Dec 112017
Report Drive Status in Errorlevel (ie Ready,OPEN,Write-Protect).
File DSKREADY.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Report Drive Status in Errorlevel (ie Ready,OPEN,Write-Protect).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DSKREADY.COM 27 27 stored
DSKREADY.DEB 170 130 deflated
DSKREADY.DOC 1233 650 deflated
MAKE.BAT 233 155 deflated
TEST.BAT 650 322 deflated

Download File DSKREADY.ZIP Here

Contents of the DSKREADY.DOC file

DSKREADYGeoff Drayson 1/1/89

( From a Public Message sent by FABIAN GORDON to ALL on BATPOWER. 11/30/88)

DSKREADY is a routine for checking the status of a disk drive to avoid
getting the "Abort, Retry, Fail" message in batch files. It also provides a
way to check if a PROTECTED HARD DRIVE is available for access.

Command Syntax: DSKREADY

DSKREADY (.com) will set the following Errorlevels:

255 Drive does not exist.
12 General Failure (Disk NOT Formatted).
2 Drive NOT ready (No disk or door open).
0 Drive is ready.

Note: Some "PROTECTED" HARD DISK will give ERRORLEVEL 2 when they are not
available (Mounted).

The Archive DSKREADY.ARC contains the following files :

DSKREADY.DOCThis documentation file.
DSKREADY.COMDisk Ready Program.
DSKREADY.DEBSource code for DEBUG input file.
MAKE.BAT Batch file to Make the from Dskready.deb.
Assumes DEBUG program is in current directory or
on the PATH.
TEST.BATBatch file to test operation of the COM file.
Syntax: TEST

------------------ Enjoy ------------------------------------------------

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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