Dec 052017
Helps you with DOS up to version 5.0 - BD-Soft.
File DHLP12.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Tutorials + Patches
Helps you with DOS up to version 5.0 – BD-Soft.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DHLP.BAT 108 96 deflated
MMVDHLP.EXE 64521 61834 deflated
README.TXT 4271 1791 deflated
REGISTER.FRM 1494 437 deflated

Download File DHLP12.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

MMV Dos Help
V 1.1

What is DHLP ? Dhlp is a program I developed for a class that
MMV was offering for new users to DOS. I decided to make some adjustments,
and release it into shareware.
Now that I explained how it came about, I'll explain what it does:

* Gives the function of commands in DOS
* Gives the syntax of the command
* Gives the command line options
* Gives examples and notes for most commands.
* Supports commands including DOS versions 3.3 through 5.0

Note: DOS Help requires CGA graphics adapter and monochrome moniter
at least... IF you have less, call me, and I'll try to write
a version for you.(With registration payment)

Using DOS Help

To use the software, run the batch file Dhlp.BAT. The batch file is
included to give users who register, and easy way to enter their registration
number if they decide not to get the software mailed to them.
You may use MMV Dos Help V 1.1 for a 15 days trial period. At the
end of these 15 days, you must decide wether it was and is a use to you. If
it is please register the software. Registration fee is low to promote
registration. If you feel that $15 is too much to pay for many many hours of
work, I'm glad you're not my employer! 🙂 Seriously, you can send any amount
of money, but $15 is a good minimum.

What does registration get you?
Registering one piece of my software (at least $15 dollar registration) will
register you for the following:

* MMV File Mover (Quick, Easy way to move a file)

* MMV DOS Help V 1.1 and the upcoming 2.0 (Mouse based)
and one other title of your choice, within one year of the date you

* I also write a line of software for OmegaBBS package, and am starting
to work with TBBS, and other BBS packages.
I also have ALRMPG11 - a program to link your computer and a beeper, available
with a seperate registration fee.

NOTE: No updates or new titles are GAURENTEED, but I'll do my best.
Besides programming, I am a student, SysOp, and work part time at MMV.

To Register:
1) Print REGISTER.FRM (Load up Dhlp and check out the PRINT or TYPE
command for help on printing).
2) Fill out the Form
3) Write a check payable to William Davidson
4) Mail both together to:

William Davidson
2644 Riva Road
Annapolis, Md. 21401

Thanks for trying MMV DOS Help!

Version 1.0 - Preliminary release - Was 2 EXE files using a data file to
link the two. This caused problems with write-protected
disks and path statements.

Version 1.1 - Linked the 2 EXE's into one, saving disk space and execution
time, at the loss of the program needing a little more memory.
(About 30K more). Still should have enough room to run under
most DOS versions on MOST systems.

Version 1.2 - Cleaned up this doc file a little, and re-compiled the EXE file
to save about 2 K and speed execution.

To contact me:
Call my BBS at 301-830-6893,,,252525
It supports up to 14.4k - v.32 v.42 v.42bis
And is local to the Baltimore area. Leave a (C)omment to the SysOp.

Happy Computing!

Note: Please copy this software, upload it to BBS's, and give it to all your
friends to try. (As long as all files in the original archive are still
there, and the code is not altered in any way.)

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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