Dec 082017
Programmer's Journal source for issue 7.6- November/December 1989.
File PJ76.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Programmer’s Journal source for issue 7.6- November/December 1989.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALTMON.PAS 16112 4149 deflated
ALTMON.TPU 12672 4216 deflated
ALTTEST.EXE 14896 6935 deflated
ALTTEST.PAS 7376 1850 deflated
ASMCOM.BAT 85 57 deflated
MSDOS.ASM 1006 431 deflated
PANNING.ASM 12944 3605 deflated
PEEPER.ASM 3450 1294 deflated
RANDOM.ASM 1243 624 deflated
README7.6 6638 2456 deflated
SEARCHST.ASM 2956 1117 deflated
SPLITSCN.ASM 10577 3037 deflated
TOMCOM.ASM 5161 2006 deflated
TOMPEEK 167 84 deflated
TOMPEEK.C 1180 617 deflated
UITEM.PAS 994 391 deflated
UKEYS.PAS 878 375 deflated
ULIST.PAS 3674 1029 deflated
USTRITEM.PAS 1791 673 deflated
WINDEV 0 0 stored
ASCII.H 731 248 deflated
AUXPRT.C 1357 674 deflated
AUXPRT.H 241 176 deflated
COMM.DRV 4516 2492 deflated
CSET.TXT 544 355 deflated
LONGSTR.H 75 47 deflated
TTYCLS.C 9417 2893 deflated
TTYCLS.H 970 462 deflated
WINAUX 1101 490 deflated
WINAUX.C 2429 991 deflated
WINAUX.DEF 360 249 deflated
WINAUX.EXE 9536 5224 deflated
WINAUX.H 1507 707 deflated
WINAUX.RC 1301 626 deflated
WINAUXFN.C 3679 1563 deflated
WINAUXNT.C 7491 2461 deflated
WINVUE 1182 507 deflated
WINVUE.C 3451 1328 deflated
WINVUE.DEF 467 298 deflated
WINVUE.EXE 10608 5800 deflated
WINVUE.H 2681 1189 deflated
WINVUE.RC 2045 935 deflated
WINVUEFN.C 8088 2808 deflated
WINVUEMS.C 9159 3094 deflated
WINVUENT.C 5980 2222 deflated
WNTERM 1146 484 deflated
WNTERM.C 5094 1892 deflated
WNTERM.DEF 524 334 deflated
WNTERM.DOC 4142 1912 deflated
WNTERM.EXE 11072 5957 deflated
WNTERM.H 2708 1113 deflated
WNTERM.RC 2454 1030 deflated
WNTFNS.C 3519 1452 deflated
WNTINT.C 11112 3889 deflated
WNTMSC.C 6582 2135 deflated
WPMAUX.DOC 9036 3668 deflated
WINSTACK.C 821 436 deflated
WINSTACK.H 244 179 deflated
WINSTACK.OBJ 528 435 deflated
WINTEST.C 992 453 deflated
WINTEST.EXE 17421 9929 deflated
WINTEST.OBJ 924 625 deflated

Download File PJ76.ZIP Here

Contents of the CSET.TXT file

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P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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