Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DOSMON3.ZIP
Filename : DOSMON.ASM

Output of file : DOSMON.ASM contained in archive : DOSMON3.ZIP
; DOSMON - DOS Activity Monitor
; This program will terminate and stay resident. It intercepts the
; DOS service interrupt and displays status information on the
; screen during DOS service execution periods.
; S.H.Smith, 15-may-86
; converted to real assembly, sped up, and made smaller by
; jack velte 1301 441-2008
; version 3 -- added a check of the current video mode every 1000 dos calls
; so it keeps working when i switch video modes from color emulation to
; mono emulation.

RESLEN equ init - dosmon + 256
LAG_TIME equ 20000 ; number of int 21's till video mode check

code segment byte public 'text'
assume cs:code, ds:code
org 100h

; startup entry point
dosmon proc near
jmp init ;install
dosmon endp

; segment address for display memory
; filled in by startup code
display_seg dw ?
display_count dw ?
twiddle_idx dw ? ; twiddle display index
twiddle_char db 'Ä\³/' ; twiddle display characters

; new DOS service interrupt
new21 proc far
push ds
push es
push bx ; save entry registers
push ax

dec word ptr cs:display_count
jg onward
mov word ptr cs:display_count, LAG_TIME
call set_video_segment

mov ax, cs:display_seg ; get display segment into es
mov es, ax
; prepare display with blanks
mov ax, 0f20h ;space with attribute of 15
mov es:[94h], ax
mov es:[96h], ax ;set attribute of the function code locations
mov es:[98h], ax
; display the rotating twiddle character
mov bx, cs:twiddle_idx ;get twiddle index
inc bx
mov al, bl ;advance to next twiddle position
and al, 3 ;bx=bx mod 4 to rotate through twiddles
mov bl, al
mov cs:twiddle_idx, bx ;save next twiddle index

mov ah, cs:[twiddle_char + bx] ;get the next twiddle character
mov es:[94h], ah ;put twiddle status on screen
; display the DOS service number in hex
pop bx
mov ax, bx ;get the dos function code into ah

and ah, 0fh
add ah, 30h ;convert low digit to hex

cmp ah, 3ah ;handle A..F
jb foo
add ah, 7
mov es:[98h], ah ;and set LSB on screen

mov ax, bx ;get fresh copy of function code into ah

shr ah, 1 ;move down bits for high digit
shr ah, 1
shr ah, 1
shr ah, 1 ;make high byte hex and put on screen
and ah, 0fh
add ah, 30h

cmp ah, 3ah ;handle A..F
jb bar
add ah, 7
mov es:[96h], ah ;set MSB on screen

; perform the DOS service function
mov ax, bx ; we've been saving it here.
pop bx
pop es ;restore initial entry registers
pop ds
db 0eah ; pass to original int21 code
int21ofs dw ? ; *** self-modifying code:
int21seg dw ? ; *** JMP FAR PTR xxxx:yyyy

new21 endp

set_video_segment proc near
push ax ; Store registers
push di

mov di, 0b800h ; move offset of CGA to DI
mov ah, 0Fh ; INT 10 get vid mode func
int 10h ; get the video mode

cmp al, 7 ; Is this a mono screen?
jne NotMono ; if not jump to NotMono
mov di, 0b000h ; move offset of mono to DI
NotMono: ;
mov cs:display_seg, di ; Move DI to base of screen
pop di ; Restore regs
pop ax
set_video_segment endp

; startup code
; determine where the video ram is. this is done by putting a special
; character on the screen and then looking for it in the various video
; ram locations.
init proc near

mov display_count, 0 ; init count

push cs
pop ds ; get cs in ds

mov ah, 3 ;get cursor position
int 10h ;video bios service

push ax
push bx
push dx ;save it for later

mov dx, 0
mov ah, 2 ;home the cursor
int 10h

mov ah, 0Ah
mov al, 88h ;display a funny char at cursor
mov cx, 1
int 10h
; move cursor back to original position
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ah, 2
int 10h
; look for MONO video ram
mov dl, 88h
mov ax, 0b000h
mov es,ax
cmp dl, es:[0]
jz foundvideo
; look for COLOR video ram
mov ax, 0b800h
mov es, ax
cmp dl, es:[0]
jz foundvideo
; couldn't find video ram; display a message and abort
lea dx, errormsg
mov ah,9
int 21h ;display error message

mov ah, 4ch ; terminate with error code
mov al, 1
int 21h

db "ERROR: Can't find display memory$"

mov cs:display_seg, ax ;set the display segment
; display the program signon message now that we are sure
; that we can be installed
lea dx, signon_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h ;display signon message

mov es, ds:[002Ch]
mov ah, 49h ; free up our copy of the environment
int 21h

; now install new interrupt handler
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
; save old DOS service vector
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h
mov int21ofs, bx ; save old int21
mov int21seg, es ;
mov ax, 2521h ; install new vector
lea dx, new21 ; ptr to our routine
int 21h

; set last resident code offset
; and terminate-and-stay-resident
mov dx, RESLEN ; size of our interrupt handler
test dl,0Fh ; see if it's on a paragraph boundary
mov cl, 4
shr dx, cl ; convert bytes to paragraphs
lahf ; paragraph aligned?
jz gotsr ; yes, we're done
inc dx ; round to next paragraph
gotsr: mov ax, 3100h ; terminate and stay resident
int 21h
init endp

; a signature in bytes
db 0ah, 0dh, "DOSMON - DOS Activity Monitor", 0ah, 0dh
db "S.H.Smith, 15-May-86", 0ah, 0dh
db "jack velte, may 89", 0ah, 0dh, "$"

code ends
end dosmon

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DOSMON3.ZIP
Filename : DOSMON.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: