Dec 082017
This is a sample OS/2 program that shows the use of function VioRegister(). Includes complete C source code examples.
File VIOREG.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
This is a sample OS/2 program that shows the use of function VioRegister(). Includes complete C source code examples.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LOG 600 13 deflated
READ.ME 300 170 deflated
SIMPLE.C 844 426 deflated
SIMPLE.EXE 5557 2595 deflated
SIMPLE.M 361 135 deflated
SIMPLE.MAP 5849 1126 deflated
SIMPLE.OBJ 1367 613 deflated
TEST.C 2288 741 deflated
TEST.DE0 148 111 deflated
TEST.DEF 101 84 deflated
TEST.DLL 2582 748 deflated
TEST.LIB 1024 70 deflated
TEST.M 201 114 deflated
TEST.MAP 1081 334 deflated
TEST.OBJ 2313 946 deflated
VIOINIT.C 765 391 deflated
VIOINIT.EXE 5539 2554 deflated
VIOINIT.M 185 117 deflated
VIOINIT.MAP 5722 1116 deflated
VIOINIT.OBJ 1307 568 deflated
VIOREG.XMP 2965 1064 deflated

Download File VIOREG.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Name VIOREGister
Author Ralph E. Yozzo ( 75410,3053 )
Function The following is an example of using the
VIOREGISTER function of OS/2

Usage make TEST.m
make vioinit.m
make simple.m

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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