Dec 212017
MX-Light Version 1.7 from Mx Communications. Easy to use communications program. Protocols included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. Full Screen Editor, Internal ANSI, Avatar and V

Full Description of File

MX-Light Version 1.7 from Mx Communications.
MX-Light, easy to use communications program
Protocols included are ASCII,Kermit,Xmodem,
Full Screen Editor, Internal ANSI,Avatar
and VT100 Drivers.Capture Doorway Many other
features. Auto Zmodem Downloads MXLIGHT
download it now, Only $10.00 to Register.
Many Fixes from Ver 1.6 and New Features.
Now Includes 8k Zmodem(ZedZap)

File MXLITE17.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Communications
MX-Light Version 1.7 from Mx Communications. Easy to use communications program. Protocols included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. Full Screen Editor, Internal ANSI, Avatar and V
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 429 292 deflated
MX.EXE 80992 80992 stored
MXLIGHT.DOC 11664 3944 deflated
MXLIGHT.NEW 7461 2879 deflated
MXLIGHT.TXT 3028 1139 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 2212 789 deflated

Download File MXLITE17.ZIP Here

Contents of the MXLIGHT.DOC file



James E. Fielden

Mx Communications


MXLIGHT is (c) COPYRIGHT 1993 by : James E. Fielden, Mx Communications.

The only thing the author can guarantee is that MXLight will take up
space on your hard drive. Beyond that, you use the program at your own
risk. MXLight has been tested in many different environments with no
damage, loss of data, or compromised security, and we cannot guarantee
how it will work in your environment. The author will not be held
responsible for any damage to your system.


Mx Light is very easy to use so this manual will not be to intense on
using it.

For starters let's look at a list of mxlight's features since this will
answer some of your questions.


Interrupt driven buffered I/O up to 115 K baud.
Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem and Ymodem protocols.
Automatic CTS/RTS, DTR/DSR, XON/XOFF flow control, you set
nothing it's all automatic.
Support's Com 1 thur Com 8.
Support for 16550 Uart.
ANSI, Avatar, VT100 terminal emulation.
Auto Zmodem Downloads.
Self Checking at run time for any virus or dammage to the
exe file, If Mx Light get's a virus or somehow the execubtle
file becomes dammaged then it will not run so it will not
carry or spread any type of harm to your other files.
Low Low Low Low Low Low Low did I say Low, Price $10.00.
Simple Configure once you tell Mx Light your com port
baud rate and a Download directory your done ever think
else is automaticly set for Best Preformance everytime
you make a call.
200 Number Phone Book with extremely easy editing.
Full Support For Extented DoorWay Mode.
Capture File
Very nice Full Screen Editor
Chat Mode
Now Store your User Name and Password in the Phone Book
for each Listing you can have one. Defaults to Configure
Name and Password
Zmodem 8k or (ZedZap) MXLIGHT will use ZedZap if the BBS
your calling has it.

Getting Started:

Well know big deal here if you want to make a directory in
your OS (DOS, 4DOS) like so:
C:\>md mx
Then change to that directory and like so:
C:\>cd mx
I give good OS lessions ?
Now make another directory from their for your files that
you download using Mx Light:
C:\>md files
Now unarchive Mx Light into the mx directory and type
mx from the OS prompt:

Mxlight.cfg not found

Enter your Com Port: Here you should enter the com port that your modem
is hooked to such as 1, 2, 3 or 4.
for PS2's you will have the choice of com port
1 thur 8

Enter your Baud Rate: Here you should enter the Highest speed that your
modem can handle such as 300, 2400, 57600 or
anything upto 115200.

Enter your Download Directory: Here you should enter the full path to
the directory you made under mx such as
C:\MX\FILES\ be sure and include the
backslash after your download directory.

Pick your Default Terminal Emulation: Here you should hit "A" for ANSI
"V" for VT100 or T for Avatar /0+
You can always change this Later
inside the Terminal Program.

Do you want Exploding Window(Y/N): Just hit Y if you want um if not
just hit enter.

Enter a default Username for Phone Book: MXLIGHT will use the name for
the default name in the Phone

Enter a default Password for Phone Book: Same as above default Password.

Pick your dialing Mode: Select T for tone dialing or P for Pulse dialing.

The screen will clear and your ready to go Hit the HOME
key if your not sure what to do here is a general list
of most of the commands you can preform in Mx Light.


Alt-X to Exit the Program and return to OS.
Alt-P to change baud rate if you need to.
Alt-J to Shell to OS.
Alt-C to Clear the Screen.
Alt-H to Hangup Modem while your connected.
Alt-I to See the Intro Screen again.
PgUp to Upload Files.
PgDn to Download Files.
Alt-D to Enter Phone Book and Dial a number.
Alt-= to Toggle DoorWay Mode.
Alt-E to Start up Mx Light Full Screen Editor.
Alt-A to Toggle Capture File.
Alt-V to change Terminal Emulation.
Alt-T to Toggle Chat Mode.
F1 to send Username from Phone Book
F2 to send Password from Phone Book
Alt-B to change buffer size.

I'll now give alittle info on each command:

Alt-X not that hard to figure out Exit back to which you came.

Alt-P will allow you to Manual change your baud rate you should
never have to do this since Most of the Modem Handling is

Alt-J Envolks a Shell to your OS type exit to return back into
the Terminal right were you left off.

Alt-C Clears your terminal screen.

Alt-H Maybe you called one of those bbs's that takes a day and
a half to hangup after you log off.

Alt-I Just Show's you the same intro screen that you seen
when you started the program.

PgUp (Number 9 on your KeyPad) will bring up a menu with
your choices of Protocol's Allway's use Zmodem if you can.

PgDn (Number 3 on your KeyPad) will bring up a menu with
your choices of Protocol's Allway's use Zmodem if you can.

Alt-D Brings up the Phone Book,

Alt-= is a very useful function it set's up the Extended
DoorWay codes to be used with Full Screen Editor's Games
and other's were you need full control over the keyboard.
When in DoorWay Mode everthing you type will be sent over
the modem, so if your in DoorWay Mode you hit PgUp and it
Sends The DoorWay Scan Code. So if your ever having problems
were you can't get a menu to work or something check and
see if your in DoorWay Mode by Hitting Alt-=, because when
your in DoorWay Mode Alt-X want exit the Program it will
just send Alt-X over the Modem.

Alt-E Get's you into the Full Screen Editor it has it's
own help so I want go into much info on it.

Alt-A will ask you for a file name to capture to if you
just hit enter it will capture to a file MXWORK.TXT then
you can save the file with that name or choice any other
when you save the file.

Alt-V brings up a small Menu to let you select Ansi Avatar
or VT100 Terminal Emulation.

Alt-T turns on the Chat mode your still in a Full Terminal
mode it just set's up the Echo and Cr Linefeeds needed when
chatting with another Terminal Program.

F1 will send your Username from the Phone Book to the Remote
BBS. You must have used the Phone Book to call the Number
for this to work.

F2 to Send Password same as above.

A-B at speeds above 9600 you may find the need to make your
buffer size much larger then the default which is now 5000 for
in buffer and 5000 for out buffer. If your having problems with
file transfers and ANSI then you need a bigger buffer.

Well that's about all I can think of to get you started it's not that
hard so if this manual has left you confused in anyway don't worry
about it just use Mx Light and You'll figure it out.


Ok for all you who read doc's here's some special information:

Send in your registration and you will also receive a bonus program
fully registered in your name. What is it?

Well it might vary but It will be one of my Utilities that I've released
so you can't go wrong for free. The Disk as well will contain as much
software as we can fit on it. ShareWare some Freeware from Myself and
other's at Mx Communications Software.


Starting with Version 1.7 their is know longer the need for shipping
charges. I will now send you a number and code on how to Register
MXLIGHT. Make sure the name you include is the Name Spelled just
like you want it to show up in the Program.
You must have Version 1.7 for this to work.

The Latest Version can always be found on : The Sounding Board BBS
300 to 57600

Download MXLITE##.ZIP where ## is the Version number so you can
just type MXLITE*.ZIP and that should get you the newest version.

A very small registration fee is required for the use of MxLight.

The price is $10.00 US dollars.

Send your name and address with a Money Order or check(checks must
wait for clear) for $10.00 to:

James E. Fielden
307 E. Oak Hill Ave.
Knoxville, Tn 37917-5433 USA

Yes you read that right( Ten dollars to register that's it!!).
Here is a form if you want to print it out and use it.

Registration Information: MXLight v1.7

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________


City, ST Zip ____________________________________________

Any suggestions or comments ______________________________



Do you want to be notifed of Upgrades? ___________________

Mx Light Registration: $10.00 ____

Total Enclosed: _____

Registrations mailed to:

James E. Fielden
307 E. Oak Hill Ave.
Knoxville, Tn 37917 USA

All Amounts are in US funds ONLY.


 December 21, 2017  Add comments

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