Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43B.ZIP
Filename : MSG003.QM

Output of file : MSG003.QM contained in archive : AMAC43B.ZIP
* msg003.qm
* Macros to Make Column Blocks and Boxes
* Written By Tom Hogshead
* [ See MSGxx.QM For Use ]
* 12/28/91
* Key Subfile Description
* ===== ============ =================================================
* @(F1) Make Column Block a Single Line Box
* @(F2) Make Column Block a Single Line Box with Shadow
* @(F3) Enclose Column Block in a Line Box
* @(F5) Erase Any Type Column Block Border
* @(F6) Erase Single Line Box
* @(1) {e:\up\rfr009}--Make Column Block Longest Line
* @(2) {e:\up\rfr009}--Make Column Block Longest Line in Paragraph
* @(6) {e:\up\rfr009}--Make Column Block Longest Line in File
* @(3) {e:\up\rfr009}--Make Column Block Longest Line, Exclude Leading Spcs
* @(4) {e:\up\rfr009}--Convert Any Block to Column Block 73 Column Wide
* @(1) {e:\up\mis003}--Make Column Block Longest Line
* @(2) {e:\up\mis003}--Make Column Block Longest Line in Paragraph
* @(6) {e:\up\mis003}--Make Column Block Longest Line in File
* @(3) {e:\up\mis003}--Make Column Block Longest Line, Exclude Leading Spc
* @(4) {e:\up\mis003}--Convert Any Block to Column Block 73 Column Wide
* #(F4__) {e:\up\com003}
* --Surround Column-Blocked Text With Box Of Desired Characters,
* ********
* (Box Drawn Around Outside *Border* Of Column Block, Juxtapose Text)
* ********
* @(F4) {e:\up\com003}
* --Erase Outside Border Of Column-Blocked Text and Collapse Text
* Surronding Block To Original Position Before Box Was Made,
* {e:\up\MSG??} Return To MSGxx.QM
*-- eoi

*  M A C R O S
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(F1) Make Column Block a Single Line Box,
* Works Anywhere Except When Block is at Column 512, v2.15 Only
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Marking a 3 line column block,
* Becomes: ³ ³

@F1 macrobegin
gotoblockbeg jtrue START markcolumn gotoblockbeg jfalse END
START: toggleboxtype "S" toggleboxdraw
R: cursorright iscursorinblock jtrue R prevposition
X: cursordown jfalse L iscursorinblock jtrue X prevposition
L: cursorleft jfalse T iscursorinblock jtrue L prevposition
T: cursorup jfalse Y iscursorinblock jtrue T prevposition
Y: cursorright toggleboxdraw gotoblockend addline return
END: unmarkblock
* 57 bytes Fri 11-08-1991 12:40:29 (TH @F1)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(F2) Make Column Block a Box with Shadow, v2.15 Only
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Marking a 3 line column block,
* Becomes: ³ ³Þ
* ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß

* This macro uses the block drawing technique originally used by Jim
* Bennett.

@F2 macrobegin
gotoblockbeg jtrue START markcolumn gotoblockbeg jfalse END
START: toggleboxtype "S" toggleboxdraw
R: cursorright iscursorinblock jtrue R prevposition
X: cursordown jfalse L iscursorinblock jtrue X prevposition
L: cursorleft jfalse T iscursorinblock jtrue L prevposition
T: cursorup jfalse Y iscursorinblock jtrue T prevposition
Y: cursorright toggleboxdraw
endline cursordown gotoblockend unmarkblock markcolumn prevposition
fillblock "Þ" return
prevposition cursordown unmarkblock insertline markcolumn
Find "À" return "B"return cursorright cursordown
fillblock "ß" return addline return
END: unmarkblock
* 84 bytes Fri 11-08-1991 13:21:31 (TH @F2)

* (Box) Characters Prepared by Jim Bennett
* ³ What is the Ascii #'s of the actual line drawing characters you ³Þ
* ³ intended to use? ³Þ
* ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
* S-------------------------------------------------------------------T
* | What is the Ascii #'s of the actual line drawing characters you |#
* | intended to use? |#
* U-------------------------------------------------------------------V#
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Ascii Symbol
* - = 196 Ä
* | = 179 ³
* S = 218 Ú
* U = 192 À
* T = 191 ¿
* V = 217 Ù
* ^ = 223 ß
* # = 222 Þ (TH changed from #219 Û)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(F3) Enclose Column Block in a Box, v2.15 Only
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Example: Mark this text as a column block
* Becomes: ³Mark this text as a column block³

* This macro is a modification of a technique originally used by Jim
* Bennett.

@F3 macrobegin
gotoblockbeg jtrue START markcolumn gotoblockbeg jfalse END
* ----- From AMACxx.ZIP COMTxx.QM com003.qm @F4 by John Goodman -----*
START: copy pasteover insertline markline gotoblockend markcolumn
prevposition copyblock copyblock cursordown pasteover
cursorup markcolumn gotoblockend cursorright addline markcolumn
* ----------------------------- Make box -----------------------------*
gotoblockbeg toggleboxtype "S" toggleboxdraw
R: cursorright iscursorinblock jtrue R prevposition
X: cursordown jfalse L iscursorinblock jtrue X prevposition
L: cursorleft jfalse T iscursorinblock jtrue L prevposition
T: cursorup jfalse Y iscursorinblock jtrue T prevposition
Y: cursorright toggleboxdraw
gotoblockbeg cursordown cursorright pasteover
gotoblockend cursordown addline return
END: unmarkblock
* 80 bytes Fri 11-08-1991 13:22:11 (TH @F3)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(F5) Erase Any Type Column Block Border, Works Anywhere
* Except When Block is at col 512, Does Not Shadow, v2.15 Only
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mark the following box as a 3 line column block to be erased:
* ³ Test Box ³

@F5 macrobegin
gotoblockbeg jtrue START markcolumn gotoblockbeg jfalse END
START: toggleboxtype "E" toggleboxdraw
R: cursorright iscursorinblock jtrue R prevposition
X: cursordown jfalse L iscursorinblock jtrue X prevposition
L: cursorleft jfalse T iscursorinblock jtrue L prevposition
T: cursorup jfalse Y iscursorinblock jtrue T prevposition
Y: cursorright toggleboxdraw gotoblockbeg
END: unmarkblock
* 55 bytes Fri 11-08-1991 13:23:12 (TH @F5)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(F6) Erase Single Line Box, v2.15 Only
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* To erase a single line drawing character box, position cursor on
* upper left corner of box and invoke @F6. Be careful, this macro
* deletes all text on lines containing the top and bottom line of the
* box. Remove the line "setscreenoff" if not using QEdit v2.15. This
* macro uses the box erasing macro written by John Goodman in
* AMACxx.ZIP COMTxx.QM com003.qm.

* To erase the following 3 line box, position cursor on top left corner
* of box (note *'s and > are erased also):
* ³ Test Box ³

@F6 macrobegin
unmarkblock markcolumn cursordown
Find "Ù" return delline return jfalse END
markcolumn gotoblockbeg shiftright gotoblockend markline
prevposition gotoblockend markcolumn prevposition cursorright
markcolumn delline gotoblockend delline gotoblockbeg deleteblock
END: unmarkblock
* 34 bytes Fri 11-08-1991 15:18:44 (TH @F6)

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43B.ZIP
Filename : MSG003.QM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: