Dec 292017
"POP-LABEL" is a small, fast, "Pop-Up Window" program for creating and printing LABELS.
File POPLABEL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
“POP-LABEL” is a small, fast, “Pop-Up Window” program for creating and printing LABELS.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PL.DOC 16794 6991 deflated
PL.EXE 46475 44781 deflated
REG.DAT 88 66 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 2432 927 deflated

Download File POPLABEL.ZIP Here

Contents of the PL.DOC file


Robert F. Keber Jr.
336 Swain Blvd.
Lake Worth, FL 33463-3342

(407) 969-3643


Use This Software At Your Own Risk

The author of this software makes or offers no warranty, either
expressed or implied, regarding any of the software programs included
with this package. There is no warranty for this software's usefulness,
or for it's fitness for any particular purpose. The author will not be
liable for any damages arising from the use of (or from the inability
to use) this software. The author will not be liable for lost profits,
lost savings, lost income, lost time, claims by other parties, or for
other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of (or
from the inability to use) this software. Use of this software is
entirely at the user's own risk.

"POP-LABEL" (aka "PL") is a small, fast, "Pop-Up Window" program for
creating and printing LABELS.

It is ideal for those times when you need just a couple of simple
labels for floppy disks, report covers, or when you need to quickly
type up a mailing label, or for just about any other reason.

All that you need to do is to place the TWO files "PL.EXE" & "REG.DAT"
somewhere in your "PATH", and from then on, anytime you need a label
just enter "PL". The "Pop-Label Window" will quickly appear on the
Lower Part of your screen, ready to receive your input. It sure beats
reaching for your old trusty (rusty) typewriter.

We have tried to keep "PL" small and simple. As such, it's a lot
faster to use than most of the BIG Label programs which do just about
everything but lick postage stamps for you. We have found that "those"
kind of programs are usually a "pain" to use when you only want to
print ONE simple label (choose a graphic, set for one, two or three
across printing, select a type style, set your "Printer Escape Codes",
print alignment test labels, and so on..., for menu after menu).

With "Pop-Label", you choose a print size, type the label, say how
many copies you want and where to set the Left Margin, and that's it!
Couldn't be easier.

A new feature (Version 1.8 and newer) requested by many Users is the
ability to "Save" & "Load" assorted labels.

To LOAD a previously saved label, just press a ^L (Control + L). This
is done by holding your "CTRL" key down, and then pressing the "L" key.
Then just enter the "Name" of your label (include PATH if not in your
default directory) and the label will be loaded and displayed for editing
or printing.

To SAVE a label, just enter a normal DOS file name for your label in the
space provided when you exit (F-10 Key) from "Pop-Label". If you wish to
save all your labels in one "\LABELS" sub-directory, then add the PATH to
the label's file name (eg: "C:\LABELS\RET-ADDR.LAB"). Otherwise, all labels
will be saved in your default drive and directory.

When I'm very short on time, I print the address label(s) on regular
computer paper (not on a gummed label). I then cut the address to
label size and use 2" wide transparent tape to affix it to an envelope
or package. It saves the time and trouble of removing the paper from
the printer, installing a roll of labels, and then putting the paper
back in again when I'm finished. Another benefit..., it makes the
printed address a little more water-proof and smear resistant.

Each of the five "Input Fields" will vary in length from 35 to 70
characters dependent upon which "Print Size" you select. But all of
the selections were designed with 3.5 Inch wide labels in mind.

In any given amount of space, more "Compressed" characters will fit
than the larger 10 Pitch (Pica) characters. As a result, while only
"35" 10 Pitch characters will fit across a 3.5 inch label, it will
take "70" characters of the much smaller "Compressed 12 Pitch Elite"
(converts into 20 pitch) to fill the same 3.5 inch space.

Because of this, we have put "measured scales" (in inches) at the top
of the Pop-Label screen display.

10cpi = 10 Pitch Pica (10 Characters Per Inch)
12cpi = 12 Pitch Elite (12 Characters Per Inch)
17cpi = 17 Pitch "Compressed Pica" (17 Characters Per Inch)
20cpi = 20 Pitch "Compressed Elite" (20 Characters Per Inch)

The purpose of those scales is to help you keep your typed entries from
extending beyond the end of various width labels.

What ever pitch you set your printer to, use the corresponding "scale" in
"Pop-Label" to keep an eye on the width of your typed line. How far across
the scale your typed line should extend would depend upon the width of the
label you are using.

For special applications, you can "bypass" the program's automatic setting
of the print size by pressing the "F5 Key". Once this key is pressed, you
can then set your printer "Manually" to ANY pitch setting you wish to use.

Most printers have control buttons, switches or levers for this purpose.
Others can be set by using any of the scores of "Printer Utility" programs
available through most Shareware Dealers.

But once you activate "Manual Printer Control", you are on your own as far
as "Characters Per Inch", "Lines Too Long" and "other" pitfalls that can
happen if you are not a little careful about "What & Where" you put on the
printed line.

This feature also allows this program to be used with more brands and
styles of printers (like those that are NOT very IBM/Epson compatible).

Pop-Label is also useful for other things, like making up a quick "Memo"
or "Note" for someone. Choose selection "D" for a 70 character wide line.
Then press the "F5 Key", and set your printer to 10 Pitch Pica print. This
will let you type up to 5 lines of 70 larger size characters. It's a LOT
faster than using your Word Processor, naming and opening a file, typing
the message, printing it, and then erasing the file (and any backup) when
you are finished. No muss - no fuss.


"POP - LABEL" ("PL") is a "Shareware" software package. This means
that we provide you with a fully functioning sample of the program for
you to "try out" for a short evaluation time. After a few weeks of
use, you are required to either dispose of the program or send us the
purchase price for registration.

WARNING: This program is, and will remain, fully functional. But any of
several safeguards "may" exist to encourage User Registration and to help
expose unauthorized retailing of copies which have been illegally Altered.

User Support (both Telephone & Written) is available for anyone who needs
help or information with any of our products. Because we produce and support
MANY different software packages, and each package usually has several up-
dated releases and revisions, please make your Program's Full Name & the
Program's Version Number available when you contact us (Example: POP-LABEL
Version 1.8 - Serial# 02617)


All who register will receive the latest updated and improved version of
"POP-LABEL", with all of it's related files.


Print the "Registration Form" by entering the System command...,

COPY REGISTER.DOC LPT1: <...and then hit 'ENTER'>

The Program Price is listed on the Registration Form. As all prices and
features are subject to periodic change, it is suggested that you call for
the latest price after December, 1992.

To Register, fill out the printed form and send it, along with a Check or
U.S. Postal Money Order (Payable in US Funds To "R. KEBER JR.") to the
following address.

Robert F. Keber Jr.
336 Swain Blvd.
Lake Worth, FL 33463-3342
(407) 969-3643


Our normal method of shipping a pre-paid order is by regular 1st Class
Mail. In such cases there is NO SHIPPING CHARGE, and delivery time is
usually just a few days.

ADDRESS CONTROLLER: Powerful yet Simple Address & Phone List Manager:
Handles Multiple Address Files. Does Multiple Label Outputs. Prints 2
Phone Book Directories & 3 Address Book Directories. Prints Index &
Rolodex Cards. Find records by ID# or SEARCH & FIND on ANY field.
Address Records have fields for 2 Telephone Numbers & 2 Extension
Numbers. Also has a 67 Character COMMENT field and an Address CATEGORY
field. BROWSE through Address Lists with Arrow Keys. Pick/Choose "Who"
to print Labels for. LOCK-IN repetitious field entries when entering
records from "City Directories". Sends ANY "Printed Output" (even
Labels) to the printer OR to a "Disk File". Maximum size of address
files is 9,350 records, with an unlimited number of files. Can MERGE,
EXTRACT & SORT address files. CONVERTS address files To/From RANDOM,
SEQUENTIAL & DBASE formats. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware $42.00

HEAVY DUTY ADDRESS & TELEPHONE program. Has most of the same features
as Address Controller, but handles up to 725,000 Records per Address
File. NO LIMIT on Files. Files never need Sorting, as new records are
sorted as they are entered. Finds records by Partial NAME or ID#. Mail
Labels are printed according to the Oct-90 Post Office Address Layout
suggestions. Does International Addresses. Many Other Features. Super
Fast & Feature Packed. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware: $42.00

INCOME & BILLING program for firms who produce a majority of their
Invoices from "OUTSIDE" of their own office (such as Service Firms).
Provides all of the "Gross Income Tracking Information" required by
most Accountants. Knowledge of BOOKKEEPING IS NOT NECESSARY! Prints
Invoices, Statements, Labels, Reports, & Invoice/Customer Directories.
Does Acc/Rec Customer Statements automatically. Holds about 1.5
million records. Quickly find any record by ID# or CUSTOMER NAME.
Compact data files, good for smaller disk drives. Very Fast Data
entry. Numbers only - placed into any of 13 Sales Categories (NO
Descriptions). Eleven of the 13 Sales Categories can be "Renamed" to
suit your type of business. Ready to use! No Inventory to type in, no
special forms to purchase. Almost NO program preparation at all. Just
set up "Your" Name/Address/Phone, Sales Tax Rate, etc., and it's ready
to go to work for you. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware - $69.00
INCOME & BILLING program for firms who produce most Invoices from
"Inside" of their own offices, and who need "Descriptive - Computer
Generated Invoices" which contain more than just "Numbers". Provides
all Gross Income information required by most Accountants. BOOKKEEPING
knowledge IS NOT NECESSARY! Prints Invoices, Statements, Labels,
Reports, Invoice Directories & Customer Telephone/Address Books. Does
Acc/Rec Customer Statements (with matching Mailing Labels, or set up
for use with Window Envelopes). Holds about 1.5 million records. Find
any record by PARTIAL NAME or NUMBER. Creates much larger Data files
than "GIST-ORIG", so a Hard Drive is recommended. Saves BOTH the
Numbers & Product/Part/Labor Descriptions. Many Adjustable features
can set up "G.P." to fit different business needs and local laws. Like
"GIST-ORIG", "G.P." is pretty much "Ready To Go To Work" for you, and
very little program "Set-Up" is required. There are NO extra purchases
required or needed. This package includes a "Pop-Up" Inventory program,
a Packing List Manager, and a Currency Conversion program. This package
is easily adaptable to most types of businesses. By: BOB KEBER - $89.00

"R-TRIM": (AN ASCII Text File & Source Code Manipulator & Adjuster)
STANDARD OPERATION: Shortens TEXT Files and ANY ASCII Source Codes by
removing ALL "Trailing" Blanks, Spacebars and NULLS from the right end
of each line of text and from "Blank" lines.
- INSERT or REMOVE a 1 To 9 Space wide LEFT MARGIN (Page Offset)
- Make room for using Report Covers & for Punching Holes for Binders
- Eliminate Excessive "Blank Lines" - MAX of 2 In-a-Row saves paper
- Converts Wordstar "High-Bit" Files to Standard ASCII TEXT Files
- UN-JUSTIFY: Removes Double & Triple Spacebars from between words.
- Run from DOS Command Line or with on-screen HELP & OPTIONS MENUS
- Use WildCard File Names - Do Multiple Files at once
Ideal for Authors & Editors. By: Bob Keber - $10.00

A Sales Tracking program for Software Authors who distribute and sell
their own software products. Handles multiple Product Files, changing
files quickly through "Pop-Up Windows". Provides "Gross Income"
information, displaying a wide variety of totals, sub totals and
averages for an entire file, or for any range of dates you select.
Issues Program Serial Numbers. File records store Customer Address &
Phone, Serial #'s, Program Name & Version, Quantity, Price, Shipping,
Sales Tax, Dates Sold & Paid, Purchase Orders & Check #'s (and has a
67 space COMMENT field). Printing routines include Mailing Labels,
Customer Address & Phone Books, Invoices, Customer Statements
(Acc/Rec), Index & Rolodex Cards, Shipping Labels, "Print To Disk
Files", and much more.
Software Sales Tracker - PATCH ("SSTPATCH"):
A separate program (but part of.., and included with "S.S.T.") for easily
"Patching" a Customer's Name, Date Of Sale, and Registered Product
Serial Number into any of YOUR "EXE" programs. Includes an "Automatic
Bulk Disk Preparation" feature. When on "Full Automatic" SSTPATCH will
read data from your "S.S.T." product files, patch your "EXE" files with
your customer information, and then print a mailing label and a disk
contents label. It then follows a list of commands which YOU provide
for final disk preparation (FORMAT, REDATE, ARC-IT, COPY, etc.). This
"automates" the task of sending out hundreds of disks to Customers and
Distributors. The only thing you need to do is keep blank disks in the
drives, stick on the labels, and mail the finished product. Both the
"S.S.T." & "SSTPATCH" programs are part of the same software package, and
are shipped accordingly. By: BOB KEBER - Shareware - $42.00


If you would like to "Try" one or more of the above programs, and are
unable to obtain them from your normal software supplier, we will be
glad to send "UnRegistered Evaluation" versions directly to you for a
small fee to cover Shipping & Handling expenses.

ANY 5 PROGRAMS = $10 (no extra charge)

Send us a note stating which program(s) you would like to try.
Please specify the programs by NAME (not just "Send All Programs"). As
time goes by, new programs will be added to this list. That's why we
will need Program Names to properly fill your order. Be sure to include
your Name, Return Address, Telephone and Check. Orders are are usually
shipped within 24 hours of receipt. Make Checks Payable To: "R. KEBER"

336 Swain Blvd.
Greenacres, Florida 33463-3342
(407) 969-3643

If you wish to purchase a "REGISTERED" version of any of the above
programs, send a check for the amount shown at the bottom corner of
each program's description. There is NO Shipping & Handling Charge on
any Registered Version. Florida residents, ADD Sales Tax.

After January, 1993 we suggest that you call us for an updated
price quote BEFORE you send in your order. All prices and features are
subject to periodic changes without notice.


 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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