Dec 172017
Files from PC Techniques Apr/May 1991.
File PTV2N1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Files from PC Techniques Apr/May 1991.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADDABOUT.TXT 344 221 deflated
BASEOBJ.PAS 998 356 deflated
BLINKTST.PAS 839 420 deflated
DEC2HEX.PAS 623 348 deflated
DEMOSIDE.ASC 1003 495 deflated
FILE.HPP 554 309 deflated
FILESIDE.ASC 2407 1117 deflated
FIND_TSR.C 896 396 deflated
GENERIC.PAS 2490 885 deflated
GETMCB1.C 128 96 deflated
HAXBP.ASM 1513 651 deflated
HELLO1.PAS 147 119 deflated
HELLO2.PAS 923 349 deflated
HEX2DEC.PAS 766 376 deflated
L1.C 866 418 deflated
L2.C 978 428 deflated
L3.C 1447 527 deflated
L4.C 1163 459 deflated
L5.ASM 2722 869 deflated
PATCH.PAS 1031 381 deflated
PCTV2N1.ZIP 36844 33564 deflated
PREFERS.ASM 15354 3639 deflated
READ.ME 2908 1507 deflated
STACKS.PAS 2271 652 deflated
SYSCOM.TXT 784 364 deflated
SYSCOM2.TXT 935 425 deflated
TEST.BAS 330 215 deflated
TEST.PAS 1165 466 deflated
TYPEDEM2.CPP 5910 1723 deflated
TYPEDEMO.CPP 5307 1808 deflated
TYPES.CPP 2334 834 deflated
TYPES.H 1554 497 deflated
TYPESALL.CPP 4944 1232 deflated
TYPESALL.H 2303 461 deflated
VALSUB.ASM 4159 1457 deflated
WATCH.PAS 14385 3248 deflated
WATCHER.PAS 1351 594 deflated
WC.PAS 1969 781 deflated

Download File PTV2N1.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

To all our programmer friends:

These are the listings from the April/May 1991 issue of
PC TECHNIQUES, Volume 2, #1.

We place *no* restrictions on the distribution or use of the source code
published in the magazine. Please add it to your user group library or
BBS file archives. Pass it along to your friends. Make sure that anyone
who might conceivably find the code useful will get it.

This archive contains some extra files associated with the
"Typing Your Data" article on page 40 of the magazine. There are also two
short text files describing these additional files and how to use them:
FILESIDE.ASC and DEMOSIDE.ASC. If we had 160 or 200 pages to work in we
wouldn't have to do things like this; bear with us. We want to give you
as much good example code as we can.


Subscription rates are $21.95 per year (6 issues) in the US; $29.95
per year to Canada (in US funds) and $39.95 overseas, again in US funds
drawn on a US bank. Two year subscriptions are available for $37.95
in the US; $53.95 to Canada, and $73.95 overseas. (A $63.95 rate
previous published for two-year overseas subs is incorrect.) We accept
personal and company checks, money orders, and Visa and Mastercard.
Also note that overseas and Canada subscriptions should be paid for
in US funds drawn on a US bank. Otherwise, currency conversion and
foreign bank collection fees can amount to as much as $20, which
obviously won't work out for a $20 or $30 subscription.

We gladly take phone orders if you have a MasterCard or Visa account.
(602) 483-0192. (We do *not* currently accept AMEX or Discover!)

We are now a source for Michael Abrash's hard-to-find (but legendary!)
book ZEN OF ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. $29.95 plus $2.50 for shipping in the U.S.
are also available, as are several of Keith Weiskamp's books. Phone orders
accepted with charge card.

We want your HAX! You don't have to be a published writer. You just
have to get your concept down as best you can in short form, along with
small amounts of code. Think small! HAX should fit on a single magazine
page. You shouldn't send more than 50 or so lines of code with a HAX, nor
more than 400 or 500 words. We pay $25 for each one we publish.

Finally, let us know what you think. We created PC TECHNIQUES to help you
build your programming skills. Your feedback is always welcome. Write to
us at:

7721 E. Gray Suite 204
Scottsdale AZ 85260
(602) 483-0192

And in the meantime, keep hacking!

--Jeff Duntemann KG7JF
Editor in Chief

 December 17, 2017  Add comments

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