Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : 80XXX_94.ZIP
Filename : CIRCLE.ASM

Output of file : CIRCLE.ASM contained in archive : 80XXX_94.ZIP
; Bres's circle drawing routine.
; Compiles surely under TASM 3.0; can't say others.
; Works in real mode; uses 386 instructions.
; Released as Public Domain.
; By Mikko Saukoski - No crediting req'd.
; Mikko Saukoski, 2:222/[email protected], eMail: [email protected]



PUBLIC bcircle

PROC bcircle FAR x:WORD,y:WORD,rad:WORD,color:BYTE
USES es,gs,si,di

; Load vidram segment.
mov ax,0a000h
mov es,ax

; BX=X Offset, CX=Y Offset, DX=Some evil counter
xor bx,bx
mov cx,[rad]
mov ax,cx
shl ax,1
mov dx,3
sub dx,ax

; AL=Color
mov al,[color]

; Calculate address of center in vidmem.
mov di,[y]
mov si,di
shl di,8
shl si,6
add di,si
add di,[x]
mov gs,di

; Plot 8 pixels using known centerpoint and X and Y offsets.
mov di,gs

add di,bx
mov si,cx
shl si,6
add di,si
shl si,2
add di,si
mov [es:di],al

sub di,si
sub di,si
shr si,2
sub di,si
sub di,si
mov [es:di],al

sub di,bx
sub di,bx
mov [es:di],al

add di,si
add di,si
shl si,2
add di,si
add di,si
mov [es:di],al

mov di,gs
add di,cx
mov si,bx
shl si,6
add di,si
shl si,2
add di,si
mov [es:di],al

sub di,si
sub di,si
shr si,2
sub di,si
sub di,si
mov [es:di],al

sub di,cx
sub di,cx
mov [es:di],al

add di,si
add di,si
shl si,2
add di,si
add di,si
mov [es:di],al

; Is DX still under zero?
cmp dx,0
jge @@l2

; If, add 4*XOffset+6 to DX
mov si,bx
shl si,2
add si,6
add dx,si
jmp @@l3

; If not, add 4*(XOffset-YOffset)+10 to DX
mov si,bx
sub si,cx
shl si,2
add si,10
add dx,si
; Decrease Y coordinate
dec cx

; Increase X coordinate
inc bx
; Is X Offset cmp bx,cx
jl @@l1



  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : 80XXX_94.ZIP
Filename : CIRCLE.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: