Dec 112017
InBoard/386 PC device drivers and utilities from the Intel BBS. These are the most recent ones on their board.
File INBRDPC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
InBoard/386 PC device drivers and utilities from the Intel BBS. These are the most recent ones on their board.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
APPENDD.DOC 39446 6421 deflated
CHAPTER7.DOC 20825 4668 deflated
CHKCOP.EXE 11477 6879 deflated
ICACHE.COM 12474 7061 deflated
ILIM386.COM 1897 1209 deflated
ILIM386.SYS 55706 32287 deflated
INBRDPC.SYS 50837 8795 deflated
ISPEEDPC.EXE 12240 5127 deflated
ISTATPC.EXE 19632 7656 deflated
KEYBRDPC.EXE 10592 4426 deflated
README.DOC 647 331 deflated
SETUP.EXE 63632 17170 deflated

Download File INBRDPC.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

The followin files should be contained in the archive file INBRDPC.SYS.
This revision includes an update to the ILIM386.SYS driver to version 2.66.

SETUP EXE 63632 11-07-88 4:32p
CHAPTER7 DOC 20825 11-28-88 9:20a
APPENDD DOC 39446 11-23-88 1:18p
INBRDPC ARC 139757 11-29-88 5:22p
INBRDPC SYS 50829 11-07-88 4:33p
ISPEEDPC EXE 12240 11-07-88 4:34p
ISTATPC EXE 19632 11-07-88 4:35p
KEYBRDPC EXE 10592 11-07-88 4:35p
CHKCOP EXE 738 11-07-88 4:35p
ILIM386 SYS 54970 9-07-88 11:41a
ILIM386 COM 12478 9-07-88 11:42a
ICACHE COM 12474 1-29-88 10:39a

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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