Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : MSQ320.ZIP
Filename : DIALOGS.C

Output of file : DIALOGS.C contained in archive : MSQ320.ZIP
/* dialogs.c
** Released into the PUBLIC DOMAIN 10 jul 1994 by John Dennis
** Contains all the static dialogs for Msgedsq and functions that
** control/activate these dialogs. Most of the functions are
** genereric in the input they take.


#include "msged.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "keys.h"

** Initial colour value #defines.

#define f BLACK|_LGREY
#define s BLACK|_LGREY
#define bf BLACK|_CYAN
#define bs WHITE|_CYAN
#define bb BLACK|_LGREY

char editbuf[255];

button dlg_ok = {ID_OK, 14, 11, 0, 0, bf, bs, bb, "Ok"};
button dlg_cancel = {ID_CANCEL, 24, 11, 0, 0, bf, bs, bb, "Cancel"};
ckbutton ck1 = {3, 19, 1, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Show Address"};
ckbutton ck2 = {4, 19, 2, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Hard Quoting"};
ckbutton ck3 = {5, 19, 3, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Write ^aMSGIDs"};
ckbutton ck4 = {6, 19, 4, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Opus Dates"};
ckbutton ck5 = {7, 19, 5, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Show SEEN-BYs"};
ckbutton ck6 = {8, 19, 6, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Confirm Actions"};
ckbutton ck7 = {9, 19, 7, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Use Lastread"};
ckbutton ck8 = {10, 19, 8, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Use ^aPID"};
ckbutton ck9 = {11, 19, 9, 2, 0, 0, f, s, "Show CRs"};

ckbutton ck10 = {12, 40, 1, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Save CC Msgs"};
ckbutton ck11 = {13, 40, 2, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Raw CC Msgs"};
ckbutton ck12 = {14, 40, 3, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Show Date Arvd?"};
ckbutton ck13 = {15, 40, 4, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Unused"};
ckbutton ck14 = {16, 40, 5, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Show Real Msg#?"};
ckbutton ck15 = {17, 40, 6, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Show ^a lines"};
ckbutton ck16 = {18, 40, 7, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Chop quotes"};
ckbutton ck17 = {19, 40, 8, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Quote quotes"};
ckbutton ck18 = {20, 40, 9, 25, 0, 0, f, s, "Show EOLs"};

dlgbox settings =
10, 3, 68, 24,
" System Switches ",
{ {D_CHK, 0, &ck1},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck2},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck3},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck4},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck5},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck6},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck7},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck8},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck9},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck10},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck11},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck12},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck13},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck14},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck15},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck16},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck17},
{D_CHK, 0, &ck18},
{D_BUT, 0, &dlg_ok},
{D_BUT, 0, &dlg_cancel}}

** Used by the GetString function

button strok = {ID_OK, 5, 3, 0, 0, bf, bs, bb, "Ok"};
button strcancel = {ID_CANCEL, 15, 3, 0, 0, bf, bs, bb, "Cancel"};
editf editfld = {ID_EDIT, 1, 1, 0, 0, f, f, editbuf, 20, 0};

dlgbox get_string =
10, 5, 60, 20,
{ {D_EDT, 0, &editfld},
{D_BUT, 0, &strok},
{D_BUT, 0, &strcancel}

** These are used by the ChoiceBox function.

static button b_one = {ID_ONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};
static button b_two = {ID_TWO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};
static button b_three = {ID_THREE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};

static dlgbox cb =
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
{D_BUT, 0, (void *) &b_one},
{D_BUT, 0, (void *) &b_two},
{D_BUT, 0, (void *) &b_three}

** Menu at the top of the screen.

MC MouseMnu =
0, 0, 0, 0,
{ { ID_SCAN, 0, area_scan, NULL, "Scan", 'c', 0, 0 },
{ ID_LIST, 0, dolist, NULL, "List", 'l', 0, 7 },
{ ID_SETUP, 0, set_switch, NULL, "Setup", 's', 0, 14 },
{ ID_QUIT, CMD_EXIT, NULL, NULL, "Quit", 'q', 0, 28 }

** The module functions.

void WriteSettings(void)
SW->showaddr = ck1.down;
SW->hardquote = ck2.down;
SW->msgids = ck3.down;
SW->opusdate = ck4.down;
SW->seenbys = ck5.down;
SW->confirmations = ck6.down;
SW->use_lastr = ck7.down;
SW->usepid = ck8.down;
SW->showcr = ck9.down;
SW->savecc = ck10.down;
SW->rawcc = ck11.down;
SW->datearrived = ck12.down;
/* = ck13.down; */
SW->showrealmsgn = ck14.down;
SW->shownotes = ck15.down;
SW->chopquote = ck16.down;
SW->qquote = ck17.down;
SW->showeol = ck18.down;

void ReadSettings(void)
ck1.down = (unsigned char)SW->showaddr;
ck2.down = (unsigned char)SW->hardquote;
ck3.down = (unsigned char)SW->msgids;
ck4.down = (unsigned char)SW->opusdate;
ck5.down = (unsigned char)SW->seenbys;
ck6.down = (unsigned char)SW->confirmations;
ck7.down = (unsigned char)SW->use_lastr;
ck8.down = (unsigned char)SW->usepid;
ck9.down = (unsigned char)SW->showcr;
ck10.down = (unsigned char)SW->savecc;
ck11.down = (unsigned char)SW->rawcc;
ck12.down = (unsigned char)SW->datearrived;
ck13.down = (unsigned char)0;
ck14.down = (unsigned char)SW->showrealmsgn;
ck15.down = (unsigned char)SW->shownotes;
ck16.down = (unsigned char)SW->chopquote;
ck17.down = (unsigned char)SW->qquote;
ck18.down = (unsigned char)SW->showeol;

int GetString(char *title, char *msg, char *buf, int len)
WND *hCurr, *hWnd;
int ret;

if (len + 10 > maxx)
len = maxx - 10;

hCurr = Wtop();
hWnd = WPopUp(len + 8, 8, INSBDR|SHADOW, cm[IP_BTXT], cm[IP_NTXT]);

WWriteStr(1, 0, cm[IP_NTXT], msg);

strcpy(editbuf, buf);

editfld.len = len;
editfld.curpos = strlen(buf);
editfld.fattr = cm[IP_ETXT];
editfld.sattr = cm[IP_ETXT];
get_string.title = title;
strok.x = len/2 - 9;
strcancel.x = len/2 + 3;
ret = DoDialog(&get_string, 1);

switch (ret)
case ID_OK:
case Key_Ent:
strcpy(buf, editbuf);
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;

** Puts up a choice window, returning the ID of the button chosen.
** There can be only one line of text. It works out the positioning
** of the buttons and text automagically.
** params:
** title - title for the msgbox
** txt - single line of text
** b1 - text for button 1
** b2 - "" 2
** b3 - "" 3
** Returns ID of button pressed; this will be ID_ONE, ID_TWO or ID_THREE,
** or Key_Esc for an escape.

void SetupButton(button *b, char *txt, int x, int y, unsigned char sel, unsigned char norm, unsigned char back)
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->select = 0;
b->down = 0;
b->btext = txt;
b->sattr = sel;
b->fattr = norm;
b->battr = back;

int ChoiceBox(char *title, char *txt, char *b1, char *b2, char *b3)
WND *hCurr, *hWnd;
int TextLen = 0;
int ChoiceLen = 0;
int wid, dep, pos, height, num = 0;

if (txt != NULL)
TextLen = strlen(txt);

if (b1 != NULL)
ChoiceLen += strlen(b1) + 6;
if (b2 != NULL)
ChoiceLen += strlen(b2) + 6;
if (b3 != NULL)
ChoiceLen += strlen(b3) + 6;

wid = (ChoiceLen > TextLen) ? ChoiceLen + 8 : TextLen + 8;
dep = (txt == NULL) ? 6 : 7;

hCurr = Wtop();
hWnd = WPopUp(wid, dep, INSBDR|SHADOW, cm[DL_BTXT], cm[DL_WTXT]);

if (!hWnd)
return -1;

if (title != NULL)
WTitle(title, cm[DL_BTXT]);

pos = (wid / 2) - (ChoiceLen / 2) - 1;
height = (txt == NULL) ? 1 : 2;

if (b1 != NULL)
SetupButton(&b_one, b1, pos, height,
(unsigned char)cm[DL_BSEL], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BNRM], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BSHD]);
pos += strlen(b1) + 6;

if (b2 != NULL)
SetupButton(&b_two, b2, pos, height,
(unsigned char)cm[DL_BSEL], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BNRM], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BSHD]);
pos += strlen(b2) + 6;

if (b3 != NULL)
SetupButton(&b_three, b3, pos, height,
(unsigned char)cm[DL_BSEL], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BNRM], (unsigned char)cm[DL_BSHD]);

cb.num = num;

if (txt != NULL)
WPutsCen(0, cm[DL_BTXT], txt);

num = DoDialog(&cb, 1);


return num;

** Sets the dialogs to the colours in the cm gobal array.

void SetDlgColor(dlgbox *Dlg)
int i;

Dlg->fattr = cm[DL_WTXT];
Dlg->sattr = cm[DL_WTXT];
Dlg->battr = cm[DL_BTXT];

for (i = 0; i < Dlg->num; i++)
switch (Dlg->ctrls[i].type)
case D_BUT:
((button *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->fattr = cm[DL_BNRM];
((button *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->sattr = cm[DL_BSEL];
((button *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->battr = cm[DL_BSHD];

case D_CHK:
((ckbutton *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->fattr = cm[DL_CNRM];
((ckbutton *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->sattr = cm[DL_CSEL];

case D_EDT:
((editf *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->fattr = cm[DL_ENRM];
((editf *) Dlg->ctrls[i].ctl)->sattr = cm[DL_ESEL];

void SetDialogColors(void)
cb.num = 3;

/* end */

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : MSQ320.ZIP
Filename : DIALOGS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: