Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : TERM.H

Output of file : TERM.H contained in archive : STEVIE.ZIP
* STEVIE - ST Editor for VI Enthusiasts ...Tim Thompson...twitch!tjt...
* Extensive modifications by: Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony

* This file contains the machine dependent escape sequences that
* the editor needs to perform various operations. Some of the sequences
* here are optional. Anything not available should be indicated by
* a null string. In the case of insert/delete line sequences, the
* editor checks the capability and works around the deficiency, if
* necessary.
* Currently, insert/delete line sequences are used for screen scrolling.
* There are lots of terminals that have 'index' and 'reverse index'
* capabilities, but no line insert/delete. For this reason, the editor
* routines s_ins() and s_del() should be modified to use 'index'
* sequences when the line to be inserted or deleted line zero.

* The macro names here correspond (more or less) to the actual ANSI names

#ifdef ATARI
#define T_EL "\033l" /* erase the entire current line */
#define T_IL "\033L" /* insert one line */
#define T_DL "\033M" /* delete one line */
#define T_SC "\033j" /* save the cursor position */
#define T_ED "\033E" /* erase display (may optionally home cursor) */
#define T_RC "\033k" /* restore the cursor position */
#define T_CI "\033f" /* invisible cursor (very optional) */
#define T_CV "\033e" /* visible cursor (very optional) */

#ifdef UNIX
* The UNIX sequences are hard-wired for ansi-like terminals. I should
* really use termcap/terminfo, but the UNIX port was done for profiling,
* not for actual use, so it wasn't worth the effort.
#define T_EL "\033[2K" /* erase the entire current line */
#define T_IL "\033[L" /* insert one line */
#define T_DL "\033[M" /* delete one line */
#define T_ED "\033[2J" /* erase display (may optionally home cursor) */
#define T_SC "\0337" /* save the cursor position */
#define T_RC "\0338" /* restore the cursor position */
#define T_CI "" /* invisible cursor (very optional) */
#define T_CV "" /* visible cursor (very optional) */

#ifdef OS2
* The OS/2 ansi console driver is pretty deficient. No insert or delete line
* sequences. The erase line sequence only erases from the cursor to the end
* of the line. For our purposes that works out okay, since the only time
* T_EL is used is when the cursor is in column 0.
#define T_EL "\033[K" /* erase the entire current line */
#define T_IL "" /* insert one line */
#define T_DL "" /* delete one line */
#define T_ED "\033[2J" /* erase display (may optionally home cursor) */
#define T_SC "\033[s" /* save the cursor position */
#define T_RC "\033[u" /* restore the cursor position */
#define T_CI "" /* invisible cursor (very optional) */
#define T_CV "" /* visible cursor (very optional) */

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : STEVIE.ZIP
Filename : TERM.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: