Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : TEL2307B.ZIP

Output of file : SERVICES.TEL contained in archive : TEL2307B.ZIP
# @(#)services 1.12 88/02/07 SMI
# Network services, Internet style
# This file is never consulted when the yellow pages are running
echo 7/udp
echo 7/tcp
discard 9/udp sink null
discard 9/tcp sink null
systat 11/tcp
daytime 13/udp
daytime 13/tcp
netstat 15/tcp
ftp-data 20/tcp
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp mail
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
name 42/udp nameserver
whois 43/tcp nicname # usually to sri-nic
domain 53/udp
domain 53/tcp
hostnames 101/tcp hostname # usually to sri-nic
sunrpc 111/udp
sunrpc 111/tcp
# Host specific functions
tftp 69/udp
rje 77/tcp
finger 79/tcp
link 87/tcp ttylink
supdup 95/tcp
iso-tsap 102/tcp
x400 103/tcp # ISO Mail
x400-snd 104/tcp
csnet-ns 105/tcp
pop-2 109/tcp # Post Office
uucp-path 117/tcp
nntp 119/tcp usenet # Network News Transfer
ntp 123/tcp # Network Time Protocol
NeWS 144/tcp news # Window System
# UNIX specific services

# these are NOT officially assigned
exec 512/tcp
login 513/tcp
shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used
printer 515/tcp spooler # experimental
courier 530/tcp rpc # experimental
biff 512/udp comsat
who 513/udp whod
syslog 514/udp
talk 517/udp
route 520/udp router routed
new-rwho 550/udp new-who # experimental
rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord # experimental
monitor 561/udp # experimental
#at-rtmp 769/udp
#at-nbp 770/udp
#at-echo 772/udp
#at-zip 774/udp
ingreslock 1524/tcp

htc-co 600/tcp co # UIUC Print system central
htc-sat 601/tcp sat # UIUC Print system satellites

  3 Responses to “Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : TEL2307B.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: