Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : COOL134B.ZIP
Filename : FXNS2.SCP

Output of file : FXNS2.SCP contained in archive : COOL134B.ZIP
Collection: Useful Functions

Title: Reverse Echo
Description: Echoes precede actual sound.
Description: To adjust echo style, choose "Pause at Dialogs".
Mode: 4

Selected: 0 to 27691 scaled 27691 SR 22050
cmd: Reverse

Selected: 0 to 27691 scaled 27691 SR 22050
cmd: Echo
1: 0.73
2: 0.152
3: 1
4: 1
5: 0
6: 0
7: 1
8: 1
9: 1
10: 1
11: 1
12: 1
13: 1
14: 1
15: 1
16: 1

Selected: 0 to 27691 scaled 27691 SR 22050
cmd: Reverse

Selected: 0 to 27691 scaled 27691 SR 22050

Title: Piano Keys
Description: Creates an entire wave composed of your selection at different pitches.
Description: Use the bottom row of keys, from 'Z' to '<' to play the notes.
Description: The keyboard loos like this:
Description: S D G H J
Description: Z X C V B N M L
Mode: 4

Selected: 0 to 22049 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Copy

Selected: none at 22050 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 22050 to 44099 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.94387
2: 0.94387
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.75
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 44099 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 44099 to 66148 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.89089
2: 0.89089
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.75
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 66149 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 66149 to 88198 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.84089
2: 0.84089
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.75
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 88198 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 88198 to 110247 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.7937
2: 0.7937
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.82
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 110247 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 110247 to 132296 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.74915
2: 0.74915
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.82
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 132296 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 132296 to 154345 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 0.7071
2: 0.7071
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.82
8: 5
9: 5

Selected: none at 154346 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 154346 to 176395 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 1.05946
2: 1.05946
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.7
8: 6
9: 6

Selected: none at 176395 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 176395 to 198444 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 1.12246
2: 1.12246
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.8
8: 6
9: 6

Selected: none at 198444 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 198444 to 220493 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 1.1892
2: 1.1892
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.8
8: 6
9: 6

Selected: none at 220494 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 220494 to 242543 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 1.25992
2: 1.25992
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.8
8: 6
9: 6

Selected: none at 242543 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Paste

Selected: 242543 to 264592 scaled 22049 SR 22050
cmd: Stretch
1: 1.33483
2: 1.33483
3: 0
4: 1
5: 10
6: 2
7: 0.8
8: 6
9: 6

Selected: none at 247459 scaled 22049 SR 22050
Data Scaling: size 264593
Data: Cue List
1: 12
2: 521
3: 521
4: 0
5: 266
6: 266
7: 22050
8: 337
9: 337
10: 44099
11: 821
12: 821
13: 66149
14: 922
15: 922
16: 88198
17: 272
18: 272
19: 110247
20: 293
21: 293
22: 132296
23: 403
24: 403
25: 154346
26: 312
27: 312
28: 176395
29: 369
30: 369
31: 198444
32: 783
33: 783
34: 220494
35: 149
36: 149
37: 242543
Data: Assoc List
1: 12
2: Key V
3: Original
4: 22050
5: Key G
6: 1 #
7: 22049
8: Key B
9: 2 #
10: 22050
11: Key H
12: 3 #
13: 22049
14: Key N
15: 4 #
16: 22049
17: Key J
18: 5 #
19: 22049
20: Key M
21: 6 #
22: 22050
23: Key C
24: 1 b
25: 22049
26: Key D
27: 2 b
28: 22049
29: Key X
30: 3 b
31: 22050
32: Key S
33: 4 b
34: 22049
35: Key Z
36: 5 b
37: 22050

Title: Do Nothing
Description: Use this if you wish to use Batch Run to convert files without doing any
Description: processing on them.
Mode: 2

Selected: none at 0 scaled 127907 SR 22050

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : COOL134B.ZIP
Filename : FXNS2.SCP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: