Dec 262017
Melee: Futuristic gladiator BBS door game.
File MEL_191.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
Melee: Futuristic gladiator BBS door game.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARENA.ANS 2719 681 deflated
ARMOR.DAT 2208 549 deflated
BEAM.ANS 2703 735 deflated
CAGE.ANS 3012 798 deflated
CHALLENG.TXT 547 148 deflated
CMBTRULE.TXT 1724 769 deflated
CONV-190.EXE 9808 5944 deflated
DISCLAIM.TXT 2321 971 deflated
FIGHTENV.TXT 2903 1424 deflated
HELM.DAT 890 273 deflated
HOWFIGHT.TXT 9273 3671 deflated
MAINT.EXE 29043 28428 deflated
MELEE.BAT 55 45 deflated
MELEE.CFG 8048 3289 deflated
MELEE.DOC 11676 4973 deflated
MELEE.EXE 91136 89153 deflated
MELEE.OVR 458916 140823 deflated
MEL_AD1.ANS 1192 451 deflated
MEL_AD2.ANS 1057 347 deflated
MEL_AD3.ANS 2914 555 deflated
MEL_FIN1.ANS 5690 1529 deflated
MEL_FIN2.ANS 6860 1828 deflated
MUDPIT.ANS 3306 799 deflated
NPCGUYS1.DAT 19455 3464 deflated
NPCGUYS2.DAT 18158 3110 deflated
NPCGUYS3.DAT 19455 3214 deflated
NPCGUYS4.DAT 20752 3363 deflated
NPCGUYS5.DAT 19455 3147 deflated
NPCGUYS8.DAT 10376 2142 deflated
NPCSCRP1.DAT 1125 374 deflated
NPCSCRP2.DAT 1050 337 deflated
NPCSCRP3.DAT 1125 376 deflated
NPCSCRP4.DAT 1200 381 deflated
NPCSCRP5.DAT 1125 355 deflated
NPCSCRP8.DAT 600 253 deflated
NPC_GEN.EXE 35056 17192 deflated
ORDER.FRM 9666 2664 deflated
P-EDITOR.EXE 32128 16183 deflated
PATTERN.ANS 1698 388 deflated
PROFEXPL.TXT 2842 1387 deflated
RANKINGS.ANS 2518 431 deflated
RANKINGS.EXE 23650 23206 deflated
RBBS_FIX.EXE 5943 5724 deflated
READTHIS.NOW 4182 2028 deflated
SANDS.ANS 2622 681 deflated
SHAREWRE.DOC 2852 1359 deflated
SHIELD.DAT 1068 301 deflated
STATINFO.TXT 10037 4116 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 26744 9936 deflated
TACTICS.ANS 1703 606 deflated
TACTICS.TXT 10884 4623 deflated
TOURNEY.EXE 37216 18370 deflated
UPDATE.ASC 11524 4741 deflated
V-EDITOR.EXE 31584 16062 deflated
VIS_FITE.TXT 307 144 deflated
WARRIOR.BAT 720 406 deflated
WEAPON.DAT 4176 1154 deflated

Download File MEL_191.ZIP Here

Contents of the CHALLENG.TXT file

On 02-08-92, it was recorded that Warrior Kato (the Axe)
Challenged Warrior God to a Blood Match....
On 03-01-92, it was recorded that Warrior Conan The Computer Nerd
Challenged Warrior Garth to a Blood Match....
On 03-03-92, it was recorded that Warrior Conan The Computer Nerd
Challenged Warrior Mikko to a Blood Match....

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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