Jan 132018
Simple, but useful system and disk diagnostic test utility.
File SYSTEST.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category System Diagnostics
Simple, but useful system and disk diagnostic test utility.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
SYSTEST.DOC 6192 2151 deflated
SYSTEST.EXE 78192 37859 deflated

Download File SYSTEST.ZIP Here

Contents of the SYSTEST.DOC file

<<<<<< SYSTEST Version 1.0 >>>>>>

(C) Copyright 1987, 1988 by: K.R.B. Information Systems - All Rights Reserved

This is a SHAREWARE product. Kerry R. Bunn holds and reserves all rights
to SYSTEST. This Is Not A Free Product, but you may freely copy and
Share the distribution disk with other users. Please be sure to include all
the SysTest files when you share copies. If you find this product useful,
please send a Registration Fee of $15.00 to:

K.R.B. Information Systems
1182 N. McDonough Road
Griffin, Georgia 30223

Registered users will receive one free update and free technical support.

DISCLAIMER: This program is provided as is and without warranty of any kind
including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. Using this product is considered as agreement to all terms
and concepts discussed on this screen.

If you have any suggestion or complaints about this product, please
write me or contact me at (404) 227-5626! THANK YOU!
( Sorry, I do not have a toll free number, yet! )

WHAT IS SYSTEST #############################################################

SYSTEST is designed to display useful information about your particular
computer. It works by reading specific Disk, BIOS, and memory locations to
determine certain facts. SysTest files consists of:

SYSTEST.EXE - program file
SYSTEST.DOC - this file

SOME BASIC FACTS ############################################################

SYSTEST should work correctly on any IBM PC,XT,AT,PS/2 or 100% compatible.

But, please note that if the manufacturer of your computer did not uses the
Memory/BIOS scheme that "IBM/MICROSOFT" uses, this information may not be
correct. This is not the fault of my program. It is because there is
NO ABSOLUTE Memory/BIOS STANDARD in the computer industry.

The Memory/BIOS information scheme that I used is found in:

"The Programmers P.C. Sourcebook" by Thom Hogan
Published by MicroSoft Press, 1988.

HOW TO INSTALL SYSTEST ######################################################

SysTest is completely self-contained. It does not need any other file to run.
Because of this there is no need to install the program. But, you can copy
SysTest to another floppy disk or your harddisk by these simple steps.

Installation Step #1:
If your computer is not running, boot it.
Place the SysTest program disk in drive A:

Installation Step #2:
Use the DOS COPY command to copy the file SYSTEST.EXE to the desired
working disk. For a floppy disk system the command would be


To copy SYSTEST to a HardDisk the command would be the same, but using
the letter designator of the HardDisk.

HOW TO START SYSTEST ########################################################

To Run SYSTEST simply type the command SYSTEST at any Dos prompt.
SYSTEST will automatically determine the type of monitor and the current
disk drive being used.

There are three choices presented from the SYSTEST main menu.
They are:

DiskDrive Information
System Information
Quit this Program

Use the keys to highlight your selection. Press to
make your selection.

You can also press the first letter of the desired menu line to
select it.

SYSTEST SWITCHES ##########################################################

SysTest will recognize two switches when issued with the SysTest command.
These two switches are /T and /DRIVE

Running SysTest as SYSTEST /T will make SysTest operate in
text mode only!

Running SysTest as SYSTEST /DRIVE will make SysTest use the designated
drive. You do not type the word DRIVE, but rather the letter for the
drive you wish to use. i.e. A B C D E

EXAMPLE: The command SYSTEST /A will cause SysTest to default
to the A: drive. The command SYSTEST /T will cause SysTest to
display in text mode.

PRINTING DISPLAYS ##########################################################

SysTest will also print a copy of the computer information. Un-registered
versions will only print to an EPSON FX compatiable printer that is
capable of 8 pin dot addressed graphics.


REGISTRATION FORM ----------------------------------------------------SYS1.0

NAME _______________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State ____ Zip _________________________

Phone Numbers ______________________________________________________________

Where Did you obtain SysTest _______________________________________________

Please Mail Registration Fee of $15.00 to:

K.R.B. Information Systems
1182 N. McDonough Road
Griffin, Georgia 30223

Registered users will receive one free update and free technical support.


THANK YOU ##################################################################

Thank you for using this product and reading these instructions. I would
like to hear any suggestion or complaints that you have about this product.
I hope to release more quality shareware products in the near future.

Kerry R. Bunn
K.R.B. Information Systems
1182 N. McDonough Road
Griffin, Georgia 30223


 January 13, 2018  Add comments

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