Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : GETNUM.ASM

Output of file : GETNUM.ASM contained in archive : PKTD11A.ZIP
;put into the public domain by Russell Nelson, [email protected]

public get_number
mov bp,10 ;we default to 10.
jmp short get_number_0

public get_hex
mov bp,16
;get a hex number, skipping leading blanks.
;enter with si->string of digits,
; di -> dword to store the number in. [di] is not modified if no
; digits are given, so it acts as the default.
;return cy if there are no digits at all.
;return nc, bx:cx = number, and store bx:cx at [di].
call skip_blanks
call get_digit ;is there really a number here?
jc get_number_3
xor ah,ah
cmp ax,bp ;larger than our base?
jae get_number_3 ;yes.
or al,al ;Does the number begin with zero?
jne get_number_4 ;no.
mov bp,8 ;yes - they want octal.

xor cx,cx ;get a hex number.
xor bx,bx
cmp al,'x' ;did they really want hex?
je get_number_5 ;yes.
cmp al,'X' ;did they really want hex?
je get_number_5 ;yes.
call get_digit ;convert a character into an int.
jc get_number_2 ;not a digit (neither hex nor dec).
xor ah,ah
cmp ax,bp ;larger than our base?
jae get_number_2 ;yes.

push ax ;save the new digit.

mov ax,bp ;multiply the low word by ten.
mul cx
mov cx,ax ;keep the low word.
push dx ;save the high word for later.
mov ax,bp
mul bx
mov bx,ax ;we keep only the low word (which is our high word)
pop dx
add bx,dx ;add the high result from earlier.

pop ax ;get the new digit back.
add cx,ax ;add the new digit in.
adc bx,0
jmp get_number_1
mov bp,16 ;change the base to hex.
jmp get_number_1
dec si
mov [di],cx ;store the parsed number.
mov [di+2],bx
jmp short get_number_6
cmp al,'?' ;did they ask for the default?
jne get_number_6 ;no, return cy.
add si,2 ;skip past the question mark.
mov cx,-1
mov bx,-1
jmp get_number_2 ;and return the -1.

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : GETNUM.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: