Category : Display Utilities
Archive   : SMODE.ZIP
Filename : SM.ASM

Output of file : SM.ASM contained in archive : SMODE.ZIP


CODE Segment
Assume CS:Code, DS:ABS40

Org 80h
Params db ?

Org 100h
Start: Mov Ax, 40h
Mov Ds, Ax

Mov Bl, 10h
Mov Ah, 12h; Test for VGA/EGA
Int 10h
Cmp Bl, 10h
Je Bad; Neither VGA/EGA

Mov Si, Offset Cs:Params
Lods Cs:Params
Xor Ah, Ah
Mov Bx, Ax
Mov Byte Ptr Cs:[Si+Bx], 0

P_Loop: Lods Cs:Params
Cmp Al, ' '
Je P_Loop
Cmp Al, 0
Je NoArgs
Xor Bx, Bx
Jmp TryNumber

NoArgs: Mov Al, video_rows
Inc Al
Cmp Al, 25
Jne Return_Rows
Xor Al, Al

Return_Rows: Mov Ah, 4Ch
Int 21h

Bad: Mov Al, 0FFh
Jmp Return_Rows

No_Change: Xor Al, Al
Jmp Return_Rows

TryNumber: Sub Al, '0'
Jb Bad
Cmp Al, 9
Ja Bad
Mov Cx, Bx
Shl Cx, 1
Shl Cx, 1
Add Bx, Cx
Shl Bx, 1
Add Bl, Al

MoreDigits: Lods Cs:Params
Cmp Al, 0
Je Check_Which
Cmp Al, ' '
Je Check_Which
Cmp Al, ','
Je Check_Which
Cmp Al, ';'
Je Check_Which
Jmp TryNumber

Check_Which: Cmp Bx, 25
Jbe StdMode
Jmp HiDensityMode

SaveRows db ?
CurPosition dw ?
CurChar dw ?
ScrollCount db ?

StdMode: Mov Al, video_rows
Mov SaveRows, Al

Call Near Ptr GetCurrentChar
Mov CurChar, Ax
Mov CurPosition, Dx

Inc Dh
Cmp Dh, video_rows
Ja NoClear

Mov Cx, Dx
Mov Dh, video_rows
Mov Dl, Byte Ptr crt_cols
Dec Dl
Mov Bx, CurChar
Mov Ax, 0600h
Int 10h

NoClear: Xor Cx, Cx
Mov Dx, CurPosition
Mov Dl, Byte Ptr crt_cols
Dec Dl
Mov Bx, CurChar
Mov Ah, 06h
Mov Al, Dh
Sub Al, 24
Jle NoScroll
Mov ScrollCount, Al
Int 10h
Jmp ChangeTo_Std

NoScroll: Xor Al, Al
Mov ScrollCount, Al

ChangeTo_Std: Mov Ax, 1A00h; Check Vga/Ega
Int 10h
Cmp Al, 1Ah
Jne Ega_8x14

Mov Ax, 1114h; Load 9x16 charset, program controller
Mov Bl, 0
Int 10h

Mov Ax, 1200h; Enable cursor emulation
Mov Bl, 34h
Int 10h
Jmp SetCursor_Std

Ega_8x14: Mov Ax, 1111h; Load 8x14 charset, program controller
Mov Bl, 0
Int 10h
And info, 0FEh

SetCursor_Std: Mov Ah, 1; Set cursor type
Mov Cx, 0707h
Int 10h

Mov Ah, 2; Move cursor
Mov Bh, active_page
Mov Dx, CurPosition
Sub Dh, ScrollCount
Int 10h

Jmp Finish

HiDensityMode: Mov Al, video_rows
Mov SaveRows, Al
Call Near Ptr GetCurrentChar
Mov CurChar, Ax
Mov CurPosition, Dx
Mov Ax, 1112h; Load 8x8 charset; program controller
Mov Bl, 0
Int 10h

Mov Ax, 1200h; Select alternate print screen routine
Mov Bl, 20h
Int 10h

Mov Ax, 1A00h; Check Vga/Ega
Int 10h
Cmp Al, 01Ah
Jne Ega_8x8

Mov Ax, 1201h; Disable cursor emulation
Mov Bl, 34h
Int 10h
Jmp SetCursor_8x8

Ega_8x8: Or info, 1

SetCursor_8x8: Mov Ah, 1; Set cursor type
Mov Cx, 0707h
Int 10h

Mov Ah, 2; Position cursor
Mov Bh, active_page
Mov Dx, CurPosition
Int 10h

Mov Cx, CurPosition
Inc Ch
Cmp Ch, video_rows
Ja NoClearExcess

Xor Cl, Cl
Mov Dh, video_rows
Mov Dl, Byte Ptr crt_cols
Dec Dl
Mov Bx, CurChar
Mov Ax, 0600h
Int 10h

NoClearExcess: Jmp Finish

Finish: Mov Al, SaveRows
Cmp Al, video_rows
Jne Changed
Jmp No_Change

Changed: Mov Al, 1
Jmp Return_Rows

; Returns: Ax - current char & attribute
; Dx - current position

GetCurrentChar Proc Near

Mov Ax, crt_start
Shr Ax, 1
Shr Ax, 1
Shr Ax, 1
Shr Ax, 1
Mov Ah, 0B8h
Mov Es, Ax

Xor Bx, Bx
Mov Bl, active_page
Shl Bx, 1
Mov Dx, cursor_posn[Bx]

Xor Bx, Bx
Mov Bl, Dl
Shl Bx, 1
Mov Al, Byte Ptr crt_cols
Mul Dh
Add Bx, Ax
Mov Ax, Es:[Bx]


GetCurrentChar EndP


End Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Display Utilities
Archive   : SMODE.ZIP
Filename : SM.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: