Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EUPHOR10.ZIP
Filename : GET.E

Output of file : GET.E contained in archive : EUPHOR10.ZIP
-- read a Euphoria object from an input stream --
-- get(filenumber) returns {error_status, input_value} --

-- error status values returned:
global constant GET_SUCCESS = 0,
GET_EOF = -1,

constant UNDEFINED_CHAR = -2

type positive_int(integer x)
return x >= 0
end type

type char(integer x)
return x >= UNDEFINED_CHAR and x <= 255
end type

positive_int input_file

char ungot_char
ungot_char = UNDEFINED_CHAR

function get_char()
-- read next logical char in input stream
char temp

if ungot_char = UNDEFINED_CHAR then
return getc(input_file)
temp = ungot_char
ungot_char = UNDEFINED_CHAR
return temp
end if
end function

procedure unget_char(char c)
-- "unget" a character - push it back on the input stream
ungot_char = c
end procedure

procedure skip_blanks()
-- skip white space
char c

while 1 do
c = get_char()
if not find(c, " \t\n") then
end if
end while
end procedure

constant ESCAPE_CHARS = "nt'\"\\r",
ESCAPED_CHARS = "\n\t'\"\\\r"

function escape_char(char c)
-- return escape character
positive_int i

i = find(c, ESCAPE_CHARS)
if i = 0 then
return GET_FAIL
end if
end function

function get_qchar()
-- get a single quoted character

char c

c = get_char()
if c = '\\' then
c = escape_char(get_char())
if c = GET_FAIL then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
end if
end if
if get_char() != '\'' then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
return {GET_SUCCESS, c}
end if
end function

function get_string()
sequence text
char c

text = ""
while 1 do
c = get_char()
if c = GET_EOF or c = '\n' then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
end if
if c = '"' then
c = get_char()
if c != '"' then
end if
elsif c = '\\' then
c = escape_char(get_char())
if c = GET_FAIL then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
end if
end if
text = text & c
end while
return {GET_SUCCESS, text}
end function

type plus_or_minus(integer x)
return x = -1 or x = +1
end type

function get_number()
-- read a number
char c
plus_or_minus sign, e_sign
positive_int ndigits
atom mantissa, dec, e_mag, exponent

sign = +1
mantissa = 0
e_sign = +1
e_mag = 0
ndigits = 0

c = get_char()

-- process sign
if c = '-' then
sign = -1
elsif c != '+' then
end if

-- get mantissa
c = get_char()
while find(c, "0123456789") do
ndigits = ndigits + 1
mantissa = mantissa * 10 + (c - '0')
c = get_char()
end while
if c = '.' then
-- get fraction
c = get_char()
dec = 10
while find(c, "0123456789") do
ndigits = ndigits + 1
mantissa = mantissa + (c - '0') / dec
dec = dec * 10
c = get_char()
end while
end if
if ndigits = 0 then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
end if
if c = 'e' or c = 'E' then
-- get exponent sign
c = get_char()
if c = '-' then
e_sign = -1
elsif c != '+' then
end if
-- get exponent magnitude
c = get_char()
if find(c, "0123456789") then
e_mag = c - '0'
c = get_char()
if find(c, "0123456789") then
e_mag = e_mag * 10 + c - '0'
end if
return {GET_FAIL, 0} -- no exponent
end if
end if
exponent = 1
if e_sign >= 0 then
for i = 1 to e_mag do
exponent = exponent * 10
end for
for i = 1 to e_mag do
exponent = exponent * 0.1
end for
end if
return {GET_SUCCESS, sign * mantissa * exponent}
end function

function Get()
-- read a Euphoria data object as a string of characters
-- and return {error_flag, value}
char c
sequence s, e

c = get_char()

if find(c, "-+.0123456789") then
return get_number()

elsif c = '{' then
-- process a sequence
s = {}
while 1 do
c = get_char()
if c = '}' then
return {GET_SUCCESS, s}
end if
e = Get()
if e[1] != GET_SUCCESS then
return e
end if
s = append(s, e[2])
c = get_char()
if c = '}' then
return {GET_SUCCESS, s}
elsif c != ',' then
return {GET_FAIL, 0}
end if
end while

elsif c = '\"' then
return get_string()

elsif c = '\'' then
return get_qchar()

elsif c = -1 then
return {GET_EOF, 0}

return {GET_FAIL, 0}

end if
end function

global function get(positive_int file_no)
-- main routine, sets input_file
input_file = file_no
return Get()
end function

  3 Responses to “Category : Miscellaneous Language Source Code
Archive   : EUPHOR10.ZIP
Filename : GET.E

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: