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Archive   : NETS_1.ZIP
Filename : PROP.C

Output of file : PROP.C contained in archive : NETS_1.ZIP
/* NETS */
/* */
/* a product of the AI Section */
/* NASA, Johnson Space Center */
/* */
/* principal author: */
/* Paul Baffes */
/* */
/* contributing authors: */
/* Bryan Dulock */
/* Chris Ortiz */

Code For Forward and Backward Propagation in NETS (Prefix = P_)
This code is divided into 3 major sections:

(1) include files
(2) externed functions
(3) subroutines

Each section is further explained below.

#include "common.h"
#include "weights.h"
#include "layer.h"
#include "net.h"

Below are the functions defined in other files which are used by the
code here. They are organized by section.
extern Sint A_activation();
extern Sint C_float_to_Sint();

The routines in this file are grouped below by function. Each routine
is prefixed by the string "P_" indicating that it is defined in the
"prop.c" file. The types returned by the routines are also shown here
so that cross checking is more easily done between these functions
and the other files which intern them.

Type Returned Routine
------------- -------
void P_prop_input
D_Sint P_full_dot_forward
D_Sint P_full_dot_backward
void P_full_update_wts
D_Sint P_s_pattern_dot_forward
D_Sint P_s_pattern_dot_backward
void P_s_pattern_update_wts
void P_prop_error
Sint P_calc_delta
D_Sint P_t_pattern_dot_forward
D_Sint P_t_pattern_dot_backward
void P_t_pattern_update_wts
void P_change_biases

void P_prop_input(ptr_net)
Net *ptr_net;
This routine is definitely NOT going to appear obvious to you the
first time you read it. To understand how it works, or even why I
wrote the code the way I have, requires an intimate understanding of
the Rummelhart paper, the structures I have set up, and the inner
workings of integer and pointer arithmetic. I will assume that the
reader has either already read or has access to the Rummelhart paper
and the '.h' files containing the structures. As the algorithm is
explained, I will make references to the various elements from these
two sources.
Forward propagation, as explained in the paper, is the process of
calculating the outputs for the nodes of all layers. This process
is somewhat recursive, in that some layers depend upon the outputs
of other layers being calculated first. Thus the order of layer
calculation is important, and this order is presumed to be pre-set
by the user within the net configuration file (see doc with the
'B_setup_net' routine above and with 'PS_get_layer' in netio.c). The
first while loop below takes care of looping through the layers in
the correct order (which must be FORWARD since this is forward
propagation; see doc for net struc in 'net.h' and for Layer_lst in
Now, for each of the layers, we want to figure out the output of each
of its nodes (target_nodes). First, we get access to that layers
array of node outputs (via cur_layer->value->node_outputs) and then
we record (in target_size) how many nodes the layer has (via
cur_layer->value->num_nodes). The first 'for' loop takes care of
looping through each of the nodes, in turn, to calculate its output.
As described by Rummelhart, the output of a node is defined as the
dot product between its input layer and the weights connecting the
members of that layer to the node in question. Since we have
allowed for the general case of multiple incoming layers, we need
another loop to make sure all inputs are processed. Referring to
the layer structure (see layer.h), note that the incoming layers
are accessible only through the weights connecting the two layers.
(see Layer.in_weights). Thus we access the incoming weights via
cur_layer->value->num_nodes, through which we will be able to get at
each incoming layer, in turn. The second while loop serves to loop
through each of the incoming weights (or layers).
Now, a weight has a pointer to both its source and target layers, but
we are only concerned with the source here since it is the incoming
layer. Thus we access the source layer's node outputs (via
cur_weight->value->source_layer->node_outputs) and also its size
(via cur_weight->value->source_layer->num_nodes). To multiply these
outputs by the corresponding weights, we access the weights between
the layers (via cur_weight->value->values).
Then, we call 'dot_product' to do the actual multiplications. The
reason to separate this routine out is because it can be optimized
even further in assembly code, and we want to leave that option
Note that we have the statement 'cur_weight += (j * source_size)'
immediately preceding the call to the f_prop code. This bizzare incr
statement right in the middle of things is not obvious; its roots
are directly linked to our weigts design choice. Remember that we
decided to store the weights in a column major fashion, or more
simply, by source rather than by target. Thus, if we had two
layers, s = source and t = target, then our weights array would be
ordered as follows:

