Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : F965.INC

Output of file : F965.INC contained in archive : PKTD11A.ZIP
; Copyright (C) 1993, RF Nets, Cupertino, CA
; All Rights Reserved
; Author:[email protected]
; - definitions include for for Fujitsu 86965 EtherCoupler
; $Id$
; $Log$
; DLCR0 - Transmit Status - offset 0x00
TX_DONE Equ 10000000b ;all packets in buffer transmitted
NET_BSY Equ 01000000b ;real time image of carrier detect line
TX_PKT_RCD Equ 00100000b ;no collison on last pkt xmitted
CR_LOST Equ 00010000b ;carrier lost on last pkt xmitted (collison!)
JABBER Equ 00001000b ;jabber timer expired
COL Equ 00000100b ;collision occurred
COL16 Equ 00000010b ;16 collisions occurred on one packet
; DLCR1 - Receive Status - offset 0x01
RX_PKT Equ 10000000b ;packet arrived in receive buffer
BUS_RD_ERR Equ 01000000b ;bus read error - empty buffer
DMA_EOP Equ 00100000b ;host asserted DMA done.
RMT_0900 Equ 00010000b ;pkt rcved with type field = 0900H
RUNT_PKT Equ 00001000b ;packet less than 60 bytes rcved
ALIGN_ERR Equ 00000100b ;last byte didn't have 8 bits
CRC_ERR Equ 00000010b ;last pkt rcved had incorrect CRC
RX_BUF_OVFL Equ 00000001b ;rcv buffer overflow
; DLCR2 - Transmit Interrupt Enable - offset 0x02
TX_DONE_IE Equ 10000000b ;generate interrupt on TX DONE
JABBER_IE Equ 00001000b ;interrupt on JABBER
COL_IE Equ 00000100b ;interrupt on 1 Collision
COL16_IE Equ 00000010b ;interrupt on 16 Collisions
; DLCR3 - Receive interrupt enable - offset 0x03
; generate interrupt on:
RX_PKT_IE Equ 10000000b ;rcv pkt
BUS_RD_ERR_IE Equ 01000000b ;bus read error (buffer empty)
DMA_EOP_IE Equ 00100000b ;host DMA assert done
RMT_0900_IE Equ 00010000b ;remote link test pkt
RUNT_PKT_IE Equ 00001000b ;runt pkacet received
ALIGN_ERR_IE Equ 00000100b ;<8 bit byte received
CRC_ERR_IE Equ 00000010b ;packet CRC incorrect
RX_BUF_OVFL_IE Equ 00000001b ;rcv buffer overflow
; DLCR4 - Transmit Mode - offset 0x04
COL_CTR Equ 11110000b ;count of tx collisions (mask)
CNTRL Equ 00000100b ;control output line
LBC Equ 00000010b ;loopback (0)
EN_TX_DEFER Equ 00000001b ;enable carrier sense before xmit
; DLCR5 - Receive Mode - offset 0x05
RX_BUF_EMPTY Equ 01000000b ;receive buffer empty
ACPT_BAD_PKT Equ 00100000b ;accept pkts with CRC,alig,runt errors
RX_SHORT_ADDR Equ 00010000b ;40 bit MAC address length
ACPT_RUNT_PKT Equ 00001000b ;accept pkts <60 bytes in length
RMT_RST Equ 00000100b ;enable remote reset of rcver
AF1 Equ 00000010b ;address filter mode bit 1
AF0 Equ 00000001b ;address filter mode bit 0
; DLCR6 - Configuration 0 - offset 0x06
DLC_EN Equ 10000000b ;DLC enable (0)
SRAM_CYCLE_CLK Equ 01000000b ;SRAM cycle time 1=100ns;0=150ns
SYSTEM_BUSW Equ 00100000b ;system bus width 1=8bit;0=16bit
BUFFER_BUSW Equ 00010000b ;buffer bus width
TX_BUF_SIZE Equ 00001100b ;Tx buffer size
BUF_SIZE Equ 00000011b ;packet buffer size
TBS_1_2 Equ 00000000b ;Tx Buff count = 1, size = 2K
TBS_2_2 Equ 00000100b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 2K
TBS_2_4 Equ 00001000b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 4K
TBS_2_8 Equ 00001100b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 8K
BS_32 Equ 00000010b ;total buffer size = 32K
; DLCR7 - Configuration 1 - offset 0x07
ECID Equ 11000000b ;EtherCoupler Chip ID
PWRON Equ 00100000b ;Powerdown Mode 1=on;0=down
RDYPNSEL Equ 00010000b ;Ready Pin Polarity Select
RBS Equ 00001100b ;register bank select
RBS_DLCRH Equ 00000000b ;DLCR8-15
RBS_HT Equ 00000100b ;Hash Table 8-15 (HT8-15)
RBS_BMPR Equ 00001000b ;BMPR8-15
EOPPOL Equ 00000010b ;DMA done polarity
BYTE_ORDER Equ 00000001b ;Byte Ordering Control
; TO acces any BMPR register, DLCR7.RBS must be set to RBS_BMPR
; BMPR10 - Transmit Start - offset 0x0A
TX_START Equ 10000000b ;start transmitting a packet
TX_PKT_CNT Equ 01111111b ;count of pkts to transmit
; BMPR11 - 16 Collisions Control - offset 0x0B
COL_16_CTL2 Equ 00000100b ;control 1 mask enable
COL_16_CTL1 Equ 00000010b ;control 0 mask enable
COL_16_CTL Equ 00000001b ;re-xmit or discard after 16 col
; BMPR12 - DMA Enable - offset 0x0C
RX_DMA_EN Equ 00000010b ;enable receive side DMA (READ)
TX_DMA_EN Equ 00000001b ;enable transmit side DMA (WRITE)
; BMPR13 - DMA Burst and Transceiver Mode - offset 0x0D
IO_BASE_UNLOCK Equ 10000000b ;increment I/O Base Decode
SQ_THLD Equ 01000000b ;reduce squelch threshold
LINK_TEST_EN Equ 00100000b ;link integrity test
AUI_TP_SEL Equ 00010000b ;select between AUI and TP
AUTO_PORT_SEL Equ 00001000b ;manual or auto port select
STP_UTP Equ 00000100b ;100 (UTP) or 150 (STP) ohm termination
BURST_CTL Equ 00000011b ;burst length control
BUSRT_LEN1 Equ 00000000b ; len = 1
BUSRT_LEN4 Equ 00000001b ; len = 4
BUSRT_LEN8 Equ 00000010b ; len = 8
BUSRT_LEN12 Equ 00000011b ; len = 12
; BMPR14 - Filter Self Receive - offset 0x0E
RLD_IE Equ 10000000b ;RLD interrupt enable
LLD_IE Equ 01000000b ;LLD "" ""
RJAB_IE Equ 00100000b ;RJAB interrupt enable
SKIP_PKT Equ 00000100b ;Skip received Packet
SQE_IE Equ 00000010b ;SQE error interrupt enable
FILTER_SELF_RX Equ 00000001b ;Rcv transmitted packets
; BMPR15 - Transceiver Status Register
RLD Equ 10000000b ;Remote Link Down
LLD Equ 01000000b ;Local Link Down
RJAB Equ 00100000b ;Remote port in Jabber condx
RMT_PORT Equ 00010000b ;remote port compatible
RXI_POL_REV Equ 00001000b ;reverse receive polarity
SQE Equ 00000010b ;SQE error
; BMPR16 thru 19 can be addressed regardless of the DLCR7.RBS setting
; BMPR16 - EEPROM Control - offset 0x10
EEP_ESK Equ 01000000b ;EEPROM Shift Data Clock
EEP_ECS Equ 00100000b ;EEPROM chip select
; BMPR17 - EEPROM Data - offset 0x11
EEP_EDIO Equ 10000000b ;EEPROM Data I/O port
; BMPR19 - Jumperless Configuration
INTSEL Equ 11000000b ;Interrupt Line selected
INTSEL_0 Equ 00000000b ;IRQ0 (wired to ?)
INTSEL_1 Equ 01000000b ;IRQ1 (wired to ?)
INTSEL_2 Equ 10000000b ;IRQ2 (wired to ?)
INTSEL_3 Equ 11000000b ;IRQ3 (wired to ?)
MEMSEL Equ 00111000b ;Memory decode selection
IOSEL Equ 00000111b ;I/O base decode selection
IOSEL_0 Equ 00000000b ;260-27f
IOSEL_1 Equ 00000001b ;280-29f
IOSEL_2 Equ 00000010b ;2A0-2Bf
IOSEL_3 Equ 00000011b ;240-25f
IOSEL_4 Equ 00000100b ;340-35f
IOSEL_5 Equ 00000101b ;320-33f
IOSEL_6 Equ 00000110b ;380-39f
IOSEL_7 Equ 00000111b ;300-31f
; Register offset equates
DLCR0 Equ 0
DLCR1 Equ 1
DLCR2 Equ 2
DLCR3 Equ 3
DLCR4 Equ 4
DLCR5 Equ 5
DLCR6 Equ 6
DLCR7 Equ 7
DLCR8 Equ 8
DLCR9 Equ 9
DLCR10 Equ 10
DLCR11 Equ 11
DLCR12 Equ 12
DLCR13 Equ 13
DLCR14 Equ 14
DLCR15 Equ 15
HT8 Equ 8
HT9 Equ 9
HT10 Equ 10
HT11 Equ 11
HT12 Equ 12
HT13 Equ 13
HT14 Equ 14
HT15 Equ 15
BMPR8 Equ 8
BMPR9 Equ 9
BMPR10 Equ 10
BMPR11 Equ 11
BMPR12 Equ 12
BMPR13 Equ 13
BMPR14 Equ 14
BMPR15 Equ 15
BMPR16 Equ 16
BMPR17 Equ 17
BMPR18 Equ 18
BMPR19 Equ 19
; EEPROM command codes
EEP_CMD_READ Equ 10000000b ;read 16 bit register
; EEPROM register layout
; -- end --

  3 Responses to “Category : Network Files
Archive   : PKTD11A.ZIP
Filename : F965.INC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: