Jan 012018
The Liberator v2.32 Telix/PCBoard automation system.
File LIB232.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Communications
The Liberator v2.32 Telix/PCBoard automation system.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALLMAIL.CMD 95 79 deflated
BBS-CFG.FRM 1987 617 deflated
CAPCMD.CMD 115 90 deflated
CAPCMD.SLC 314 203 deflated
CAPCMD.SLT 3772 1344 deflated
CONFMAIL.CMD 102 86 deflated
CUSTOM.CMD 90 70 deflated
DOWNLOAD.CMD 90 68 deflated
GO.BAT 293 183 deflated
INET-OFF.SLT 1928 823 deflated
INET-ON.SLT 6992 2273 deflated
INETPASS.SLT 4132 1590 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 64671 32719 deflated
INTERACT.CMD 82 42 deflated
LIB232.UL 3509 1523 deflated
LIB232UL.CMD 100 79 deflated
LIBCFG.SLC 32652 11359 deflated
LIBERATE.001 27204 9998 deflated
LIBERATE.002 15976 5992 deflated
LIBERATE.003 14564 5783 deflated
LIBERATE.004 20470 6813 deflated
LIBERATE.DOC 185164 53396 deflated
LIBERATE.SLC 36544 13738 deflated
LIBTOOLS.SLC 31348 9837 deflated
MAIL.CMD 87 69 deflated
MAIL.DOC 23092 7661 deflated
MAKELIST.CMD 118 100 deflated
MAKELIST.DOC 15649 5029 deflated
MAKELIST.SLC 8236 3387 deflated
NEW-FEAT.DOC 52581 16274 deflated
PCBOARDL.SLT 7555 2703 deflated
README.BAT 15 15 stored
README.TXT 903 489 deflated
REGISTER.FRM 2424 720 deflated
RUNMASTR.SLC 16804 7380 deflated
SALT.DOC 28116 9326 deflated
SPUD-DL.SLT 2167 919 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 10052 3844 deflated
TELIX.DOC 7125 2771 deflated
UPDNLOAD.CMD 91 65 deflated
UPLOAD.CMD 88 68 deflated

Download File LIB232.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.BAT file


Contents of the README.TXT file


Liberator v2.32 Installation Instructions

Welcome to The Liberator v2.32! To install the program, type GO
from the DOS prompt, then hit the or key. E.g.

A:> GO

Note that the installation program gives you complete control and
will not modify anything on your system without getting your
permission first. If you have a previous release of The
Liberator installed, you are given the option to copy it to any
drive/directory, along with your Command and Configuration Files,
before installing v2.32.

PCBoard Sysops or Disk Librarians, please see the file SYSOP.DOC
for category information and a program description. To run a
file check on The Liberator, without installing it, type
"INSTALL /check". (If using the 'GO' command, the program is
automatically checked during installation.)

 January 1, 2018  Add comments

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