s1,t1 s2,t1 sN,t1 s1,t2 s2,t2 sN,t2 s1,tN s2,tN sN,tN

Keep in mind that the trick here is to be able to associate the
correct weights with any given source,target pair. Assuming that
are steping down the nodes of a source layer IN ORDER we have no
great problems, since the weights are ordered to match the source
layer nodes. For example, if we are currently using s1 and t2, our
weight between them is s1,t2. Steping to the weight between s2 and
t2 (to s2,t2) is a simple increment.
However, the problem is not so simple when you are steping through
the target layer node by node. Here each increment in number is
another way, the distance between sX,tY and sX,tY+1 is exactly equal
to the size of the source layer. Thus, before we call the routine
pointed to by f_prop we must make sure the weights array pointer is
set to the proper place for the target represented by "j". This is
done by multiplying 'j' by SOURCE_SIZE and adding the result to the
weights pointer.
register Sint *target_nodes, *target_bias;
Layer_lst *cur_layer;
Weights_lst *cur_weight;
D_Sint sum;
int target_size, j;

cur_layer = ptr_net->hidden_front;
while (cur_layer != NULL) BEGIN
target_nodes = cur_layer->value->node_outputs;
target_bias = cur_layer->value->node_bias;
target_size = cur_layer->value->num_nodes;

for (j = 0; j < target_size; j++) BEGIN
sum = 0;
cur_weight = cur_layer->value->in_weights;
while (cur_weight != NULL) BEGIN
sum = (*cur_weight->value->f_prop) (sum, cur_weight->value, j);
cur_weight = cur_weight->next;
*target_nodes++ = A_activation(sum + (*target_bias++));
cur_layer = cur_layer->next;

END /* P_prop_input */

D_Sint P_full_dot_forward(cur_total, the_weights, t_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int t_node_index;
Finally we are ready to form the dot product between a set of outputs
and the corresponding weights. Since all of the weights between
two layers are stored together, we must choose only those weights
which are connected to the node in the target layer (ie, node j)
which we are currently handling. Additionally, we must use exactly
as many weights as we have nodes in the source layer (source_size).
Happily, we knew this would be the case, thus we ordered the weights
between two layers BY TARGET LAYER NUMBER. Thus, all of node j's
weights come before those of node j+1, etc. (see doc in weights.c
for 'S_show_weights'). This routine takes care of doing just 'num'
number of multiplications.
Notice, however, that while I define variable i to determine
the correct number of times to loop, I NEVER USE THE VARIABLE in
an array access. This is because an array access is an inheirantly
slow calculation. Instead, we rely on the fact that the arrays we
are dealing with have all of their information stored sequentially,
so we can just increment the pointer to the array to move from
element to element. The i variable is used only to indicate
how many times the loop should be done.
Note that the indexing of the weights and nodes arrays depends upon
the connection scheme. In the CONNECT_ALL case, we have very little
complication as everything is interconnected. In the PATTERNED case,
I make use of a trick in which I write TWO loops, one the size of the
smaller layer, and then increment the pointer from the smaller layer
each time the INNER loop finishes. This way I can avoid one set of
array accesses (ie, to the smaller layer). The larger layer I must still
access using array notation via the "decoder" array (see 'weights.h').
Finally, remember that we are dotting SOURCE layer with the weights,
thus every time we increment the source by one, we must increment
the weights by one to keep the weights and source numbers the same.
(see documentation under 'P_prop_inputs'). Also, since each Sint is
actually an integer representation with an implied decimal point, we
have the result that after our dot product is formed we have incidentally
multiplied it by a constant factor of SINT_SCALE. That is, each time we
do a multiplication of two Sints, we end up with an extra factor of
SINT_SCALE. Thus we must divide this out before returning the value.
Of course, this does not hold when floats are used rather than Sints.
Lastly, note that we disallow any value which exceeds the maximum or
minimum Sint value. This keeps the overall node value from exceeding
its maximum (note that no intermediate product will exceed the maximum
since the node values are between 0 and 1 and since only 10000 nodes
are allowed per layer).
This routine has been further divided into three replicas. By separating
the three different ways of propagating forward, I can speed the
learning process by avoiding "if" checking to see whether or not I
should use patterened connection schemes or a connect-all scheme. The
result is that I have to store a pointer to this function INSIDE THE
WEIGHTS STRUCTURES THAT USE IT (change made 9-5-89). This first routine
is for fully connected schemes only.
register Sint *ptr_Snodes, *ptr_weights;
int i, s_size;

s_size = the_weights->source_layer->num_nodes;
ptr_Snodes = the_weights->source_layer->node_outputs;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values + (t_node_index * s_size);

for (i = 0; i < s_size; i++)
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(*ptr_Snodes++) * (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights++));

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_full_dot_forward */

D_Sint P_s_pattern_dot_forward(cur_total, the_weights, t_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int t_node_index;
(see documentation under P_full_dot_forward) This routine is for
pattern connection schemes which have a large source layer connected
to a smaller target layer.
register Sint *ptr_Snodes, *ptr_weights;
register int16 *ptr_decoder;
int i, area;

area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_Snodes = the_weights->source_layer->node_outputs;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values + (area * t_node_index);
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder + (area * t_node_index);

for (i = 0; i < area; i++)
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(ptr_Snodes[*ptr_decoder++])
* (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights++));

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_s_pattern_dot_forward */

D_Sint P_t_pattern_dot_forward(cur_total, the_weights, t_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int t_node_index;
(see documentation under P_full_dot_forward) This routine is for
pattern connection schemes which have a large target layer connected
to a smaller source layer.
register Sint *ptr_Snodes, *ptr_weights;
register int16 *ptr_decoder;
int i, j, s_size, area;

s_size = the_weights->source_layer->num_nodes;
ptr_Snodes = the_weights->source_layer->node_outputs;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values;
area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder;

for (i = 0; i < s_size; i++) BEGIN
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
if (*ptr_decoder == t_node_index)
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(*ptr_Snodes)
* (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights));

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_t_pattern_dot_forward */

void P_prop_error(ptr_net)
Net *ptr_net;
Similar to P_prop_input, only you propagate backwards. Instead of
propagating outputs, however, you calculate DELTA values which are
a measure of how much error should be propagated back through a
particular node (see Rummelhart paper). Thus, you start with the
'hidden_back' pointer, and move back through the list using 'prev'
pointers (instead of 'next'), calculating deltas as you go. One
other difference here is that you DO NOT have to waste any time
propagating deltas back to layer 0, since by definition it does not
have any incoming weights. That is, since the deltas are only
needed for changing weight values, and since weights are changed
from target to source layers (see Rummelhart paper), there is no
need for delta values in a layer which never acts as a target.
Layer 0 (the input) is such a layer.
register Sint *source_deltas, *source_nodes;
Layer_lst *cur_layer;
Weights_lst *cur_weight;
Sint output, P_calc_delta();
D_Sint sum;
int source_size, j;

cur_layer = ptr_net->hidden_back;
while (cur_layer != NULL) BEGIN
if (cur_layer->value->ID == 0) break; /* dont do for layer 0 */
source_nodes = cur_layer->value->node_outputs;
source_deltas = cur_layer->value->node_deltas;
source_size = cur_layer->value->num_nodes;
for (j = 0; j < source_size; j++) BEGIN
sum = 0;
cur_weight = cur_layer->value->out_weights;
while (cur_weight != NULL) BEGIN
sum = (*cur_weight->value->b_prop) (sum, cur_weight->value, j);
cur_weight = cur_weight->next;
output = *source_nodes++;
*source_deltas++ = P_calc_delta(sum, output);
cur_layer = cur_layer->prev;

END /* P_prop_error */

D_Sint P_full_dot_backward(cur_total, the_weights, s_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int s_node_index;
This routine is almost identical to the '...dot_forward' routines above.
Note that we pass in a second argument, "s_size", to this routine
because of how we must increment the weights pointer to keep it in
sync with the target pointer. That is, every time we increment the
the target pointer by one, we must increment the weights pointer by
SOURCE size (see documentation under 'P_prop_input').
NOTE that we are propagating back from the TARGET layer to the SOURCE
I split this routine into three parts as I did for P_full_dot_forward
above (see above documentation). This first version is for fully
connected schemes.
register Sint *ptr_Tdeltas, *ptr_weights;
register int i, s_size, t_size;

s_size = the_weights->source_layer->num_nodes;
t_size = the_weights->target_layer->num_nodes;
ptr_Tdeltas = the_weights->target_layer->node_deltas;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values + s_node_index;

for (i = 0; i < t_size; i++) BEGIN
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(*ptr_Tdeltas++) * (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights));
ptr_weights += s_size;

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_full_dot_backward */

D_Sint P_s_pattern_dot_backward(cur_total, the_weights, s_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int s_node_index;
(see documentation under P_full_dot_backward and P_full_dot_forward).
This is the back propagation for weights which connect large source
layers to smaller target layers.

register Sint *ptr_Tdeltas, *ptr_weights;
register int16 *ptr_decoder;
int i, j, t_size, area;

t_size = the_weights->target_layer->num_nodes;
ptr_Tdeltas = the_weights->target_layer->node_deltas;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values;
area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder;

for (i = 0; i < t_size; i++) BEGIN
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
if (*ptr_decoder == s_node_index)
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(*ptr_Tdeltas)
* (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights));

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_s_pattern_dot_backward */

D_Sint P_t_pattern_dot_backward(cur_total, the_weights, s_node_index)
D_Sint cur_total;
Weights *the_weights;
int s_node_index;
(see documentation under P_full_dot_backward and P_full_dot_forward).
This is the back propagation for weights which connect large target
layers to smaller source layers.
register Sint *ptr_Tdeltas, *ptr_weights;
register int16 *ptr_decoder;
int i, area;

area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_Tdeltas = the_weights->target_layer->node_deltas;
ptr_weights = the_weights->values + (area * s_node_index);
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder + (area * s_node_index);

for (i = 0; i < area; i++)
cur_total += ((D_Sint)(ptr_Tdeltas[*ptr_decoder++])
* (D_Sint)(*ptr_weights++));

return(cur_total / (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE);

END /* P_t_pattern_dot_backward */

Sint P_calc_delta(error_sum, output)
D_Sint error_sum;
Sint output;
This little routine computes the DELTA value for the node, given two
inputs: an error sum (or just an error difference for the output
nodes), and an output value for the node. The formula for computing
the delta value is: [ error_sum * output * (1 - output) ]. This
would be no hard computation, except for the fact that we have a
special SCALED representation for our incoming arguments, namely the
'Sint' type. Thus, we cannot just use the '1' in the above formula
since that number is in decimal, not in Sint form. Also, because
our scaled integers are all multiplied by a common factor, every
we multiply two Sints together, we get a result which has that
that common factor TO A POWER OF TWO! For example, the Sint = 1 is
1024 (also called SINT_SCALE). If we multiply it by itself, we
will get 1,048,576; however, the corresponding decimal product would
be 1 * 1 = 1, or 1024 in Sint!!! Thus, we must always divide each
multiplication of a Sint by 1024 so that our result is correct.
Note that this routine makes use of the D_Sint type, which is just
a Sint which is twice as big in the machine. The reason for this is
that multiplication of two Sints could lead to a result which is
larger than a Sint type can hold; by using the D_Sint we ensure that
no intermediate results will be out of range.
Note also that the error_sum argument comes in as a D_Sint, not a
Sint. In the routine above, a type conversion has to be made for
the types to match. Doesn't that seem odd? Actually, the answer for
why this is done does not become apparent until you understand the
P_prop_error routine below. It turns out that the general case of
calculating a delta for a given node will involve an error_sum of
all the error effects from target layers. This sum involves a
product of two Sints and as such must be stored in a D_Sint if we
want to avoid overflows during the multiplication. Thus, this
routine expects that the error_sum will come in as a D_Sint, thus
the code above must make a type conversion to remain compatible.
D_Sint temp;

temp = (error_sum * (D_Sint)output) / SINT_SCALE;
temp = (temp * (D_Sint)(SINT_SCALE - output)) / SINT_SCALE;
return((Sint) temp);
return( (Sint)(error_sum * output * (1.0 - output)) );

END /* P_calc_delta */

void P_full_update_wts(source, target, the_weights)
Layer *source, *target;
Weights *the_weights;
This code follows the same rules for steping through a set of weights
that both the 'dot_forward' and 'dot_backward' routines had to
follow. Because the weights are stored by source size (column
major) each increment of source number increments the weights by one
and each increment of target number increments the weights by the
source size (see P_prop_inputs doc.). Thus, in order to step through
the weights one at a time and keep the source and target pointers
in sync, I put the target incrementation as the OUTTER loop and the
source incrementation as the INNER loop, for the CONNECT_ALL case. I
can use the same trick in the PATTERNED connection case, and it will
always refer to the layer with the fewer number of nodes. In this case,
I have two loops, one for the size of the smaller layer and an inner one
for the size of the map_area. Each time the second loop is completed we
move on to the next element of the smaller layer, and the appropriate
pointer is incremented.
Once the correct weight, target delta, and source output are located
the code does the weight change calculation shown in Rummelhart.
Note once again that because of our Sint format, any products of
two Sint values must be divided by SINT_SCALE (see 'P_full_dot_forward'
A change was made here on 3-16-89 to calculate the learning rate
dynamically for each IO pair (see T_change_weights and T_setup_errors).
Like P_full_dot_forward and P_full_dot_backward, this routine was split
into three different functions, one for each type of connection scheme.
This first version handles weight updates for fully connected weight
schemes only.
register Sint *source_nodes, *save_source, *target_deltas;
D_Sint temp, temp2, learn, momentum;
int s_size, i, j;
Sint *wt_values, *wt_deltas, new_delta;
D_Sint scale;

scale = (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE;
source_nodes = source->node_outputs;
save_source = source_nodes;
s_size = source->num_nodes;
target_deltas = target->node_deltas;
wt_values = the_weights->values;
wt_deltas = the_weights->prev_deltaW;
learn = target->cur_learn;
momentum = (D_Sint)C_float_to_Sint(target->momentum);

for (i = 0; i < target->num_nodes; i++) BEGIN
source_nodes = save_source;
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*target_deltas++)) / scale;
for (j = 0; j < s_size; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = (temp * (D_Sint)(*source_nodes++)) / scale;
temp2 = temp2 + ((momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas)) / scale);
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*target_deltas++));
for (j = 0; j < s_size; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = temp * (D_Sint)(*source_nodes++);
temp2 = temp2 + (momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas));
new_delta = (Sint)temp2;
*(wt_deltas++) = new_delta;
*(wt_values++) += new_delta;

END /* P_full_update_wts */

void P_s_pattern_update_wts(source, target, the_weights)
Layer *source, *target;
Weights *the_weights;
(see documentation for P_full_update_wts and P_full_dot_backward).
This routine updates the weights for patterned connection schemes
where the source layer is larger than the target layer.
register Sint *source_nodes, *target_deltas;
D_Sint temp, temp2, learn, momentum;
int i, j, area;
Sint *wt_values, *wt_deltas, new_delta;
int16 *ptr_decoder;
D_Sint scale;

scale = (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE;
source_nodes = source->node_outputs;
target_deltas = target->node_deltas;
wt_values = the_weights->values;
wt_deltas = the_weights->prev_deltaW;
learn = target->cur_learn;
momentum = (D_Sint)C_float_to_Sint(target->momentum);
area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder;

for (i = 0; i < target->num_nodes; i++) BEGIN
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*target_deltas++)) / scale;
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = (temp * (D_Sint)(source_nodes[*ptr_decoder++])) / scale;
temp2 = temp2 + ((momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas)) / scale);
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*target_deltas++));
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = temp * (D_Sint)(source_nodes[*ptr_decoder++]);
temp2 = temp2 + (momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas));
new_delta = (Sint)temp2;
*(wt_deltas++) = new_delta;
*(wt_values++) += new_delta;

END /* P_s_pattern_update_wts */

void P_t_pattern_update_wts(source, target, the_weights)
Layer *source, *target;
Weights *the_weights;
(see documentation for P_full_update_wts and P_full_dot_backward).
This routine updates the weights for patterned connection schemes
where the target layer is larger than the source layer.
register Sint *source_nodes, *target_deltas;
D_Sint temp, temp2, learn, momentum;
int i, j, area;
Sint *wt_values, *wt_deltas, new_delta;
int16 *ptr_decoder;
D_Sint scale;

scale = (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE;
source_nodes = source->node_outputs;
target_deltas = target->node_deltas;
wt_values = the_weights->values;
wt_deltas = the_weights->prev_deltaW;
learn = target->cur_learn;
momentum = (D_Sint)C_float_to_Sint(target->momentum);
area = the_weights->map_area;
ptr_decoder = the_weights->decoder;

for (i = 0; i < source->num_nodes; i++) BEGIN
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*source_nodes++)) / scale;
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = (temp * (D_Sint)(target_deltas[*ptr_decoder++])) / scale;
temp2 = temp2 + ((momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas)) / scale);
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*source_nodes++));
for (j = 0; j < area; j++) BEGIN
temp2 = temp * (D_Sint)(target_deltas[*ptr_decoder++]);
temp2 = temp2 + (momentum * (D_Sint)(*wt_deltas));
new_delta = (Sint)temp2;
*(wt_deltas++) = new_delta;
*(wt_values++) += new_delta;

END /* P_t_pattern_update_wts */

void P_change_biases(ptr_layers)
Layer_lst *ptr_layers;
The goal of this routine is the updating of the node bias values,
similar to the way in which weights are changed. Two new values are
determined for each node of the network (1) a new bias value (2) the
amount by which to change the bias value. In fact, as with the weights
the delta bias (deltaB) is determined based on

dBias = learn_rate * delta_of_output_node * output_of_input_node

In the bias case, the last element of the product is always = 1.0, so
it can be dropped out of the calculation. The routine is called after
all delta values have been computed, thus we only need move through
the layers in consecutive order making the changes as we go.
register Sint *cur_bias, *cur_dB, *cur_delta;
Layer *cur_layer;
int i;
D_Sint temp, learn, momentum;
Sint new_delta;
D_Sint scale;

/* get scale factor */
scale = (D_Sint)SINT_SCALE;

while (ptr_layers != NULL) BEGIN
/* access the current layer */
cur_layer = ptr_layers->value;

/* get the learning rate and momentum */
learn = cur_layer->cur_learn;
momentum = (D_Sint)C_float_to_Sint(cur_layer->momentum);

/* get pointers to bias and */
/* previous deltaB arrays */
cur_bias = cur_layer->node_bias;
cur_delta = cur_layer->node_deltas;
cur_dB = cur_layer->prev_deltaB;

/* loop to update both the biases */
/* and the prev_deltaB values */
for (i = 0; i < cur_layer->num_nodes; i++) BEGIN
temp = (learn * (D_Sint)(*cur_delta++)) / scale;
new_delta =
(Sint)(temp + ((momentum * (D_Sint)(*cur_dB)) / scale));
temp = learn * (D_Sint)(*cur_delta++);
new_delta =
(Sint)(temp + (momentum * (D_Sint)(*cur_dB)));
*cur_dB++ = new_delta;
*cur_bias++ += new_delta;

/* go on to next layer */
ptr_layers = ptr_layers->next;

END /* P_change_biases */

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : NETS_1.ZIP
Filename : PROP.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: