Dec 182017
Presents all you ever wanted to know about your system and more.
File TSS22.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category System Diagnostics
Presents all you ever wanted to know about your system and more.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
READ.ME 1148 613 deflated
TSS22.BEG 4000 510 deflated
TSS22.DOC 7359 3370 deflated
TSS22.EXE 58422 36965 deflated
TSS22.SCR 4000 657 deflated

Download File TSS22.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Total System Statistics (TSS) Release 2.2

The contents of the TSS20 ARChive are as follows:

READ.ME The file you are reading now
TSS22.DOC The documentation for TSS release 2.2
TSS22.EXE The TSS program, release 2.2
TSS22.SCR The pre-formatted TSS display screen
TSS22.BEG The pre-formatted TSS one-time beg screen

NOTE: The only two files necessary to run TSS are TSS22.EXE
and TSS22.SCR. Out of curiosity, copy the TSS22.BEG
file to the directory where TSS resides, and run the
program. You may then delete TSS22.BEG. I find this a
tasteful solution to the Please-Send-Me-Money-Or-This-
Screen-Will-Haunt-You-Forever Shareware Syndrome.

Future releases of TSS will be issued in the same format.
All TSS files (except READ.ME) will be named TSSvvv, where
vvv is the version number of the program.


There are no formal plans for future releases of TSS. Your comments
and ideas may help make up my mind, however. One idea already
submitted is to add very simple diagnostics/benchmarks to TSS, such as
CPU / Disk / Display Speed. Stay tuned.

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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