Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL10N14.ZIP
Filename : TRYVECS.CPP

Output of file : TRYVECS.CPP contained in archive : VOL10N14.ZIP
// TRYVECS.CPP - Try Overloaded + Operator for Vector Data Type
// Compile with Borland C++ 2.0
// Copyright (C) 1991 Ziff Davis Communications
// PC Magazine * Ray Duncan April 1991

// Note: all directions for input and output are in degrees,
// but calculations are carried out internally in radians.


const double pi = 3.141592654; // constant Pi

// local function prototypes
double deg2rad(double); // convert degrees to radians
double rad2deg(double); // convert radians to degrees

struct VECTOR { // vector data type
double magnitude;
double direction; } ;

VECTOR operator + (VECTOR A, VECTOR B); // vector operator prototype

VECTOR A, B, C; // instantiate 3 vectors

cout << "\nAdd two vectors.";
cout << "\nNote: directions are entered in degrees!\n\n";

cout << "Enter Vector A magnitude: "; // prompt for Vector A
cin >> A.magnitude;
cout << "Enter Vector A direction: ";
cin >> A.direction;

cout << "Enter Vector B magnitude: "; // prompt for Vector B
cin >> B.magnitude;
cout << "Enter Vector B direction: ";
cin >> B.direction;

A.direction = deg2rad(A.direction); // convert degrees to radians
B.direction = deg2rad(B.direction);

C = A + B; // add the vectors

C.direction = rad2deg(C.direction); // radians to degrees

cout << "\nVector result: " // display the result
<< " magnitude = " << C.magnitude
<< " direction = " << C.direction << "\n" ;

VECTOR operator + (VECTOR A, VECTOR B) // vector addition operator
VECTOR temp; // scratch storage
double angle; // scratch storage

angle = B.direction - A.direction; // find angle between vectors

if (angle == pi) // special handling to avoid
{ // overflow for angle=180
temp.magnitude = fabs(A.magnitude - B.magnitude);
temp.direction = A.magnitude>B.magnitude ? A.direction : B.direction;
return temp;

if ((A.magnitude == 0) && (B.magnitude == 0))
temp.magnitude = 0; // special handling to avoid
temp.direction = 0; // divide by zero if both
return temp; // magnitudes = 0

temp.magnitude = sqrt( // find magnitude of result
(A.magnitude * A.magnitude) +
(B.magnitude * B.magnitude) +
(2 * A.magnitude * B.magnitude * cos(angle)));

temp.direction = A.direction + // find direction of result
asin(((B.magnitude * sin(angle))/temp.magnitude));

return temp; // return resultant vector

double deg2rad(double degrees) // convert degrees to radians
return ((degrees * 2 * pi)/360);

double rad2deg(double radians) // convert radians to degrees
return ((radians * 360)/(2 * pi));

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : VOL10N14.ZIP
Filename : TRYVECS.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: