Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : HEAD.ASM

Output of file : HEAD.ASM contained in archive : PKTD11A.ZIP
include defs.asm

; Copyright, 1988-1993, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

code segment word public
assume cs:code, ds:code

public phd_environ
org 2ch
phd_environ dw ?

public phd_dioa
org 80h
phd_dioa label byte

org 100h
jmp start_1
extrn start_1: near
db "PK"
extrn branding_msg: byte
dw branding_msg

even ;put the stack on a word boundary.
dw 128 dup(?) ;128 words of stack.
our_stack label byte

extrn int_no: byte

public entry_point, sys_features, flagbyte, is_186, is_286, is_386
entry_point db ?,?,?,? ; interrupt to communicate.
sys_features db 0 ; 2h = MC 40h = 2nd 8259
is_186 db 0 ;=0 if 808[68], =1 if 80[123]86.
is_286 db 0 ;=0 if 80[1]8[68], =1 if 80[234]86.
is_386 db 0 ;=0 if 80[12]8[68], =1 if 80[34]86.
flagbyte db 0
original_mask db 0 ;=0 if interrupt was originally on.

functions label word
dw f_not_implemented ;0
dw f_driver_info ;1
dw f_access_type ;2
dw f_release_type ;3
dw f_send_pkt ;4
dw f_terminate ;5
dw f_get_address ;6
dw f_reset_interface ;7
dw f_stop ;8
dw f_not_implemented ;9
dw f_get_parameters ;10
dw f_not_implemented ;11
dw f_as_send_pkt ;12
dw f_drop_pkt ;13
dw f_not_implemented ;14
dw f_not_implemented ;15
dw f_not_implemented ;16
dw f_not_implemented ;17
dw f_not_implemented ;18
dw f_not_implemented ;19
dw f_set_rcv_mode ;20
dw f_get_rcv_mode ;21
dw f_set_multicast_list ;22
dw f_get_multicast_list ;23
dw f_get_statistics ;24
dw f_set_address ;25

;external data supplied by device-dependent module:
extrn driver_class: byte
extrn driver_type: byte
extrn driver_name: byte
extrn driver_function: byte
extrn parameter_list: byte
extrn rcv_modes: word ;count of modes followed by mode handles.

;external code supplied by device-dependent module:
extrn send_pkt: near
extrn as_send_pkt: near
extrn drop_pkt: near
extrn set_address: near
extrn terminate: near
extrn reset_interface: near
extrn xmit: near
extrn recv: near
extrn etopen: near
extrn set_multicast_list: near
extrn timer_isr: near

per_handle struc
in_use db 0 ;non-zero if this handle is in use.
packet_type db MAX_P_LEN dup(0);associated packet type.
packet_type_len dw 0 ;associated packet type length.
receiver dd 0 ;receiver handler.
receiver_sig db 8 dup(?) ;signature at the receiver handler.
class db ? ;interface class
per_handle ends

handles per_handle MAX_HANDLE dup(<>)
end_handles label byte

public multicast_count, multicast_addrs, multicast_broad
multicast_count dw 0 ;count of stored multicast addresses.
multicast_broad db 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ; entry for broadcast
multicast_addrs db MAX_MULTICAST*EADDR_LEN dup(?)

;the device-dependent code reads the board's address from ROM in the
;initialization code.
public address_len, rom_address, my_address
address_len dw EADDR_LEN ;default to Ethernet.
rom_address db MAX_ADDR_LEN dup(?) ;our address in ROM.
my_address db MAX_ADDR_LEN dup(?) ;our current address.

rcv_mode_num dw 3

free_handle dw 0 ; temp, a handle not in use
found_handle dw 0 ; temp, handle for our packet
receive_ptr dd 0 ; the pkt receive service routine

public send_head, send_tail
send_head dd 0 ; head of transmit queue
send_tail dd 0 ; tail of transmit queue

statistics_list label dword
packets_in dw ?,?
packets_out dw ?,?
bytes_in dw ?,?
bytes_out dw ?,?
errors_in dw ?,?
errors_out dw ?,?
packets_dropped dw ?,? ;dropped due to no type handler.

savespss label dword
savesp dw ? ;saved during the stack swap.
savess dw ?

their_recv_isr dd 0 ; original owner of board int
their_timer dd 0

; The following structure is used to access the registers pushed by the
; packet driver interrupt handler. Don't change this structure without also
; changing the "bytes" structure given below.
regs struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
_ES dw ?
_DS dw ?
_BP dw ?
_DI dw ?
_SI dw ?
_DX dw ?
_CX dw ?
_BX dw ?
_AX dw ?
_IP dw ?
_CS dw ?
_F dw ? ; flags, Carry flag is bit 0
regs ends

; bits in the _F register.
CY equ 0001h
EI equ 0200h

; This structure is a bytewise version of the "regs" structure above.
bytes struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
dw ? ; es, ds, bp, di, si are 16 bits
dw ?
dw ?
dw ?
dw ?
_DL db ?
_DH db ?
_CL db ?
_CH db ?
_BL db ?
_BH db ?
_AL db ?
_AH db ?
bytes ends

public their_isr
their_isr dd 0 ; original owner of pkt driver int

public our_isr
jmp short our_isr_0 ;the required signature.
db 'PKT DRVR',0

push ax ; save lots of registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es

call etopen ; init the card
jc our_isr_no_init

mov si,offset rom_address ;copy their original address to
movseg es,ds
mov di,offset my_address ; their current address.
mov cx,MAX_ADDR_LEN/2
rep movsw

cmp rcv_modes+2[3*2],0 ;does mode 3 exist?
stc ;make sure we generate an error!
je our_isr_no_init ;no.
call rcv_modes+2[3*2] ; call it.

pop es ; restore lots of registers
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov dh,CANT_RESET ; (actually can't initialize)
jc our_isr_error
or flagbyte,CALLED_ETOPEN ; remember this fact
jmp short our_isr_cont

assume ds:nothing
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
mov bx,cs ;set up ds.
mov ds,bx
assume ds:code
mov bp,sp ;we use bp to access the original regs.
and _F[bp],not CY ;start by clearing the carry flag.

if 0
test _F[bp],EI ;were interrupt on?
jz our_isr_ei ;no, don't turn them back on.
sti ;yes, turn them back on.

test flagbyte,CALLED_ETOPEN ; have we initialized the card?
jz our_isr_open ; no
mov bl,ah ;jump to the correct function.
xor bh,bh
cmp bx,25 ;only twenty five functions right now.
ja f_bad_command
add bx,bx ;*2
; The functions are called with all the original registers except
; BX, DH, and BP. They do not need to preserve any of them. If the
; function returns with cy clear, all is well. Otherwise dh=error number.
call functions[bx]
assume ds:nothing
jc our_isr_error
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx

pop bx
pop ax

assume ds:nothing
mov bp,sp ;we use bp to access the original regs.
mov _DH[bp],dh
or _F[bp],CY ;return their carry flag.
jmp short our_isr_return

assume ds:code
extrn bad_command_intercept: near
mov bx,_BX[bp]
call bad_command_intercept
mov _BX[bp],bx
mov _DX[bp],dx
jnc our_isr_return
jmp our_isr_error

public re_enable_interrupts
; Possibly re-enable interrupts. We put this here so that other routines
; don't need to know how we put things on the stack.
test _F[bp], EI ; Were interrupts enabled on pkt driver entry?
je re_enable_interrupts_1 ; No.
sti ; Yes, re-enable interrupts now.


; As of 1.08, the handle is optional, so we no longer verify it.
; call verify_handle
cmp _AL[bp],0ffh ; correct calling convention?
jne f_driver_info_1 ; ne = incorrect, fail

;For enhanced PD, if they call
cmp _BX[bp],offset handles ;with a handle, give them the
;class they think it is
jb default_handle
cmp _BX[bp],offset end_handles ;otherwise default to first class
jae default_handle
mov bx, _BX[bp]
cmp [bx].in_use,0 ;if it's not in use, it's bad.
je default_handle
mov al, [bx].class
mov _CH[bp], al
jmp short got_handle

mov al,driver_class
mov _CH[bp],al

mov _BX[bp],majver ;version
mov al,driver_type
mov _DX[bp],ax
mov _CL[bp],0 ;number zero.
mov _DS[bp],ds ; point to our name in their ds:si
mov _SI[bp],offset driver_name
mov al,driver_function
mov _AL[bp],al

call verify_handle
cmp cx,rcv_mode_num ;are we already using that mode?
je f_set_rcv_mode_4 ;yes, no need to check anything.

mov dx,bx ;remember our handle.

call count_handles ;is ours the only open handle?
cmp cl,1
jne f_set_rcv_mode_1 ;no, don't change the receive mode.

mov cx,_CX[bp] ;get the desired receive mode.
cmp cx,rcv_modes ;do they have this many modes?
jae f_set_rcv_mode_1 ;no - must be a bad mode for us.
mov bx,cx
add bx,bx ;we're accessing words, not bytes.
mov ax,rcv_modes[bx]+2 ;get the handler for this mode.
or ax,ax ;do they have one?
je f_set_rcv_mode_1 ;no - must be a bad mode for us.
mov rcv_mode_num,cx ;yes - remember the number and
call ax ; call it.
mov dh,BAD_MODE

call verify_handle
mov ax,rcv_mode_num ;return the current receive mode.
mov _AX[bp],ax

;following instruction not needed because cx hasn't been changed.
; mov cx,_CX[bp] ;Tell them how much room they have.

;verify that they supplied an even number of EADDR's.
mov ax,cx
xor dx,dx
mov bx,EADDR_LEN
div bx
or dx,dx ;zero remainder?
jne f_set_multicast_list_2 ;no, we don't have an even number of
; addresses.

cmp ax,MAX_MULTICAST ;is this too many?
ja f_set_multicast_list_3 ;yes - return NO_SPACE
mov multicast_count,ax ;remember the number of addresses.
movseg es,cs
mov di,offset multicast_addrs
push ds
mov ds,_ES[bp] ; get ds:si -> new list.
mov si,_DI[bp]
push cx
rep movsb
pop cx
pop ds

mov si,offset multicast_addrs
call set_multicast_list
mov dh,NO_SPACE

mov _ES[bp],ds ;return what we have remembered.
mov _DI[bp],offset multicast_addrs
mov ax,EADDR_LEN ;multiply the count by the length.
mul multicast_count
mov _CX[bp],ax ;because they want total bytes.

call verify_handle ;just in case.
mov _DS[bp],ds
mov _SI[bp],offset statistics_list

mov dh,NO_CLASS

mov dh,NO_TYPE

mov dh,NO_NUMBER

mov dh,BAD_TYPE

;register caller of pkt TYPE
mov bx, offset driver_class
mov al, [bx] ;get the next class.
inc bx
or al,al ;end of the list?
je access_type_class ;class failed (story of my life)
cmp _AL[bp],al ;our class?
jne access_type_9 ;no, try again
cmp _BX[bp],-1 ;generic type?
je access_type_2 ;yes.
mov al,driver_type
cmp _BX[bp],ax ;our type?
jne access_type_type ;no.
cmp _DL[bp],0 ;generic number?
je access_type_3
cmp _DL[bp],1 ;our number?
jne access_type_number
cmp _CX[bp],MAX_P_LEN ;is the type length too long?
ja access_type_bad ;yes - can't be ours.

; now we do two things--look for an open handle, and check the existing
; handles to see if they're replicating a packet type.

mov free_handle,0 ;remember no free handle yet.
mov bx,offset handles
cmp [bx].in_use,0 ;is this handle in use?
je access_type_5 ;no - don't check the type.
mov al, _AL[bp] ;is this handle the same class as
cmp al, [bx].class ; they're want?
jne short access_type_6
mov es,_DS[bp] ;get a pointer to their type
mov di,_SI[bp] ; from their ds:si to our es:di
mov cx,_CX[bp] ;get the minimum of their length
; and our length. As currently
; implemented, only one receiver
; gets the packets, so we have to
; ensure that the shortest prefix
; is unique.
cmp cx,[bx].packet_type_len ;Are we less specific than they are?
jb access_type_8 ;no.
mov cx,[bx].packet_type_len ;yes - use their count.
lea si,[bx].packet_type
or cx,cx ; pass-all TYPE? (zero TYPE length)
jne access_type_7 ; ne = no
mov bx,offset handles+(MAX_HANDLE-1)*(size per_handle)
jmp short access_type_5 ; put pass-all last
repe cmpsb
jne short access_type_6 ;go look at the next one.
mov dh,TYPE_INUSE ;a handle has been assigned for TYPE
stc ;and we can't assign another
access_type_5: ;handle is not in use
cmp free_handle,0 ;found a free handle yet?
jne access_type_6 ;yes.
mov free_handle,bx ;remember a free handle
add bx,(size per_handle) ;go to the next handle.
cmp bx,offset end_handles ;examined all handles?
jb access_type_4 ;no, continue.

mov bx,free_handle ;did we find a free handle?
or bx,bx
je access_type_space ;no - return error.

mov [bx].in_use,1 ;remember that we're using it.

mov ax,_DI[bp] ;remember the receiver type.
mov [bx].receiver.offs,ax
mov ax,_ES[bp]
mov [bx].receiver.segm,ax

push ds
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov ds,_DS[bp] ;remember their type.
mov si,_SI[bp]
mov cx,_CX[bp]
mov es:[bx].packet_type_len,cx ; remember the TYPE length
lea di,[bx].packet_type
rep movsb

lds si,es:[bx].receiver ;copy the first 8 bytes
lea di,[bx].receiver_sig ; to the receiver signature.
mov cx,8/2
rep movsw

pop ds

mov al, _AL[bp]
mov [bx].class, al

mov _AX[bp],bx ;return the handle to them.


mov dh,NO_SPACE

call verify_handle ;mark this handle as being unused.
mov [bx].in_use,0

call count_handles ;All handles gone now?
cmp cl,0
jne f_release_type_1 ;no, don't change the receive mode.

if 0
cmp rcv_modes+2[3*2],0 ;does mode 3 exist?
je f_release_type_1 ;no.
mov rcv_mode_num,3 ;yes - remember the number and
call rcv_modes+2[3*2] ; call it.

;ds:si -> buffer, cx = length
; XXX Should re-enable interrupts here, but some drivers are broken.
; Possibly re-enable interrupts.
; test _F[bp], EI ; Were interrupts enabled on pkt driver entry?
; je f_send_pkt_1 ; No.
; sti ; Yes, re-enable interrupts now.

;following two instructions not needed because si and cx haven't been changed.
; mov si,_SI[bp]
; mov cx,_CX[bp] ; count of bytes in the packet.
add2 packets_out,1
add2 bytes_out,cx ;add up the received bytes.

mov ds,_DS[bp] ; address of buffer from caller's ds.
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing

; If -n option take Ethernet encapsulated Novell IPX packets (from BYU's
; PDSHELL) and change them to be IEEE 802.3 encapsulated.
test cs:flagbyte,N_OPTION
jnz f_send_pkt_2
call send_pkt

cmp ds:[si].EPROT_OFF,3781h ; if not Novell (prot 8137)
jne f_send_pkt_3 ; don't tread on it
push ax ; get scratch reg
mov ax,[si].EPROT_OFF+4 ; get len
xchg ah,al
inc ax ; make even (rounding up)
and al,0feh
xchg ah,al
mov ds:[si].EPROT_OFF,ax ; save in prot field
pop ax ; restore old contents
call send_pkt
assume ds:code

;es:di -> iocb.
test driver_function,4 ; is this a high-performance driver?
je f_as_send_pkt_2 ; no.
; Possibly re-enable interrupts.
test _F[bp], EI ; Were interrupts enabled on pkt driver entry?
je f_as_send_pkt_1 ; No.
sti ; Yes, re-enable interrupts now.
push ds ; set up proper ds for the buffer
lds si,es:[di].buffer ; ds:si -> buffer
assume ds:nothing
mov cx,es:[di].len ; cx = length
add2 packets_out,1
add2 bytes_out,cx ; add up the received bytes.

;ds:si -> buffer, cx = length, es:di -> iocb.
call as_send_pkt
pop ds
assume ds:code
mov dh, BAD_COMMAND ; return an error.

; es:di -> iocb.
test driver_function,4 ; is this a high-performance driver?
je f_as_send_pkt_2 ; no.
push ds ; Preserve ds
mov si,offset send_head ; Get head offset
mov ax,ds:[si] ; Get offset
mov dx,ds:[si+2] ; Get segment
mov bx,ax
or bx,dx ; End of list?
je dp_endlist ; Yes
cmp ax,di ; Offsets equal?
jne dp_getnext ; No
mov bx,es
cmp dx,bx ; Segments equal?
jne dp_getnext ; No
call drop_pkt ; Pass to driver
les di,es:[di].next ; Get next segment:offset
mov ds:[si],di ; Set next offset
mov ds:[si+2],es ; Set next segment
pop ds ; Restore ds
mov ds,dx ; Get next segment
mov si,ax ; Get next iocb offset
lea si,ds:[si].next ; Get next iocb next ptr offset
jmp dp_loop ; Try again
pop ds ; Restore ds
mov dh,BAD_IOCB ; Return error
stc ; Set carry

call verify_handle ; must have a handle

mov [bx].in_use,0 ; mark handle as free
call count_handles ; all handles gone?
or cl,cl
jne f_terminate_4 ; no, can't exit completely

; Now disable interrupts
mov al,int_no
or al,al ;are they using a hardware interrupt?
je f_terminate_no_irq ;no.
cmp original_mask,0 ;was it enabled?
je f_terminate_no_mask ;yes, don't mask it now.
call maskint

; Now return the interrupt to their handler.
mov ah,25h ;get the old interrupt into es:bx
mov al,int_no
add al,8
cmp al,8+8 ;is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
jb f_terminate_3 ;no.
add al,70h - (8+8) ;map it to the real interrupt.
push ds
lds dx,their_recv_isr
int 21h
pop ds

cmp their_timer.segm,0 ;did we hook the timer interrupt?
je f_terminate_no_timer

mov ax,2508h ;restore the timer interrupt.
push ds
lds dx,their_timer
int 21h
pop ds


call terminate ;terminate the hardware.

mov al,entry_point ;release our_isr.
mov ah,25h
push ds
lds dx,their_isr
int 21h
pop ds

; Now free our memory
movseg es,cs
mov ah,49h
int 21h

; call verify_handle
; mov es,_ES[bp] ; get new one
; mov di,_DI[bp] ; get pointer, es:di is ready
; mov cx,_CX[bp] ;Tell them how much room they have.
cmp cx,address_len ;is there enough room for our address?
jb get_address_space ;no.
mov cx,address_len ;yes - get our address length.
mov _CX[bp],cx ;Tell them how long our address is.
mov si,offset my_address ;copy it into their area.
rep movsb

mov dh,NO_SPACE

call count_handles
cmp cl,1 ;more than one handle in use?
ja f_set_address_inuse ;yes - we can't set the address

mov cx,_CX[bp] ;get the desired address length.
cmp ch,0
cmp cl,parameter_list[3] ;is it the right length?
ja f_set_address_too_long ;no.

mov ds,_ES[bp] ; set new one
assume ds:nothing
mov si,_DI[bp] ; set pointer, ds:si is ready
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
mov di,offset my_address
rep movsb
mov ds,ax ;restore ds.
assume ds:code

mov cx,_CX[bp] ;get the desired address length.
mov si,offset my_address
call set_address
jc f_set_address_err ;Did it work?

mov cl,parameter_list[3]
xor ch,ch
mov _CX[bp],cx ;yes - return our address length.

mov dh,CANT_SET
mov dh,NO_SPACE
;we get here with cy set - leave it set.
mov si,offset rom_address ;we can't set the address, restore
mov di,offset my_address ; to original.
mov cx,MAX_ADDR_LEN/2
rep movsw

call verify_handle
call reset_interface

; Stop the packet driver doing upcalls. Also a following terminate will
; always succed (no in use handles any longer).
mov bx,offset handles
mov [bx].in_use,0
add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
cmp bx,offset end_handles
jb f_stop_2

;strictly speaking, this function only works for high-performance drivers.
test driver_function,4 ;is this a high-performance driver?
jne f_get_parameters_1 ;yes.
mov dh,BAD_COMMAND ;no - return an error.
mov _ES[bp],cs
mov _DI[bp],offset parameter_list

;exit with cl = number of handles currently in use.
mov bx,offset handles
mov cl,0 ;number of handles in use.
add cl,[bx].in_use ;is this handle in use?
add bx,(size per_handle) ;go to the next handle.
cmp bx,offset end_handles
jb count_handles_1

;Ensure that their handle is real. If it isn't, we pop off our return
;address, and return to *their* return address with cy set.
mov bx,_BX[bp] ;get the handle they gave us
cmp bx,offset handles
jb verify_handle_bad ;no - must be bad.
cmp bx,offset end_handles
jae verify_handle_bad ;no - must be bad.
cmp [bx].in_use,1 ;if it's not in use, it's bad.
jne verify_handle_bad
add sp,2 ;pop off our return address.

public set_recv_isr
mov ah,35h ;get the old interrupt into es:bx
mov al,int_no ; board's interrupt vector
or al,al
je set_isr_no_irq
add al,8
cmp al,8+8 ;is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
jb set_recv_isr_1 ;no.
add al,70h - 8 - 8 ;map it to the real interrupt.
int 21h
mov their_recv_isr.offs,bx ;remember the old seg:off.
mov their_recv_isr.segm,es

mov ah,25h ;now set our recv interrupt.
mov dx,offset recv_isr
int 21h

cmp byte ptr timer_isr,0cfh ;is there just an iret at their handler?
je set_isr_no_timer ;yes, don't bother hooking the timer.

mov ax,3508h ;get the old interrupt into es:bx
int 21h
mov their_timer.offs,bx ;remember the old seg:off.
mov their_timer.segm,es

mov ah,25h ;now set our recv interrupt.
mov dx,offset timer_isr
int 21h

mov al,int_no ; Now enable interrupts
call unmaskint
mov original_mask,al


public count_in_err
assume ds:nothing
add2 errors_in,1

public count_out_err
assume ds:nothing
add2 errors_out,1

recv_isr_frame struc
recv_isr_ds dw ?
recv_isr_dx dw ?
recv_isr_ax dw ?
recv_isr_ip dw ?
recv_isr_cs dw ?
recv_isr_f dw ?
recv_isr_frame ends

; I have had a problem with some hardware which under extreme LAN loading
; conditions will re-enter the recv_isr. Since the 8259 interrupts for
; the card are masked off, and the card's interrupt mask register is
; cleared (in 8390.asm at least) disabling the card from interrupting, this
; is clearly a hardware problem. Due to the low frequencey of occurance, and
; extreme conditions under which this happens, it is not lilely to be fixed
; in hardware any time soon, plus retrofitting of hardware in the field will
; not happen. To protect the driver from the adverse effects of this I am
; adding a simple re-entrancy trap here. - gft - 910617

in_recv_isr db 0 ; flag to trap re-entrancy

cmp in_recv_isr, 0
jne recv_iret

mov in_recv_isr, 1

; I realize this re-entrancy trap is not perfect, you could be re-entered
; anytime before the above instruction. However since the stacks have not
; been swapped re-entrancy here will only appear to be a spurious interrupt.
; - gft - 910617

; In order to achieve back-to-back packet transmissions, we handle the
; latency-critical portion of transmit interrupts first. The xmit
; interrupt routine should only start the next transmission, but do
; no other work. It may only touch ax and dx (the only register necessary
; for doing "out" instructions) unless it first pushes any other registers
; itself.
push ax
push dx
call xmit

; Now switch stacks, push remaining registers, and do remaining interrupt work.
push ds
mov ax,cs ;ds = cs.
mov ds,ax
assume ds:code

mov savesp,sp
mov savess,ss

mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset our_stack

push bx
push cx
push si
push di
push bp
push es

; The following comment is wrong in that we now do a specific EOI command,
; and because we don't enable interrupts (even though we should).

; Chips & Technologies 8259 clone chip seems to be very broken. If you
; send it a Non Specific EOI command, it clears all In Service Register
; bits instead of just the one with the highest priority (as the Intel
; chip does and clones should do). This bug causes our interrupt
; routine to be reentered if: 1. we reenable processor interrupts;
; 2. we reenable device interrupts; 3. a timer or other higher priority
; device interrupt now comes in; 4. the new interrupting device uses
; a Non Specific EOI; 5. our device interrupts again. Because of
; this bug, we now completely mask our interrupts around the call
; to "recv", the real device interrupt handler. This allows us
; to send an EOI instruction to the 8259 early, before we actually
; reenable device interrupts. Since the interrupt is masked, we
; are still guaranteed not to get another interrupt from our device
; until the interrupt handler returns. This has another benefit:
; we now no longer prevent other devices from interrupting while our
; interrupt handler is running. This is especially useful if we have
; other (multiple) packet drivers trying to do low-latency transmits.
mov al,int_no ; Disable further device interrupts
call maskint

; The following is from Bill Rust,
; this code dismisses the interrupt at the 8259. if the interrupt number
; is > 8 then it requires fondling two PICs instead of just one.
mov al, int_no ; get hardware int #
cmp al, 8 ; see if its on secondary PIC
jg recv_isr_4
add al, 60h ; make specific EOI dismissal
out 20h, al
jmp recv_isr_3 ; all done
add al,60h - 8 ; make specific EOI (# between 9 & 15).
out 0a0h,al ; Secondary 8259 (PC/AT only)
mov al,62h ; Acknowledge on primary 8259.
out 20h,al

; sti ; Interrupts are now completely safe
call recv

cli ;interrupts *must* be off between
;here and the stack restore, because
;if we have one of our interrupts
;pending, we would trash our stack.

mov al,int_no ; Now reenable device interrupts
call unmaskint

pop es
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop bx

mov ss,savess
mov sp,savesp

pop ds
assume ds:nothing
pop dx
pop ax
mov in_recv_isr, 0 ; clear the re-entrancy flag - gft - 901617

recv_exiting_flag db 0 ;nonzero if recv_exiting will be run.
recv_exiting_addr dd ?

public schedule_exiting
;call this routine to schedule a subroutine that gets run after the
;recv_isr. This is done by stuffing routine's address in place
;of the recv_isr iret's address. This routine should push the flags when it
;is entered, and should jump to recv_exiting_exit to leave.
;enter with ax = address of routine to run.
cmp recv_exiting_flag,0 ;is it already scheduled?
jne schedule_exiting_1 ;yes, don't do it again!
inc recv_exiting_flag ;set the flag.
les di,savespss ;make es:di -> their stack.
xchg ax,es:[di].recv_isr_ip ;stuff our routine's address in,
mov recv_exiting_addr.offs,ax ;and save the original address.
mov ax,cs
xchg ax,es:[di].recv_isr_cs
mov recv_exiting_addr.segm,ax

public recv_exiting_exit
;recv_exiting jumps here to exit, after pushing the flags.
cli ;protect the following semaphore.
mov recv_exiting_flag,0
push recv_exiting_addr.segm
push recv_exiting_addr.offs

public maskint
or al,al ;are they using a hardware interrupt?
je maskint_1 ;no, don't mask off the timer!

assume ds:code
mov dx,21h ;assume the master 8259.
cmp al,8 ;using the slave 8259 on an AT?
jb mask_not_irq2
mov dx,0a1h ;go disable it on slave 8259
sub al,8
mov cl,al

in al,dx ;disable them on the correct 8259.
mov ah,1 ;set the bit.
shl ah,cl
or al,ah
; 500ns Stall required here, per INTEL documentation for eisa machines
; - gft - 910617
push ax
in al,61h ; 1.5 - 3 uS should be plenty
in al,61h
in al,61h
pop ax
out dx,al

public unmaskint
;exit with cl = 0 if the interrupt had been enabled.
assume ds:code
mov dx,21h ;assume the master 8259.
mov cl,al
cmp cl,8 ;using the slave 8259 on an AT?
jb unmask_not_irq2 ;no
in al,dx ;get master mask
push ax
in al,61h ;wait lots of time.
in al,61h
in al,61h
pop ax
and al,not (1 shl 2) ; and clear slave cascade bit in mask
out dx,al ;set new master mask (enable slave int)
; 500ns Stall required here, per INTEL documentation for eisa machines
; - gft - 910617
push ax
in al,61h ; 1.5 - 3 uS should be plenty
in al,61h
in al,61h
pop ax
mov dx,0a1h ;go enable int on slave 8259
sub cl,8

in al,dx ;enable interrupts on the correct 8259.
mov ah,1 ;clear the bit.
shl ah,cl
mov cl,al ;remember the original mask.
and cl,ah
not ah
and al,ah
; 500ns Stall required here, per INTEL documentation for eisa machines
; - gft - 910617
push ax
in al,61h ; 1.5 - 3 uS should be plenty
in al,61h
in al,61h
pop ax
out dx,al


public recv_locate
;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
;exit with cy if the packet is not desired, or nc if we know its type.
assume ds:code, es:nothing

; If -n option take IEEE 802.3 encapsulated packets that could be Novell IPX
; and make them Ethernet encapsulated Novell IPX packets (for PDSHELL).
test flagbyte,N_OPTION
jz not_n_op

; Make IEEE 802.3-like packets that could be Novell IPX into BlueBook class
; Novell type 8137 packets.
cmp dl,IEEE8023 ;Is this an IEEE 802.3 packet?
jne recv_not_802_3 ;no
cmp word ptr es:[di],0ffffh ;if this word not ffff
jne recv_not_8137 ; then not Novell
sub di,2 ; back it up to the 8137 word.
mov es:[di],3781h ; fake as Novell protocol (8137)
jmp short recv_not_8137
; Convert incoming Ethernet type 8137 IPX packets to type 8138, as with -n in
; effect we can't send type 8137, and it will only confuse Netware.
cmp dl,BLUEBOOK ;Is this a BLUEBOOK packet?
jne recv_not_8137 ;no, don't change it.
cmp word ptr es:[di],3781h ;Is it an 8137 packet?
jne recv_not_8137 ;no, don't change it.
mov es:[di],word ptr 3881h ;yes, mung it slightly.

mov bx,offset handles
cmp [bx].in_use,0 ;is this handle in use?
je recv_find_2 ;no - don't check the type.

mov ax,[bx].receiver.offs ;do they have a receiver?
or ax,[bx].receiver.segm
je recv_find_2 ;no - they're not serious about it.

;per request by the UK people, we match on IEEE 802.3 classes, then types.
;for all others, we match on type, then class. This lets their software work
;without breaking BLUEBOOK type length=0 clients.
cmp [bx].class,IEEE8023 ;is this an IEEE 802.3 handle
jne recv_find_7 ;no.
cmp dl,IEEE8023 ;is the packet also IEEE 802.3?
jne recv_find_2 ;no, give up on it now.

mov cx,[bx].packet_type_len ;compare the packets.
lea si,[bx].packet_type
jcxz recv_find_3 ;if cx is zero, they want them all.

cmp [bx].class, dl ;is this the right class?
jne recv_find_2 ;no- don't bother

push di
repe cmpsb
pop di
je recv_find_3 ;we've got it!
add bx,(size per_handle) ;go to the next handle.
cmp bx,offset end_handles
jb recv_find_1

add2 packets_dropped,1 ;count it as dropped.
mov found_handle,bx ;remember what our handle was.

public recv_find, recv_found
;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
;exit with es:di = 0 if the packet is not desired, or es:di -> packet buffer
; to be filled by the driver.
assume ds:code, es:nothing
push cx ;preserve packet length.
call recv_locate ;search for the packet type.
pop cx
jc recv_find_5 ;we didn't find it -- discard it.
;called to do the first upcall.
;exit with es:di = 0 if the packet is not desired, or es:di -> packet buffer
; to be filled by the driver.

add2 packets_in,1
add2 bytes_in,cx ;add up the received bytes.

mov bx,found_handle
les di,[bx].receiver ;remember the receiver upcall.
mov receive_ptr.offs,di
mov receive_ptr.segm,es

test flagbyte,W_OPTION ;did they select the Windows option?
je recv_find_6 ;no, don't check for the upcall.

; does the receiver signature match whats currently in memory? if not,
; jump to fake return
push si
push cx
lea si,[bx].receiver_sig
mov cx,8/2
repe cmpsw
pop cx
pop si
je recv_find_6
xor di,di ;"return" a null pointer.
mov es,di

mov ax,0 ;allocate request.
stc ;with stc, flags must be an odd number
push ax ; save a number that cant be flags
pushf ;save flags in case iret used.
call receive_ptr ;ask the client for a buffer.
; on return, flags should be at top of stack. if an IRET has been used,
; then 0 will be at the top of the stack
pop bx
cmp bx,0
je recv_find_4 ;0 is at top of stack
add sp,2

public recv_copy
;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
;preserve bx.
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing

push bx
mov bx,found_handle
mov ax,1 ;store request.
clc ;with clc, flags must be an even number
push ax ; save a number that can't be flags
pushf ;save flags incase iret used.
call receive_ptr ;ask the client for a buffer.
pop bx
cmp bx,1 ;if this is a 1, IRET was used.
je recv_copy_1
pop bx
pop bx

public send_queue
; Queue an iocb.
; Enter with es:di -> iocb, interrupts disabled.
; Destroys ds:si.
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
mov es:[di].next.offs,0 ; Zero next offset
mov es:[di].next.segm,0 ; Zero next segment
mov si,send_head.offs ; Queue empty?
or si,send_head.segm
jnz sq_notempty ; No
mov send_head.offs,di ; Set head offset
mov send_head.segm,es ; Set head segment
jmp sq_settail
sq_notempty: ; Queue is not empty
lds si,send_tail ; Get tail segment:offset
mov ds:[si].next.offs,di ; Set next offset
mov ds:[si].next.segm,es ; Set next segment
mov send_tail.offs,di ; Set tail offset
mov send_tail.segm,es ; Set tail segment

public send_dequeue
; Dequeue an iocb and possibly call its upcall.
; Enter with device or processor interrupts disabled, ah = return code.
; Exits with es:di -> iocb; destroys ds:si, ax, bx, cx, dx, bp.
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
les di,send_head ; Get head segment:offset
lds si,es:[di].next ; Get next segment:offset
mov send_head.offs, si ; Set head offset
mov send_head.segm, ds ; Set head segment
or es:flags[di], DONE ; Mark done
mov es:ret_code[di], ah ; Set retcode
test es:[di].flags,CALLME ; Does he want an upcall?
je send_dequeue_1 ; No.
push es ; Push iocb segment
push di ; and offset
clc ; Clear carry.
mov ax,1 ; Push a number that cant be flags.
push ax
pushf ; Save flags in case iret used.
call es:[di].upcall ; Call the client.
pop ax ; Pop first word.
cmp ax,1 ; If this is a 1, IRET was used.
je send_dequeue_2 ; Far return used.
add sp,2 ; Pop flags.
pop di ; Pop iocb segment
pop es ; and offset

code ends

end start

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : HEAD.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: