Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ZOO21E.ZIP
Filename : LZC.ASM

Output of file : LZC.ASM contained in archive : ZOO21E.ZIP
title Lempel-Ziv Compressor
; $Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/lzc.asm,v $
; $Id: lzc.asm,v 1.4 91/07/07 09:36:18 dhesi Exp $

;Derived from Tom Pfau's public domain assembly code.
;The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
; -- Rahul Dhesi 1988/08/24

; UNBUF_IO equ 1 ;use unbuffered I/O

public _lzc


check_gap equ 4000 ;Check ratio every so many bits
scale_limit equ 32000 ;scale down if bitsout > scale_limit
rat_thresh equ 0ffffh ;don't reset if rat > rat_thresh

;Hash table entry
hash_rec struc
first dw ? ; First entry with this value
next dw ? ; Next entry along chain
char db ? ; Suffix char
hash_rec ends

extrn docrc:near ;Procedure for block CRC in lzd.asm

ifdef UNBUF_IO
extrn _read:near
extrn _blockwrite:near
extrn _zooread:near
extrn _zoowrite:near
extrn _outchar:near

;Declare Segments
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
_TEXT ends

assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP

_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
extrn _out_buf_adr:word ;address of C output buffer
extrn _in_buf_adr:word ;address of C input buffer
extrn memflag:byte ;got memory? flag

save_sp dw ?

bytesin dw ? ;count of bytes read
bitsout dw ? ;count of bits written
ratio dw ? ;recent ratio
ratflag db ? ;flag to remind us to check ratio
bit_interval dw ? ;interval at which to test ratio

input_handle dw ?
input_seg dw ?
output_handle dw ?
output_seg dw ?
hash_seg dw ?
prefix_code dw ?
free_code dw ?
max_code dw ?
nbits dw ?
k db ?
bit_offset dw ?
input_offset dw 0
input_size dw 0
ifdef OS2
selector dw 0
_DATA ends

memory segment para public 'memory'
hash label hash_rec
memory ends

add_code macro
local ac1,ac2,ac3
mov bx,free_code ;Get code to use
push ds ;point to hash table
mov ds,hash_seg
or di,di ;First use of this prefix?
jz ac1 ;zero means yes
mov [si].next,bx ;point last use to new entry
jmp short ac2
ac1: mov [si].first,bx ;Point first use to new entry
ac2: cmp bx,maxmax ;Have we reached code limit?
je ac3 ;equal means yes, just return

;call index ;get address of new entry
call_index ;macro for speed

mov [si].first,-1 ;initialize pointers
mov [si].next,-1
mov [si].char,al ;save suffix char
inc es:free_code ;adjust next code
ac3: pop ds ;restore seg reg

read_char macro ;Macro for speed
local m$1,m$2,m$3,m$4
inc [bytesin] ;Maintain input byte count for ratio
mov di,input_offset ;Anything left in buffer?
cmp di,input_size
jb m$1 ;less means yes

mov cx,inbufsiz
call doread ;read block

cmp ax,-1
jnz m$3
jmp IO_err ;input error
mov dx,_in_buf_adr ;for docrc
call docrc
or ax,ax ;Anything left?
jz m$2 ;zero means no, finished
mov input_size,ax ;Save bytes read
mov input_offset,0 ;Point to beginning of buffer
mov di,0
mov si,_in_buf_adr
add si,di
lodsb ;Read it in
inc input_offset ;Adjust pointer
clc ;Success
jmp short m$4
m$2: stc ;Nothing left

;Start writing code
_TEXT segment
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:nothing

_lzc proc near
push bp ;Standard C entry code
mov bp,sp
push di
push si

push ds ;Save ds to be sure
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx

;Get two parameters, both integers, that are input file handle and
;output file handle
ifdef UNBUF_IO
mov ax,[bp+4]
mov [input_handle],ax
mov ax,[bp+6]
mov [output_handle],ax
mov ax,[bp+4]
mov [input_handle],ax
mov ax,[bp+6]
mov [input_seg],ax
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov [output_handle],ax
mov ax,[bp+10]
mov [output_seg],ax

call compress ;Compress file
;Status received back in AX
pop ds
pop si ;Standard C return code
pop di
mov sp,bp
pop bp

_lzc endp

compress proc near
mov [save_sp],sp ;Save SP in case of error return

;Initialize variables for serial re-entrancy
mov [bit_offset],0
mov [input_offset],0
mov [input_size],0

test memflag,0ffH ;Memory allocated?
jnz gotmem ;If allocated, continue
ifdef OS2
invoke DOSALLOCSEG, maxmax*5+512, addr selector, 0
or ax,ax
je ok1
jmp MALLOC_err1
mov ax,selector
jmp short here1
malloc <((maxmax * 5) / 16 + 20)> ;allocate it
jnc here1
jmp MALLOC_err1
mov hash_seg,ax ;Save segment address of mem block
mov memflag,0ffh ;Set flag to remind us later

l1: call init_table ;Initialize the table and some vars
mov ax,clear ;Write a clear code
call write_code
;call read_char ;Read first char
read_char ;macro for speed

;new code to check compression ratio
test [ratflag],0FFH ;Time to check ratio?
jz rd$1 ;Skip checking if zero
call check_ratio
xor ah,ah ;Turn char into code
l4a: mov prefix_code,ax ;Set prefix code
;call read_char ;Read next char
read_char ;macro for speed
jc l17 ;Carry means eof
mov k,al ;Save char in k
mov bx,prefix_code ;Get prefix code

call lookup_code ;See if this pair in table

jnc l4a ;nc means yes, new code in ax
;call add_code ;Add pair to table
add_code ;Macro for speed
push bx ;Save new code
mov ax,prefix_code ;Write old prefix code
call write_code
pop bx
mov al,k ;Get last char
cmp bx,max_code ;Exceed code size?

jnb l4$
jmp l4
cmp nbits,maxbits ;Currently less than maxbits?
jb l14 ;yes
mov ax,clear ;Write a clear code
call write_code
call init_table ;Reinit table
mov al,k ;get last char
jmp l4 ;Start over
l14: inc nbits ;Increase number of bits
shl max_code,1 ;Double max code size
jmp l4 ;Get next char
l17: mov ax,prefix_code ;Write last code
call write_code
mov ax,eof ;Write eof code
call write_code
mov ax,bit_offset ;Make sure buffer is flushed to file
cmp ax,0
je OK_ret
mov dx,ax ;dx <- ax
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ;ax <- ax div 8
and dx,07 ;dx <- ax mod 8
;If extra bits, make sure they get
je l17a ;written
inc ax
l17a: call flush
xor ax,ax ;Normal return -- compressed
mov ax,2 ;I/O error return
mov sp,[save_sp] ;Restore stack pointer

MALLOC_err1: ;hash table alloc error
mov ax,1 ;Malloc error return
mov sp,[save_sp] ;Restore stack pointer
compress endp

init_table proc near
mov [bytesin],0 ;Input byte count
mov [bitsout],0 ;Output bit count
mov [ratio],0
mov [ratflag],0
mov [bit_interval],check_gap

mov nbits,9 ;Set code size to 9
mov max_code,512 ;Set max code to 512
push es ;Save seg reg
mov es,hash_seg ;Address hash table
mov ax,-1 ;Unused flag
mov cx,640 ;Clear first 256 entries
mov di,offset hash ;Point to first entry
rep stosw ;Clear it out
pop es ;Restore seg reg
mov free_code,first_free ;Set next code to use
ret ;done
init_table endp

write_code proc near
push ax ;Save code
mov cx,nbits
add [bitsout],cx ;Maintain output bit count for ratio
sub [bit_interval],cx
jg rd$2 ;OK if not reached interval
mov [ratflag],1 ;else set flag -- check ratio soon
mov ax,bit_offset ;Get bit offset
mov cx,nbits ;Adjust bit offset by code size
add bit_offset,cx

mov dx,ax ;dx <- ax
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ;ax <- ax div 8
and dx,07 ;dx <- ax mod 8

;Now ax contains byte offset and
;dx contains bit offset within that byte (I think)

cmp ax,outbufsiz-4 ;Approaching end of buffer?
jb wc1 ;less means no
call flush ;Write the buffer

push dx ;dx contains offset within byte
add dx,nbits ;adjust by code size
mov bit_offset,dx ;new bit offset
pop dx ;restore dx

;ax is an index into output buffer. Next, ax <- address of buffer[ax]
add ax,[_out_buf_adr]
mov si,ax ;put in si
mov al,byte ptr [si] ;move byte to first position

;put value of al into first byte of output buffer
push bx
mov bx,[_out_buf_adr]
mov [bx],al
pop bx
xor ax,ax ;Byte offset of zero
wc1: add ax,[_out_buf_adr] ;Point into buffer
mov di,ax ;Destination
pop ax ;Restore code
mov cx,dx ;offset within byte
xor dx,dx ;dx will catch bits rotated out
jcxz wc3 ;If offset in byte is zero, skip shift
wc2: shl ax,1 ;Rotate code
rcl dx,1
loop wc2
or al,byte ptr [di] ;Grab bits currently in buffer
wc3: stosw ;Save data
mov al,dl ;Grab extra bits
stosb ;and save
write_code endp

flush proc near
push ax ;Save all registers
push bx ;AX contains number of bytes to write
push cx
push dx

push si ;may not be necessary to save si & di
push di

push ax ;save byte count

push ax ;byte count
push _out_buf_adr ;buffer address
ifdef UNBUF_IO
push output_handle ;zoofile
call _blockwrite
push output_seg ;zoofile
push output_handle ;zoofile
call _zoowrite
add sp,6

pop cx ;recover byte count

cmp ax,cx

jz here2
jmp IO_err ;I/O error

pop di
pop si

pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
flush endp

lookup_code proc near
push ds ;Save seg reg
mov ds,hash_seg ;point to hash table

;call index ;convert code to address
call_index ;macro for speed

mov di,0 ;flag
mov bx,[si].first
cmp bx,-1 ;Has this code been used?
je gc4 ;equal means no
inc di ;set flag
;call index ;convert code to address
call_index ;macro for speed

cmp [si].char,al ;is char the same?
jne gc3 ;ne means no
clc ;success
mov ax,bx ;put found code in ax
pop ds ;restore seg reg
ret ;done
mov bx,[si].next
cmp bx,-1 ;More left with this prefix?
je gc4 ;equal means no
jmp gc2 ;try again
gc4: stc ;not found
pop ds ;restore seg reg
ret ;done
lookup_code endp

comment #
index proc near
mov si,bx ;si = bx * 5 (5 byte hash entries)
shl si,1 ;si = bx * 2 * 2 + bx
shl si,1
add si,bx
index endp
# end comment

check_ratio proc near
push ax

; mov dl,'*' ;'*' printed means checking ratio
; call sendout

;Getting ready to check ratios. If bitsout is over scale_limit,
;then we scale down both bitsout and bytesin by a factor
;of 4. This will avoid overflow.
mov cx,[bitsout]
cmp cx,scale_limit
jb scale_ok

mov cl,2
shr [bytesin],cl
shr [bitsout],cl

;Note MASM bug: "mov ah,high [bytesin]" and
;"mov al,low [bytesin]" don't work.
mov ah,byte ptr [bytesin]
mov dl,byte ptr [bytesin+1]

sub al,al
sub dh,dh ;dx:ax = 8 * bitsin = 256 * bytesin
mov cx,[bitsout] ;cx <- bitsout
or cx,cx ;Division by zero?
jnz candivide ;No -- go ahead divide
mov ax,0FFFFH ;yes -- assume max poss value
jmp short divided
;Calculate cx as (bytesin * 256) / bitsout = bitsin * 8 / bitsout
div cx ;ax <- rat <- dx:ax / cx
shl ax,1
shl ax,1 ;rat <- 4 * bytes_in / bytes_out
;Enter here with ax = rat = bitsin / bitsout.

; call print_data ;print info for debugging

;If rat > rat_thresh then ratio is good; do not reset table
; cmp ax,rat_thresh
; ja ratdone

;Compare rat against ratio
mov bx,ax ;save rat in bx
cmp ax,[ratio] ;cmp rat,ratio
jb ratless ;trouble if ratio is now smaller
mov ax,[ratio]
call mul7 ;ax <- 7 * ratio
add ax,bx ;ax = 7 * ratio + rat
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ;ax = (7 * ratio + rat) / 8
mov [ratio],ax ;ratio = (7 * ratio + rat) / 8
jmp short ratdone
ratless: ;ratio is going down, so...
mov [bytesin],0
mov [bitsout],0

; mov dl,'#' ;'#' printed means table reset
; call sendout

mov ax,clear ;Write a clear code
call write_code
call init_table ;Reinit table
mov [ratflag],0
mov [bit_interval],check_gap
pop ax
check_ratio endp

comment #
sendout proc near ;char in dl send to console
push ax
call _outchar
pop ax
sendout endp
# end comment

mul7 proc near ;multiply ax by 7
push dx
mov dx,7
mul dx ;dx:ax <- 7 * ax
pop dx
mul7 endp

comment #
mul3 proc near ;multiply ax by 3
push dx
mov dx,3
mul dx ;dx:ax <- 3 * ax
pop dx
mul3 endp
# end comment

comment #
mul1_125 proc near ;multiply ax by 1.125
push bx
mov bx,ax
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
shr bx,1 ;bx = n / 8
add ax,bx ;ax <- n + n / 8
pop bx
mul1_125 endp
# end comment

comment #
print_data proc near
;Debugging -- print bytesin, bitsout, rat, and ratio
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx

push ax ;print rat
call _prtint
add sp,2

push [ratio] ;print ratio
call _prtint
add sp,2

push [bytesin]
call _prtint
add sp,2

push [bitsout]
call _prtint
add sp,2

pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
print_data endp
# end comment

;doread reads cx characters and stores them in input buffer
;return value from zooread is returned in ax
doread proc near ;reads block
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di

push cx ;byte count
push _in_buf_adr ;buffer address
ifdef UNBUF_IO
push input_handle ;zoofile
call _read
push input_seg ;zoofile
push input_handle ;zoofile
call _zooread
add sp,6

pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
doread endp

_TEXT ends


  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : ZOO21E.ZIP
Filename : LZC.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: