Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : TIPI.ZIP

Output of file : FILELIST.TXT contained in archive : TIPI.ZIP
Here is a list of the files that make up this release of TIPI

ANYBASE.TPI Converts numbers to/from any base from
2 to 36.


BATMENU.BAT Runs simple BAT menus. TEST.MNU is a sample


BENCH.TPI A simple benchmark to compare TIPI's speed
on various computers.

BLASTOFF.TPI A simple loop demo.

CALLTEST.TPI A demo of the CALL instruction.

CASE$.TPI A demo of the CASE$ instruction.

DEMO.BAT A demo of the use of BATMENU.

DO.TPI Another loop demo.

ERROR.TPI A program with a bug to get you started
with the debugger.


FILEPOS.TPI A demo of the FILEPOS instruction.

FILE_ID.DIZ A brief description of TIPI.

HANGMAN.BAT A bat file to run the hangman game.

HANGMAN.TPI The TIPI code for hangman.

HELLO.TPI A "Hello World" program.

HI.TPI Another "Hello World" program.

HISTORY.TXT TIPI's release history.

MENU.TPI A demo of a simple menu in TIPI.

MORSE.TPI A Morse code program.

MOUSE.TPI A demo of TIPI's mouse functions.

ORDER.FRM The form to register TIPI. Why not fill it out
now and rid yourself of unnecessary guilt?

PIXEL.TPI A simple little program to draw PIXEL, the
computer guy.

POWERS.TPI A program that raises a number to powers

PPUZZLE.TPI A very challenging Rubik's cube type puzzle.

PUZ.BAT A bat file to run the puzzle.

SETAPP.COM Used by T.BAT to set the apps on the
Atari Portfolio.

SORT.TPI A demo of a stack-based sort routine.

SQRT.TPI A demo showing how fixed point math can
be used to calculate a square root.

T.BAT The TIPI Programmer's Workbench.

T.TPI The TIPI program that runs the workbench.

TABLOID.TPI A silly program that generates tabloid-style

TEST.MNU A test menu for BATMENU

TIPI.ADR An alphabetical list of all of the built-in
TIPI instructions. This is in Atari Portfolio
Address Book format, but it is a plain ASCII
file that may be printed or browsed by any PC.

TIPI.COM The TIPI interpreter itself.

TIPICALC.TPI A simple integer RPN calculator.

TIPIDOC.TXT The documentation for TIPI.

VARSAMPL.TPI A sample program demonstrating variables and

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : TIPI.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: