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Output of file : CHARVIEW.DOC contained in archive : WOPRB.ZIP
Û¥-!@ *-€sBÒZâ#y–PŒPŒŒPŒPŒPŒPŒPšP<ÖPÖPÖPÖP A Word for Windows 2.0 macro
That lets you see the codes behind the characters.

macrobutton Installer To install Viewer, double-click here.

Ever wonder what's really there? You know, you see something on the screen, and you wonder what in the world it's supposed to be? Ever feel like grabbing your monitor and strangling it slowly, demanding that it divulge the real character behind the ... thing ... you see?

When you use Insert Symbol, do you ever wonder if it really gave you character #183, and not character #182 or #184? Or do you have a Glyphix font that prints a "¼" where your screen shows the same exact character as a "½"? Ever wonder which character number is really being fed to the printer? Well... wonder no more. Viewer is here.

Character Viewer 2.0 is part of the Word for Windowsä Office POWER Packä — WOPR — the world's largest WinWord add-on. WOPR consists of the following files:

TBEDIT.EXE — Toolbar Editor. Now WinWord has the best icons in the business ... in color ... and you can draw your own!

ENVR.DOC — Enveloper. The fanciest, easiest envelopes ever! Logos, bar codes, custom envelope sizes, notes, multiple addresses, all fonts. Works on any printer.

2X4.DOC — Two-by-Four. Print duplex (front and back), squished side-by-side, squished duplex for four pages on each sheet of paper. Print booklets, even or odd pages only, forward, backward, multi-section documents, macro listings, and much more.

FILENEW.DOC — FileNew. Manage your documents; don't let them manage you! Keep track of templates, using full descriptions. Stick documents in the right directory, first time, every time.

WOPRLIB.DOC — WOPR Library. The largest collection of Word for Windows macro subroutines anywhere. Dozens of routines to make it easier to build your own, custom macros — and a nice cookie jar, chock full of ideas, if you're just starting at writing your own macros.

The LittleWOPRs. CHARVIEW.DOC, the Character Viewer, tells you what codes lie behind your inscrutable characters. CLOSEALL.DOC, to Close All Files with one click. FILEDEL.DOC, the most reliable File Delete. FILELIST.DOC, which Lists Files in a snap. INSERTIT.DOC Inserts "Page X of Y", file names, much more. SUPERSUB.DOC puts Super and Subscripts at your fingertips. CLOCK.DOC, our classic WOPRClock — the most-often-used WinWord macro anywhere — takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. COUNT.DOC Counts Words and Characters. BORDER.DOC draws Full-Page Borders. FIND.DOC brings the most sophisticated Find anywhere to WinWord. COMPOSE.DOC, Character Compose, uses simple two-letter abbreviations to create characters like § © ® ¤ £ ¢ ä — and many more.

All of these programs are to be distributed together, as one package, known as the
gotobutton gtw Word for Windows Office POWER Pack
If you are missing any of these files, you do not have the entire WOPR2 package: contact the person or company that sent you the files, to ensure you receive any missing pieces.

WOPR is Shareware, the "Try It Before You Buy It" kind of software that you can take through its paces before you write the check. You trust us to distribute the best Word for Windows add-ons we can produce, in their entirety, with nothing held back. We trust you to buy WOPR if you use it.

Here's what you'll get when you register WOPR:

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h The Manual. A fancy, bound, 144 page compendium of breathless prose, indexed, ready to help guide you through every WOPRnook and cranny.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h The programs. No nag screens. Latest versions. Ready to install over the top of the shareware versions. And we send you the whole enchilada — source code too (except FileNew and TBEdit) — so you can poke around and change anything you like.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h 30 minutes of free telephone support (via toll call), valid for 30 days.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h More free support, via mail or CompuServe. And 900-number support if you need help, like, right away, after your 30 minutes/30 days expires.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Your very own Enveloper Cheat Sheet. Help stamp out smudgies on laser-printed envelopes. A classic, suitable for framing.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Since you'll be on our mailing list, you'll be the first one on your block to hear about improvements, new products, books from the Pinecliffe International PineNuts (including the Addison-Wesley hit, Windows Programming for Mere Mortals,available at a book store near you) and all sorts of other neat, innovative, time-saving stuff. You'll also get several great offers, including discounts on future WOPR upgrades and a free CompuServe sign-up.

SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Most of all, you'll receive our sincere thanks for helping keep WOPR alive. Our registered users made WOPR 2 possible. Your registration will help us continue making innovative, useful products for WinWord in particular and Windows in general. We're counting on you; our families are counting on us!

WOPR is $49.95 plus $4.50 shipping and handling, $9.50 outside North America. Site licenses (more than ten users) are available at considerable savings.

You can register right now by calling 800-OK-WINWORD (800-659-4696), or 314-965-5630. We take Mastercard or Visa, and try hard to ship within 24 hours. To register by mail, send a check (in U.S. dollars, please) to:

Pinecliffe International
Advanced Support Group
11900 Grant Place
Des Peres, Missouri USA 63131

All Pinecliffe International products are backed by a 100% no-questions-asked lifetime money back guarantee. If WOPR ever fails to live up to your expectations, for any reason, let us know and we'll refund your money. Immediately. Period.

So much for the commercials. On to the main program.


Thanks once again to Eileen Wharmby for helping us think through this LittleWOPR, and to the editor of the WOPR Manual for writing a great program spec.

Thanks, too, to Peter Deegan (OZGad Emeritus) for some great ideas — only some of which made it into this version of Character Viewer. Appreciate it!

Your assurance of quality

Pinecliffe International is proud to belong to the Association of Shareware Professionals. ASP protects you, the Shareware consumer, with one of the best guarantees in the business. Here are the details:

This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon MI 49442-9427 or send a CompuServe message via Easyplex (also known as "CompuServe Mail") to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536

This ASP service is in addition to Pinecliffe International's solid-gold no-questions-asked lifetime money-back guarantee.

The ASP mark is your assurance of quality, backed by a group that cares about Shareware and the people who use it. Look for the ASP logo wherever you go searching for software.

What duzzit do?

Select the thing that's bugging you (highlight it or "turn it black") — a character or two, a sentence, a picture, even an entire document. Click on View, then View Characters. Viewer will step through each character in your selection, one at a time, and give you both the character number and the ANSI Windows representation of that character.

If you hit a Word for Windows "field", Viewer asks if you'd like to see the field behind the character. Click yes and stand back. Viewer fishes out the funny stuff behind the scenes, and tosses it up on the screen. The amazing Karnak got nuthin' on this ol' boy.


Just double-click on the box up above. The installer gives you a new global macro called "Viewer", and inserts a new command on the "View" drop-down menu: View Characters.

Technical Details and Oddities

If you're new to the WordBASIC game, you're going to discover some interesting things. For example, you'll find that the paragraph mark is actually two characters — number 13 and number 10 — melded together and inseparable. You'll find that a field, any field, comes up as a character number 21. Plain pictures (not imported ones) are character #1. And on and on.

With Viewer 2.0, you'll also have a chance to see the fields behind field codes. Don't understand? Not to worry. Viewer will lead you by the hand, revealing all!

With a bit of luck you'll get a feel for how field codes work, how Insert Symbol does its thing, how many of the standard macros and templates that came in the box with WinWord manage to perform so incredibly.

Have fun exploring!

Viewer 2.0 ends here.
© 1990-92 Pinecliffe International
Post Office Drawer 7337
Coal Creek Canyon
Golden, Colorado USA 80403-0100

Have fun!

Character Viewer 2.0

Pinecliffe International Page page 2

Pinecliffe International Page page \* arabic1

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  3 Responses to “Category : Windows 3.X Files
Archive   : WOPRB.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: