Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43B.ZIP
Filename : MSG002.QM

Output of file : MSG002.QM contained in archive : AMAC43B.ZIP
* msg002.qm
* Macros To Format/Quote Message Reader Messages & Split Paragraphs
* Written By Tom Hogshead
* [ See MSGxx.QM For Use ]
* 5/26/92
* Key Subfile Description
* ===== ============ =================================================
* @8 Format Message With Sender Initials |chg

* f4 RepeatFind for @8
* Timing Measurements
* {e:\up\MSG??} Return To MSGxx.QM
*-- eoi

*  M A C R O S
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @(8) Quote and Format Messages Retaining Sender Initials
* ------- Ver 9a, 245 bytes Sat 05-16-1992 11:24:23 ------------------
* This macro reformats any portion of an offline message reader message
* while retaining sender initials "AB>" and quote character ">".

* 1) - Requires QEdit v2.15.
* 2) - Macro execution speed on my 12 mhz AT is approximately 60 lps.
* 3) - All message text of lines containing any type open or closed
* block marked *before* invoking this macro will be reformatted
* without pause. If no block is marked before invoking, the
* macro pauses for the user to select the block end by cursoring
* down and pressing .
* 4) - Character '>' in columns 1-16 MUST be quote character only.
* 5) - Quote character must be '>' and MUST exist on quote line 1.
* 6) - Ascii #173 must NOT exist in file.
* 7) - Marked message is reformatted to a right margin of 60
* exclusive of sender initials and quote character.
* 8) - Message text indention and outdention is maintained.
* 9) - Multiple paragraphs may be quoted and formatted at same time.
* 10) - Handles multiple initials like AB>CD>EF> up to column 15.
* 11) - Operates irrespective of all toggles and qconfig settings.
* 12) - Replaces "period space" with "period two spaces" in quote.
* 13) - Inserts user selected initials at '??>' prompt
* if quote contains no sender initials 'ab>', Ver e.

* OPTIONS--Macro may be modified to:
* -----------------------------------
* - Add one extra space after the quote character ">" by
* uncommenting the commented 'shiftright' line.
* - Have initials in front of quote line 1 only, - Ver a
* - Mark and split at sentence ends while selecting block, - Ver b
* - Not replace 'period space' with 'period 2 spaces' - Ver c (Bare)
* - Add empty line on top and bottom of block by
* uncommenting lines marked *|d - Ver d

* ÚÄ MUST be ">" unless macro is changed
* ³ÚÄ #255 (May also be space or first letter of message text)
* TH>RW>ÿUuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuu uuuuu uuuuu uuuuu.
* TH>RW>ÿVvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv
* TH>RW>ÿvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv. Wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww. Xxxx xxxxx
* TH>RW>ÿxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. Yyyy yyyyy yyyyy
* TH>RW>ÿyyyyyyyyyy yyyyy.

* This message BECOMES this:

* TH>RW> Uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuu uuuuu
* > uuuuu uuuuu. Vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvv
* > vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv. Wwwwwwwww
* > wwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww. Xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
* > xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. Yyyy yyyyy yyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
* > yyyyy.

* Also, the message below, which does not contain sender initials
* and with asterisks in col 1 removed:

* Uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuu uuuuu uuuuu uuuuu.
* Vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv
* vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv. Wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww. Xxxx xxxxx
* xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. Yyyy yyyyy yyyyy
* yyyyyyyyyy yyyyy.

* BECOMES this when inserting 'TH' at the '??>'prompt:

* TH>Uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuu uuuuu
* >uuuuu uuuuu. Vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvv
* >vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv. Wwwwwwwww
* >wwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww. Xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
* >xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. Yyyy yyyyy yyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
* >yyyyy.

* Macro Ver Bytes LPS Comments
* ----- --- ------- ----- --------------------------------------
* @8 9 219 60 Add user selected initials < BEST >
* @8 8 194 60 Does not add line on top and bottom
* @8 7 191 60 Changed to 1 addline
* @8 6 192 60 Changed addlines
* @8 5 203 60 Changed to dropanchor
* @8 4 204 60 For all cases
* @8 3 211 75 Faster, removed nextpara's
* @8 2 206 70 Shorter, faster (Failed some cases)
* @8 1 222 60 Faster, no temp files
* @7 268 25 Shaded box
* @0 232 20 Asterisk box
* @6 231 10 Slow, uses temp files

* Timed with: - 100 of the above test message paragraphs
* - 600 lines in file
* - 1 blank line separating each paragraph
* - 12 mhz AT

* Version 9a of @8: COMPLETE
* -------------------------------
@8 macrobegin onewindow savesettings setautoindentmode setsoundoff
setrmargin "60" return togglewordwrap
cursorright gotoblockend jtrue A markline gotoblockend jtrue OK *³
cursordown makectrofscreen pause jump B *³
A: gotoblockbeg unmarkblock markline prevposition *³
* *ÄÄ- Use These Lines To Mark At Sentence End, F4 Next End/Etc. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
* * (Must also use lines 'b' below) *³
* gotoblockend jtrue A begline dropanchor gotoblockend jtrue OK *³
* find "." return delline return makectrofscreen pause jump A1 *³
* A: gotoblockbeg unmarkblock markline prevposition *³b
* A1: setscreenoff cursorright isendline jtrue B *³
* splitline addline #174 joinline cursorup deltoeol *³
B: markline OK:
addline prevpara endpara endline #173
gotoblockbeg insertline nextpara
findreplace #255 return " " return "ln" return
gotocolumn "16" return
find ">" return "bl" return jtrue COPY_INITIALS
*ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Insert User Selected Initials and Quote Char '>' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
shiftright shiftright shiftright *³
begline setinsmode toggleinsert *³
unmarkblock markcharacter "??>" markcharacter begline *³e
setscreenon pause setscreenoff *³
toggleinsert cut paste *³
unmarkblock markcolumn begline cut paste
find #173 return delline return
begline iscursorinblock jfalse NOT_SINGLE_LINE
cut jump MARK_BLOCK
markcolumn gotoblockbeg deleteblock
dropanchor repeatfind dropanchor gotoblockbeg
wrappara iscursorinblock jtrue WRAP
gotoblockbeg shiftright
* shiftright * Uncomment this for one extra space after ">"
CURSORUP DELLINE * Remove line to add line at block begin *|d
begline unmarkblock markcolumn repeatfind begline
findreplace " " return delline paste return "lng" return
cursordown dropanchor gotoblockbeg
*ÄÄ- Comment Out These Lines To Not Replace "Period Space" ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
findreplace "." " " return "." " " return "ln" return *³c
findreplace "." " " return "." " " return "ln" return *³
*ÄÄ- Comment Out These Lines For Initials In Front of Each Quote Line ÄÄ¿
gotocolumn return find ">" return "bl" return jfalse END *³
cursorleft cursordown gotoblockend prevposition *³a
unmarkblock markcolumn prevposition begline fillblock " " return *³
* *ÄÄ- Uncomment These Lines To Mark At Sentence End, F4 Next End/Etc. ÄÄÄÄ¿
* * (Must also use lines 'b' above) *³
* find #174 return "g" return jfalse D *³b
* unmarkblock markcolumn begline deleteblock paste D: *³
find #173 return "g" return delch cursordown begline * Add only 1 line
* find #173 return "g" return delch addline addline * Add 3 lines
DELLINE * Remove line to add line at end of block *|d
makectrofscreen unmarkblock setrmargin "80" return restoresettings
* 231 bytes Thu 12-19-1991 23:46:33 (TH @6)
* 222 bytes Sat 12-21-1991 12:07:31 (TH @8, to ALL #3/798, Ver #1)
* 206 bytes Sun 12-22-1991 10:41:19 (TH @8, to JB #23/1217, Ver #2)
* 211 bytes Tue 12-24-1991 12:12:00 (TH @8, to ALL, #3/800, Ver #3)
* 204 bytes Thu 12-26-1991 11:22:13 (TH @8, for all cases, Ver #4)
* 230 bytes Thu 12-26-1991 12:14:19 (TH @8, to JM #23/1219 Ver #4a)
* 203 bytes Fri 12-27-1991 15:48:29 (TH @8, chgd to dropanchor, Ver 5)
* 203 bytes Fri 12-27-1991 15:48:29 (TH @8, to ST & MHa, #20/108, Ver 5)
* 152 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:10:47 (TH @8, Ver 6c - 40, bare bones)
* 192 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:08:54 (TH @8, chg'd addlines, Ver 6 *|)
* 218 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:12:54 (TH @8, Ver 6a + 26)
* 225 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:20:42 (TH @8, Ver 6b + 33)
* 251 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:47:50 (TH @8, Ver 6ab + 59)
* 192 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:08:54 (TH @8, to JB #23/1221 12/30, Ver 6)
* 192 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:08:54 (TH @8, to ALL #3/801 12/30, Ver 6)
* 192 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:08:54 (TH @8, to MH #20/155, 1/3, Ver 6)
* 192 bytes Sun 12-29-1991 11:08:54 (TH @8, to KB #21/4979, 1/23, Ver 6)
* 151 bytes Sun 01-26-1992 17:30:30 (TH @8, Ver 7c, -40, bare bones)
* 250 bytes Sun 01-26-1992 17:40:54 (TH @8, Ver 6ab + 59)
* 191 bytes Sun 01-26-1992 17:23:54 (TH @8, ver 7, removed 2 addlines)
*-- In
* 253 bytes Thu 03-26-1992 08:51:26 (TH @8, Ver 8ab, no line on top/bot)
* 194 bytes Thu 03-26-1992 08:58:11 (TH @8, to RO #23/1407, Ver 8.56)
* 194 bytes Thu 03-26-1992 08:58:11 (TH @8, Ver 8)
* 220 bytes Thu 03-26-1992 09:07:55 (TH @8, Ver 8a + 26)
*-- In
* 219 bytes Sat 05-16-1992 11:38:54 (TH @8, Ver 9, ins user select inits)
* 245 bytes Sat 05-16-1992 11:24:23 (TH @8, Ver 9a, ins user select inits)
* 245 bytes Sat 05-16-1992 11:24:23 (TH @8, Ver 9a, to ALL #3/847, 5/16)

* Version 9a CONDENSED @8:
* -------------------------
* @8 macrobegin onewindow savesettings setautoindentmode setsoundoff
* setrmargin "60" return togglewordwrap
* setinsmode toggleinsert
* cursorright gotoblockend jtrue A markline gotoblockend jtrue OK
* cursordown makectrofscreen pause jump B
* A: gotoblockbeg unmarkblock markline prevposition
* B: markline OK:
* setscreenoff
* addline prevpara endpara endline #173
* gotoblockbeg insertline nextpara
* findreplace #255 return " " return "ln" return
* gotocolumn "16" return
* find ">" return "bl" return jtrue COPY_INITIALS
* * --------- Insert User Selected Initials and Quote Char '>' ---------*
* shiftright shiftright shiftright
* begline setinsmode toggleinsert
* unmarkblock markcharacter "??>" markcharacter begline
* setscreenon pause setscreenoff
* toggleinsert cut paste
* unmarkblock markcolumn begline cut paste
* find #173 return delline return
* begline iscursorinblock jfalse NOT_SINGLE_LINE
* cut jump MARK_BLOCK
* markcolumn gotoblockbeg deleteblock
* dropanchor repeatfind dropanchor gotoblockbeg
* wrappara iscursorinblock jtrue WRAP
* gotoblockbeg shiftright
* * shiftright * Uncomment line for one extra space after ">"
* CURSORUP DELLINE * Remove line to add line at block begin
* begline unmarkblock markcolumn repeatfind begline
* findreplace " " return delline paste return "lng" return
* cursordown dropanchor gotoblockbeg
* findreplace "." " " return "." " " return "ln" return
* findreplace "." " " return "." " " return "ln" return
* gotocolumn return find ">" return "bl" return jfalse END
* cursorleft cursordown gotoblockend prevposition
* unmarkblock markcolumn prevposition begline fillblock " " return
* END:
* find #173 return "g" return delch cursordown begline * Add only 1 line
* DELLINE * Remove line to add line at end of block
* makectrofscreen unmarkblock setrmargin "80" return restoresettings
* *
* * 245 bytes Sat 05-16-1992 11:24:23 (TH @8, Ver 9a, ins user select inits)

* -----------------------
* (f4) RepeatFind for @8
* -----------------------
f4 RepeatFind

  3 Responses to “Category : Word Processors
Archive   : AMAC43B.ZIP
Filename : MSG002.QM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: