Dec 222017
An example of how to use OLE 2.0 with Microsoft Access in Visual Basic 3.0.
File OLEACC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
An example of how to use OLE 2.0 with Microsoft Access in Visual Basic 3.0.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ABOUT.FRM 3391 728 deflated
DOC10.MDB 98304 9186 deflated
DOCS.MDB 98304 8967 deflated
OLE2CHLD.FRM 6284 1668 deflated
OLE2MDI.FRM 1635 578 deflated
OLE2MOD1.BAS 3217 1003 deflated
OLE2MOD2.BAS 11247 2652 deflated
OLEACCDM.EXE 20567 7503 deflated
OLEACCDM.MAK 260 172 deflated
OLEACCES.BAS 1802 793 deflated
OLEFMT.TXT 3873 1668 deflated
OLESAVE.FRM 3498 1020 deflated
README.TXT 2623 1166 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File OLEACC.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

These files construct a demonstration of techniques to read and
write Microsoft Access OLE objects using VB3 Professional edition.
However, there is currently a problem in calculating a checksum that
matches the one calculated by Access. This means that while Access
objects can be read, they cannot be written to Access in a form that
Access can load. Perhaps you can find the bug or construct a proper
checksum function.

This program is actually a modified version of the OLE2DEMO program
supplied with VB3. A new form has been added to replace the common
dialog box and the OpenSave function in OLE2MOD2 has been modified
to load and save Access objects from the supplied database (DOCS.MDB)
instead of the DOS file system.

All these techniques are based on an article downloaded from the
Microsoft Access forum. This article is included.

All of these techniques are done in native VB with the exception of
two Windows kernel functions. These are:

GetTempFile : incidental to the techniques to read and write Access
OLE objects, this function is used to generate a
unique filename for reading a writing OLE objects.

hmemcpy : this allows copying between variables of differing type,
including structures. This is a DANGEROUS function,
and can cause a CRASH if not properly called. Be
especially aware that the dest and source variables
are declared as Any, so that ByVal must precede string
arguments. I've never had problems using this function
if the parameters are correct.

Please, if you have better luck with the Checksum, send me a line.
Michael Kosten [71520,161]

Files included:

OLEACCDM MAK : VB 3 make file for this demo
OLE2MOD1 BAS : Global module same as in OLE2DEMO
OLE2MOD2 BAS : Modified module, has new OpenSave function
OLEACCES BAS : Contains declarations for Access OLE objects
ABOUT FRM : About form, slightly modified
OLE2CHLD FRM : Child form, identical to that in OLE2DEMO
OLE2MDI FRM : Main MDI form, makes calls to open Access database
OLESAVE FRM : New form for saving and loading OLE objects
README TXT : This file
OLEFMT TXT : File from Microsoft describing Access OLE format
DOCS MDB : Access 1.1 database used in demonstration
DOC10 MDB : Access 1.0 version, in case you have not upgraded
OLEACCDM EXE : Executable of demo

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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