble documenting a 50,000+ line SBT
payroll system with local cross references on. Note that local cross
references and the regular global cross references are mutually exclusive.

Multiple directories. You can document programs and data files in multiple
directories. The top file screen prompts you for one directory for
programs and another one for data, but you can have up to 25 program
directories and 25 data directories. You define new directories with the
*# SNAP DATAPATH directory-path
*# SNAP PRGPATH directory-path

Sending printer output to a file. With SNAP! 5.0, you can send printer
output to any device, including a file or an output port (e.g., COM2:).

Comment alignment. You can instruct SNAP! to align "&&" comments on a
particular column so that they all line up nicely.

Heading Options. You can specify the items to include in a heading. For
example, you can include "Called by" and exclude "Calls".

Changes From Version 3.0 to Version 4.0

Speed. Version 4.0 is about 25% faster than version 3.0 if you have enough
EMS memory to hold the 210K overlay. If not, the speed of versions 4.0 and
3.0 will be approximately equal.

Memory Capacity. Version 4.0 uses program overlays to increase the amount
of memory available for cross referencing. You will ordinarily get about
50K more memory with 4.0.


Dialect Support. SNAP! 4.0 now supports dBASE IV and FoxPro, as well as
all of the previously-supported variants of the X-Base language.

Mouse Support. SNAP! 4.0 now fully supports mousing. You can use the
mouse to position the cursor, select function keys, and do pretty much
everything else you would expect.

Report Form and Label Documentation. If you are using dBASE IV, SNAP! will
automatically document the FRG and LBG files that dBASE IV produces. These
files are very much like program files and contain the code to implement
the reports or labels you have defined. SNAP! will include these files in
the "CALLS" lists in the headings and will also include them in the tree
diagram if you have set the tree options to display them. SNAP! does not
produce the full report form documentation for these files.

UDF Recognition. The code for detecting calls to user defined functions
(UDFs) has been extensively revised and should now detect nearly all calls
to UDFs, even the sneaky and underhanded ones. For example, SNAP! now
detects UDF calls from MEMOEDIT, DBEDIT and ACHOICE in Clipper
applications, as well as a host of other, special, UDF situations.

Documentation of Other Files. Version 4.0 now tracks "other" files--files
that don't fit into any of the categories such as databases, index files,
etc. Examples of other files include text files that are appended into
memo fields, output files from "SET PRINTER TO foo.txt" statements and so

Printer Definition File. SNAP! 4.0 now is distributed with a printer
definition file, SNAPPRT.SNP, that contains parameters for some common
printers. It is an ASCII file and you can add new printers (or variants of
existing printers) to the list.

Parameters. SNAP! now displays function and procedures parameters, if any,
in the procedure summary. Each procedure or function that takes a
parameter will have the parameter line displayed next to the function name
in the Procedures Summary report.

Page breaks. You can now use the "*# SNAP FORMFEED" directive to force a
page break at a specific spot in the source code. The "*# SNAP FORMFEED"
directive itself is not printed.

Program Narratives. SNAP! 4.0 supports program narratives if they start
with "*)" and echoes them to the HEADINGS.DOC file, suitable for use as a
cover page for each source code file.

Third-Party Libraries. SNAP! 4.0 is distributed with a set of key words
for several popular third-party function libraries. You can instruct SNAP!
to treat these key words as if they were part of the language, which
improves SNAP!'s handling of capitalization, formatting and other aspects
of your documentation.


PERSONAL.KEY. You can now create a file with your own set of key words.
"PERSONAL.KEY" is a magic name--SNAP! searches for it in the SNAP!
subdirectory and adds anything it finds in it to the key words list.

"*# INCLUDE" key words. You can add a "*# INCLUDE foo" statement to
DB4WORDS.SNP or PERSONAL.KEY to include other key words files, such as the
third-party function library key words described above.

Control Structure commenting. Version 4.0 also allows you to add comments
to the ends of control structures such as IF/ENDIF and CASE/ENDCASE. For
example, you can instruct SNAP! to add the IF condition after each ENDIF.
IF foo = bar
DO this
ENDIF (foo = bar) <-- SNAP! adds the "(foo = bar)"

Reprinting source code. You can now run SNAP!, exit the program without
printing source code, and use the "F9--print now" option to print the
source code later. SNAP! now creates a REPRINT.DOC file that contains the
names of all programs, procedures, action files and other files that are
printed with source code. Prior to version 4.0 it was difficult to print
source code if you did not do it during the SNAP! documentation run. In
addition, SNAP! creates the DOCLIST.DOC file that contains the names of
documentation files. You can also use F9 to print these files.

Changes From Version 2.0 to Version 3.0

Speed. Version 3.0 is be approximately 2.5 times as fast as version 2.0.
The more procedures you use, the faster it will be. SNAP! 2.0 was
particularly inefficient in documenting procedures.

Source Code Printing. You can now use the source code printing routines
without going through the entire documentation process. When you press the
right function key, it asks for a filename. SNAP! searches this file for
other filenames, which it then prints.

User Interface. The user interface has gotten an interface-lift
since the last version. The number of option screens grew too large to be
conveniently browsed with the facilities in version 2. Version 3 now
organizes all the screens underneath a main menu. You can also select menu
items with Alt-key combinations, without having to deal with the menu

Memory Usage. SNAP! 3.0 uses some additional dynamic data structures to
minimize wasted space. Under normal circumstances, it should roughly
triple the size of the application that can be accommodated by the system.
In addition, after the conversion to Turbo Pascal 4.0, the size of the
program itself shrank by about 20%.

New Reports. A system summary is now available to show:
Lines of code
Database and index names
Number of program files


Number of procedures
. . . and lots of other summary information.

Arrays are recognized in the cross-reference report and are denoted with
brackets (for Clipper) or parentheses (for FoxBASE), as appropriate (e.g.,
FOO[100] or FOO(100,50) ), with the declared size shown. The
cross-reference report also lists public variables, macros and arrays

The report form documentation has been revised extensively (dBASE III
only). It now shows each of the fields in the report, displays the report
heading, etc. Similar documentation is now available for label forms,
which were ignored entirely by SNAP! version 2.0.)

The database summary now includes start and end columns for each field.
Alias names are now usually shown with the appropriate physical database
file in the database summary, file heading, tree, etc.

Link files can now be created for PLINK86, Turbo C TLINK, or the Microsoft
LINK program. Make files continue to support NDMAKE and now also support
the Clipper MAKE utility.

File headings and may other reports show the date and time of last change,
based on the file date/time stamp.

Additional Options

Here are some of the new things you can control:
Suppression of blank lines in output file
Suppression of comments in output file
Optional extra indent under DO CASE statement
Inclusion of DBF, NDX, MEM, FRM and LBL files in the tree
Capitalization of key words
Capitalization of tokens
Temporary suspension of cross-referencing and formatting
Leave the file date/time stamp unchanged
Separate directories for programs and databases

Changes Since SNAP! Version 1.0

Practically everything.


Some Administrative Matters

Version Numbers

In the past, I have sometimes been criticized for releasing one or more
"maintenance" versions shortly after a major update. I am guilty, but
unrepentant. In an attempt to be responsive to user suggestions and bug
reports, I will continue to add features and fix bugs as they are reported.
When the resulting minor changes are uploaded, the SNAP! version will
include a letter (e.g., SNAP! version 4.00 will change to 4.00a). In this
example, if you have version 4.00, don't worry about downloading another
version before 4.1 unless you need the specific features in the intervening

Updates and New Versions

SNAP! is available on CompuServe. At the time this documentation file was
written, copies are available on the Fox (GO FOXFORUM) and Nantucket (GO
NANFORUM) forums.

Rather than download the large SNAP! files, you may prefer to send me a
blank, formatted diskette (either 3.5 or 5.25 inch, but 3.5 takes longer)
and a postage-paid diskette mailer, and I will send you the most current
version. My address is:
Walter J. Kennamer
7027 Dunstans Lane
Toledo, Ohio 43617

If you want me to supply the mailers, disks and postage, please enclose a
check for $25. This high figure is ostensibly for postage and handling,
but is really for putting me to the trouble of buying mailers, disks and
stamps. I prefer programming to managing a mailing effort, so I will do
the former cheaply but the latter only for a price.

How to Get Support

My CIS ID is 74025,514. I log on nearly every day, except when I am
traveling. I am easiest to reach through CompuServe mail, but I also check
in on the Fox, Ashton-Tate, and Nantucket Forums periodically. If you have
any suggestions about how to improve SNAP! or if you have encountered a
bug, please let me know.

My job requires me to travel frequently, and I am usually hard to reach by
telephone. You will probably have better success reaching me through
CompuServe or by mail.


Association of Shareware Professionals

I am a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP
wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman
can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a CompuServe
message via Easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.



Special thanks to Andy Walsh for writing several string procedures in
assembly language for me. Thanks to Peter Petto, Paul Ferrara and everyone
else who helped me develop and debug SNAP! Thanks to Pat Adams for public
relations. Thanks to Charles S. Galloway, for nagging me to do what I know
I ought to. He has contributed a great deal to SNAP! 5.0.

Thanks to all the beta testers who helped so much with handling the last-
minute details. I used to mention them separately. I don't anymore,
though, so that they are not blamed for any of the last-minute details that
turn out not to have been handled after all. They know who they are.


Appendix A -- Sample Reports

The following sample reports illustrate the formats of some SNAP! output.
Since the documentation for a full system is voluminous, only limited
portions of the documentation are presented here. This saves much space,
but has the disadvantage of making some reports "out of sync." Thus, the
internal consistency of a complete package of documentation is missing
here. For example, if you try to trace the entries in the tree back to
TODO.PRG, you will discover that they don't track since I trimmed out much
of TODO.PRG so as to reduce the bulk of the documentation file. Similarly,
the system summary shows a lot of databases that aren't in the DATADICT.DOC

Of course, the best way to see sample SNAP! reports is to run it on some of
your own programs.


*: Program: TODO.PRG
*: System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
*: Author: Walter J. Kennamer
*: Copyright (c) 1988, Walter J. Kennamer
*: Last modified: 02/26/88 23:00
*: Calls: HELP.PRG
*: : F2_HANDLR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
*: : HELPEDIT (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
*: : ERRORMSG (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
*: Memory Files: ACCESSES.MEM
*: Documented: 03/02/88 at 18:39 SNAP! version 3.00
PARAMETERS c_line && command line
*# SNAPMACRO s_tdfile todo
*# SNAPMACRO s_ddndx tododd
*# SNAPMACRO s0_adfname address
external subject
PUBLIC clipper,s_cmdline
IF pcount() > 0
s_cmdline = Alltrim(UPPER(c_line))
s_cmdline = ""
* read defaults
IF FILE("default.mem")
IF s0_bw
s0_montype = "M"
s0_montype = "C"
DO tddeflt
DO tdinput




System Summary

System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:29
System Summary


This system has:
8636 lines of code
46 program files
2 procedure files
84 procedures and functions
18 databases
8 index files
3 report forms
0 format files
0 label forms
5 memory variable files
622 cross-referenced tokens

See the tree diagram for programs, procedures, functions and format files

Index Report Label Memory
Databases Files Forms Forms Files
-------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------



SNAP! created the following documentation files:
Action diagram files
UPDATE.BAT to update program source files in C:\TODO
BACKDBF.BAT to backup databases, indexes and memory files
BACKPRG.BAT to backup program files, report forms and format files
PRINTDOC.BAT to print documentation files


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:09
Tree Diagram


HELP.DBF (database)
SHOW_HELP (procedure in HELP.PRG)
CENTER (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
CENTER (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
F2_HANDLR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
SCRHEAD (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
TODO.SKL (database)
TODO.DBF (database)
SUBJECT.DBF (database)
ADDRESS.DBF (database)
CENTER (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
PRTCODES.DBF (database)
SCRHEAD (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
CENTER (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
F2_HANDLR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
F3_HANDLR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)

and so forth


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:52
Procedure and Function Summary


2 procedure files in the system

SUBJECT.PRG -- Last updated: 12/30/87 at 8:47

Contains: SUBOK() (Params: SUBNAME)
Calls: SETCOLOR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
Calls: CENTER (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
Calls: PUTSUB (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
Contains: SUBLOOK() (Params: M_SUBNAME)
Calls: SETCOLOR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
Contains: SUBEDIT (Params: none)
Called by: ED() (function in SUBJECT.PRG)
Calls: SETCOLOR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)

TODOPRC.PRG -- Last updated: 12/28/87 at 14:20

Contains: F2_HANDLR (Params: none)
Called by: TODO.PRG
Called by: TDDEFLT.PRG
Contains: F3_HANDLR (Params: none)
Called by: TODO.PRG
Called by: TDDEFLT.PRG
Calls: SETCOLOR (procedure in TODOPRC.PRG)
Contains: F4_HANDLR (Params: none)
Called by: TODO.PRG
Called by: TDDEFLT.PRG
Contains: ISCTRL() (Params: none)
Contains: SCREEN_ON (Params: none)
Called by: ROLODEX.PRG
Contains: PRINT_ON (Params: none)
Called by: ROLODEX.PRG


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:42
Database Structure Summary


3 databases in the system

Structure for database : HELP.DBF
Number of data records : 37
Last updated : 09/09/87 at 11:06
Field Field name Type Width Dec Start End
1 HCALLPRG Character 8 1 8
2 HINPUTVAR Character 12 9 20
3 HSCRNNUM Character 4 21 24
4 HELPMSG Memo 10 25 34
** Total ** 35

This database is associated with the memo file: HELP.DBT

This database appears to be associated with index file(s):
: HELPKEY.NTX (UPPER(hcallprg+hscrnnum+hinputvar))

SNAP! did not find any associated report forms

Used by: HELP.PRG
: TDREPAIR (procedure in TDFIX.PRG)


Structure for database : TODO.DBF
Number of data records : 112
Last updated : 03/01/88 at 17:35
Field Field name Type Width Dec Start End
1 ITEM Character 55 1 55
2 PRIORITY Character 1 56 56
3 DATE_DUE Date 8 57 64
4 CALTIME Character 5 65 69
5 COMPLETE Character 1 70 70
6 ADVANCE Numeric 3 71 73
7 DATE_ASGN Date 8 74 81
8 DATE_COMP Date 8 82 89


9 LATE Numeric 3 90 92
10 ITEMTYPE Character 1 93 93
11 ALARM Character 1 94 94
12 SUBJECT Character 30 95 124
13 DURATION Numeric 8 2 125 132
14 VERSION Character 5 133 137
** Total ** 138

This database appears to be associated with index file(s):
: TODODD.NTX (DTOS(date_due)+priority+caltime)
: DATEDUE.NDX (index key not found)

This database appears to be associated with multiple index file(s):

SNAP! did not find any associated report forms

: OPENDATA (procedure in TDSETUP.PRG)


Structure for database : SUBJECT.DBF
Number of data records : 41
Last updated : 01/12/88 at 9:34
Field Field name Type Width Dec Start End
1 SUBCODE Character 20 1 20
2 SUBJECT Character 30 21 50
** Total ** 51

This database appears to be associated with index file(s):
: SUBJECT.NTX (UPPER(subject))

SNAP! did not find any associated report forms

: OPENDATA (procedure in TDSETUP.PRG)


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:49
Database summary

Note: the actual system used more than 3 databases. All but three were
removed above to save space. This portion of the report shows all of

Field Name Type Len Dec Database




System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:15
Index Parameter Summary


5 index files in the system

HELPKEY.NTX -- Indexed on: UPPER(hcallprg+hscrnnum+hinputvar)
Last updated: 09/09/87 at 11:06

This index file appears to be associated with database(s):

Used by: HELP.PRG
: TDREPAIR (procedure in TDFIX.PRG)

SUBJECT.NTX -- Indexed on: UPPER(subject)
Last updated: 01/12/88 at 9:16

This index file appears to be associated with database(s):

Used by: SUBLOOK() (function in SUBJECT.PRG)
: PART_MATCH() (function in SUBJECT.PRG)
: OPENDATA (procedure in TDSETUP.PRG)
: TDREPAIR (procedure in TDFIX.PRG)

TODODD.NTX -- Indexed on: DTOS(date_due)+priority+caltime
Last updated: 03/01/88 at 17:35

This index file appears to be associated with database(s):


: TDREPAIR (procedure in TDFIX.PRG)

&NTXNAME is a macro unknown to SNAP!

This index file appears to be associated with database(s):

: OPENDATA (procedure in TDSETUP.PRG)
: TDREPAIR (procedure in TDFIX.PRG)

File not found--DATEDUE.NDX

This index file appears to be associated with database(s):

Used by: TDCAL.PRG


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:15
Multiple Index Summary


1 multiple index file in the system

TODO.MTX--Last updated: 09/09/87 at 11:06
TAG : TDITEM (item)
TAG : TDPRIOR (priority+itemtype)

This multiple index file appears to be associated with database(s):

Used by: TODO.PRG


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:50
Report Form File Summary


2 report forms in the system

SUBREPT.FRM Last updated: 08/24/87 at 10:14
Summary report? No
Eject page before printing? No Eject page after printing? Yes
Double space report? No Plain page? No
Left margin: 8 Right Margin: 0

Report Contents

No. Field Length Decimals Totaled?
--- ---------------------------------- ------ -------- --------

1 Subject 40 0 No
2 Subcode 25 0 No

Report Layout
Page No. 1

Subject Codes

Subject Charge Code
1 2

Database and Program References

SNAP! could not find an associated database

Used by: SUBREPT (procedure in SUBJECT.PRG)


TDSUMIN.FRM Last updated: 09/01/87 at 15:17
Summary report? No
Eject page before printing? Yes Eject page after printing? Yes
Double space report? Yes Plain page? No
Left margin: 1 Right Margin: 0

Report Contents

No. Field Length Decimals Totaled?
--- ---------------------------------- ------ -------- --------

1 "______" 6 0 No
2 RECNO() 4 0 No
3 Item 55 0 No
4 " "+dtoc(date_due) 9 0 No
5 Caltime 6 0 No

Report Layout
Page No. 1

Uncompleted Items

No. Item Due Date Time
=== =========================================== ========= =====
1 2 3 4 5

Database and Program References

SNAP! could not find an associated database



System: FoxAPP
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
09/04/91 08:51:49
Screen File Summary


1 screen file in the system

APPSCX.SCX Last updated: 06/28/91 at 17:29

FoxPro Application Generator

0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Step 1: Create or modify a database
3 Database name:
4 1: dbfname.............................
5 < Create > < Modify >
8 Step 2 : Design a screen
10 Screen name:
11 5: scxname.............................
12 < Create > < Modify >
14 Generate
16 < Cancel >

Window name: Appgen
Coordinates: FROM 0,0 TO 0,52


Name Type Picture



1: dbfname Field "@S67"
2: adddbf Push button "@*VN Create"
3: moddbf Push button "@*VN Modify"
4: Listdbf Push button "@*VN File List"
5: scxname Field "@S67"
6: addscx Push button "@*VN Create"
7: modscx Push button "@*VN Modify"
8: Listscx Push button "@*VN File List"
9: generate Push button "@*VN \!Generate"
10: cancbut Push button "@*VT \?Cancel"


System: APPMENU Menu Program
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
09/04/91 09:53:51
Menu File Summary


1 menu file in the system

APPMENU.MNX Last updated: 06/29/91 at 15:53

System ALT+S (Submenu SYSTEM)
About... (Procedure)
Help... F1 _MST_HELP
------------ (Submenu
Calculator _MST_CALCU
Calendar/Diary _MST_DIARY
------------ (Submenu )
Quit (Procedure)
Edit ALT+E (Submenu EDIT)
------------ _MED_SP200
------------ _MED_SP300
Preferences... _MED_PREF
Application ALT+A (Submenu APPLIC)
Top F2 (Procedure)
Bottom F3 (Procedure)
Next F4 (Procedure)
Prior F5 (Procedure)
------------ (Submenu )
Add record (Procedure)
Copy record (Procedure)
Delete record CTRL+D (Procedure)
------------ (Submenu )
Browse CTRL+B (Procedure)
Search... CTRL+S (Procedure)
Filter... CTRL+F (Procedure)
Order... CTRL+O (Procedure)
------------ (Submenu )
Query... CTRL+Q (Procedure)
Report... CTRL+R DO prtopts


Utilities ALT+U (Submenu UTILITIES)
Construct index (Procedure)
Pack (Procedure)
Environment (Submenu ENVIRO)
Status Bar (Procedure)
Clock (Procedure)
Extended video (Procedure)
Sticky (Procedure)


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:55:58
Token Cross-Reference Report


622 tokens are included in this report.

Legend for context symbols:
(blank) reference does not change the variable or field value.
= variable or field is changed in an assignment statement.
x variable is released.
A array is declared.
G GET statement changes variable or field.
P variable is declared PUBLIC.
R field is replaced.
U database is USEd
V variable is declared PRIVATE.
& variable is referenced in a macro--takes preference over all others.
@ variable passed as a var parameter--Clipper only
? reference is of unknown type.

AREACODE.PRG 90 134 178

TDINPUT.PRG 62x 67P 306=
EDITSRCH.PRG 35= 69= 99=



ADDRESS.PRG 476= 482G 482 484 663= 664 665= 668G 668
748= 751G 751 753

TDCOPY.PRG 109= 116= 116 122 126 128 224 226 241=
248 255 262 264 277

ADDRESS.PRG 130 227 282 301R 336R 363
ROLODEX.PRG 180 181 183


System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:06
Public Variable Summary


These variables were declared PUBLIC somewhere in the system.
Some may also be used as private variables in some parts of the code.



System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:06
Macro Summary


Macros Defined to SNAP!

Variable Expansion
-------------- ---------------------------------


Macros Not Defined to SNAP!



System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:06
Array Summary

An array declared with a variable (e.g., DECLARE foo[bar])
will be shown as having a size of [var].



System: ToDo -- To Do Management System
Author: Walter J. Kennamer
03/02/88 18:56:29
File List

Programs and procedures:
ADDRFILT() (function in ADDRESS.PRG)

Procedure files:


Index files:

Report forms:

Memory files:



4PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Action diagrams . . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 20, 37-41, 58
User-defined symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Ashton-Tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 51
Association of Shareware Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Importance of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Batch operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Blank lines, suppression of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Break Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 40, 46
Capitalization . . . . . . 5, 10, 18, 21-23, 34, 35, 39, 48, 50
CDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Change history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Index files . . . . . . . . . 11, 29, 42, 57, 61, 62, 65, 77
Command line switches
/A -- Alternate CASE indenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
/BW -- black and white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
/F -- Configuration file name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
/M -- macro file name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
/O -- omit macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
/P -- Printer port or filename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
/S -- Echo reports to screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
/T -- SNAP! tag (changing *#) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
/X -- immediate mode (batch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Putting them back in, design difficulties surrounding . . 23
Suppression of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Compuserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 51, 52
CONFIG.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 43
Configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 10, 40, 43
CONFIG.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 43
Retrieving configuration settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Saving configuration settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Continuation lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Control structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 20, 38, 40, 45, 49
Cross-reference . 4, 5, 8, 10, 17, 18, 23, 26, 32-35, 40, 46, 50,
58, 74
Key words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 33
Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Limitation of type flagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Limiting to PUBLIC variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Numeric constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Quoted strings excluded from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
What is included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Database summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 26, 28-30, 50, 63


dBASE II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 7, 11, 24, 29, 30, 32
dBASE III . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 8, 11, 24, 29-31, 34, 35, 50
dBASE IV . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 8, 11, 24, 28, 31, 35, 48
DBXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
DBxWORDS.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 35
DB2WORDS.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 24
DB3WORDS.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 23, 24, 34
DB4WORDS.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 24, 49
Documentation files
Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Elapsed time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11, 20, 38, 43, 46, 58
ERROR.DOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 58
Field names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 32, 61-63
Format files . . . . . 4, 10, 11, 15, 17, 19, 27, 30, 37, 57, 58
Format screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 20-22, 24, 38, 40
FoxBASE . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 24, 29, 30, 35, 50
Index files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 29, 42
FoxPro . . 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15-17, 24, 29, 31, 35, 45, 48, 70
Capitalization of function names . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 34
Indentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 50
Alternate CASE indenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Index file . . . 4, 11, 19, 28-30, 37, 48, 57, 61, 62, 65-67, 77
NDX extensions . . . . . . 29, 30, 42, 50, 57, 62, 65, 66, 77
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 11, 19, 32, 40, 43
Key words . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 10, 18, 21-24, 32, 34, 38, 45
Capitalization . . . . . 5, 10, 18, 21-23, 34, 35, 39, 48, 50
Cross-referencing of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 32
DBxWORDS.SNP . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 21, 23, 24, 34, 35, 49
Duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Expansion or compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Including other files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
PERSONAL.KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 49
Peverse use of, punishment for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Special characters in file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Korenthal Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13
Label forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 17, 19, 26-28, 50, 57
License agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 36, 50
LINK.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
PLINK86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 50
MACRO.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Macros . . . 5, 9, 14-17, 19, 28, 33, 37, 43, 50, 66, 72, 74, 76
SNAPMACRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 20
Make files . . 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 19, 20, 22, 35, 36, 45, 50, 52
MAKE.INI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
MAKEFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 58
NDMAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Memory files . 4, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 26, 27, 31, 37, 55, 58, 77


Memory requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Nantucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 51
Narratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
NDMAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Other screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Output 4, 7-9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 47, 48, 50, 54
Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9, 11, 12, 15, 37, 45, 47
PERSONAL.KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 49
PLINK86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 50
LINK.SNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Print screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
HP LaserJet II setup string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Printer configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Printing documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Norton Utilities LP Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reprinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 42, 49
PRIVATE variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 35, 74, 75
Procedure files
Unique name requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ProClip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Program narratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PUBLIC variables . . . . . . 18, 32, 33, 35, 50, 53, 55, 74, 75
Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11
Recursion (see Recursion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Registration Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Report forms . 4, 10, 11, 17, 19, 26-28, 31, 37, 57, 58, 61, 62,
68, 77
Rettig, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 22, 24, 34
SNAP FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SNAP XREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SNAP.DOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SNAP.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SNAP.HLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SNAP! directives
Changing *# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
DATAPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
FORMFEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
PRGPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
SNAPCODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18, 29
SNAPMACRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16, 18, 28, 55
XREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SNAPMACRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 20
Source code printout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Alternatives to SNAP! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Directing to a file or another port . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Forcing page breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Network printing considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Printing without documenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
What files are not printed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Support, how to get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


System screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 10, 15, 17
Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 20, 40, 41
Spaces instead of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
TLINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 50
TopFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9, 11, 14, 31, 36, 44, 47
Explanation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tree screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Turbo Linker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 35, 50
Turbo Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Updates, how to get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Version Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


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