Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : TC4OS2.ZIP
Filename : OS2VIO.H

Output of file : OS2VIO.H contained in archive : TC4OS2.ZIP
* OS/2 VIO Routines for Turbo C *
* Copyright 1988 FreeLance Programming. All rights reserved. *

struct VioConfig
int length;
int adapter_type; /* 0=mono, 1=cga, 2=ega, 3=vga, 7=8514a */
int display_type; /* 0=mono, 1=cga, 2=ega, 3=8503, 4=8513, 9=8514 */
long mem_size;

struct VioCursor
int start_line;
int stop_line;
int width;
int attrib; /* -1 = hidden */

struct VioMode
int length;
char mode; /* Bit 0 (LSB): 0=Mono/Prtr, 1=Other */
/* Bit 1 : 0=Text, 1=Graphics */
/* Bit 2 : 0=Enable Color Burst, 1=Disable */
char colors; /* 1=2 color, 2=4 color, 4=16 color */
int columns;
int rows;
int hres;
int vres;
long rsv;

struct VioBufr
long buffer_start;
long buffer_length;
int selector_list[4];

#define __v extern int pascal

__v VioDeRegister(void);
__v VioEndPopUp(int handle);
__v VioGetANSI(int *flag, int handle);
__v VioGetBuf (char **bufptr, int *LVBsize, int handle);
__v VopGetConfig(struct VioConfig *video, int handle);
__v VioGetCP(int rsv, int *codepage, int handle);
__v VioGetCurPos(int *y, int *x, int handle);
__v VioGetCurType(struct VioCursor *cursor, int handle);
__v VioGetFont(void *rqst_block, int handle);
__v VioGetMode(struct VioMode *mode, int handle);
__v VioGetPhyBuf(struct VioBufr *buffer, int handle);
__v VioGetState(void *data_struct, int handle);
__v VioModeUndo(int owner, int kill, int handle);
__v VioModeWait(int type, int *code, int handle);
__v VioPopUp(int *options, int handle);
__v VioReadCellStr(char *buffer, int *buflen, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioReadCharStr(char *buffer, int *count, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioRegister(char *name, char *entry_point, long mask1, long mask2);
__v VioSaveRedrawUndo(int owner, int kill, int handle);
__v VioSaveRedrawWait(int notify, int *code, int handle);
__v VioScrLock(int wait, int *code, int handle);
__v VioScrollDn(int y, int x, int y1, int x1, int num, int *attr, int handle);
__v VioScrollLf(int y, int x, int y1, int x1, int cnt, int *attr, int handle);
__v VioScrollRt(int y, int x, int y1, int x1, int cnt, int *attr, int handle);
__v VioScrollUp(int y, int x, int y1, int x1, int num, int *attr, int handle);
__v VioScrUnLock(int handle);
__v VioSetANSI(int off_on, int handle);
__v VioSetCP(int rsv, int code_page, int handle);
__v VioSetCurPos(int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioSetCurType(struct VioCursor *cursor, int handle);
__v VioSetFont(void *rqst_block, int handle);
__v VioSetMode(struct VioMode *mode, int handle);
__v VioSetState(void *data_struc, int handle);
__v VioShowBuf(int offset, int length, int handle);
__v VioWrtCellStr(char *celltxt, int length, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioWrtCharStr(char *txt, int len, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioWrtCharStrAtt(char *txt, int len, int y, int x, int *attrib, int handle);
__v VioWrtNAttr(char *screen, int count, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioWrtNCell(char *celltxt, int count, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioWrtNChar(char *ch, int count, int y, int x, int handle);
__v VioWrtTTY(char *txt, int length, int handle);

#undef __v

  3 Responses to “Category : OS/2 Files
Archive   : TC4OS2.ZIP
Filename : OS2VIO.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: